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Last active April 28, 2022 09:02
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List mods for Factorio v1.1
import os, json, random, string
generateFormFromOSName = bool(1)
printMods = bool(0)
# + thumbnail.png
modpackInfo = {
"name": "example-modpack", # aka ID, no spaces
"title": "Example Modpack",
"author": "Me",
"homepage": "",
"contact": "",
"version": "0.0.1",
"factorio_version": "1.1",
"description": "",
"dependencies": []
def populateModpackData():
global modpackInfo, generateFormFromOSName
if generateFormFromOSName:
rnd = str(''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(10)))
modpackInfo["name"] = os.getlogin().lower() + "-modpack-" + rnd.lower()
modpackInfo["title"] = os.getlogin() + " Modpack (" + rnd + ")"
modpackInfo["author"] = os.getlogin()
def getMods():
modFile = open(os.getenv('APPDATA') + "\\Factorio\\mods\\mod-list.json")
data = json.load(modFile)
mods = {"All": [], "Enabled": [], "Disabled": [],}
for mod in data["mods"]:
if mod["name"] == "base":
mod["name"] = mod["name"] + " >= 1.1"
if mod["enabled"]:
return mods
def writeJson(data):
global modpackInfo
#modpackInfo["dependencies"] = json.dumps(mods["Enabled"], separators=(', '), escape_forward_slashes=False)
modpackInfo["dependencies"] = mods["Enabled"]
#modpackInfo["dependencies"] = "[" + '", "'.join(str(modName) for modName in mods["Enabled"]) + "]"
InfoFileWrite = open(".\\info.json", "wt")
#InfoFileRead = open(".\\info.json")
with open('.\\info.json', 'w') as InfoFile:
json.dump(modpackInfo, InfoFileWrite, indent="\t")
print("New json file is created from info.json file")
# with open(".\\info.json") as r:
# text = ""
# s =
# for each in s:
# text = each.replace('\"', '"')
# with open(".\\info.json", "w") as w:
# w.write(text)
# with open('.\\info.json', 'r') as InfoFile:
# list = InfoFile.readlines()
# print(f'before removal {list}')
# json.dump(modpackInfo, InfoFileWrite, indent="\t")
# InfoFile.replace('\"', '"')
# print("New json file is created from info.json file")
# for line in InfoFileRead:
# line = line.rstrip()
# if '"dependencies": []' in line:
# new_line = line.replace("\t\"dependencies\": []", mods["Enabled"])
# print(new_line, end='')
# InfoFileWrite.write( line.replace('\t\"dependencies\": [],', '\t\"dependencies\": [' + ", ".join(str(modName) for modName in mods["Enabled"]) + '],') )
if __name__ == "__main__":
mods = getMods()
if printMods:
print("All mods (" + str(len(mods["All"])) + "): [" + ", ".join(str(modName) for modName in mods["All"]) + "]\n")
print("Enabled mods (" + str(len(mods["Enabled"])) + "\\" + str(len(mods["All"])) + "): [" + ", ".join(str(x) for x in mods["Enabled"])+ "]\n")
print("Disabled mods (" + str(len(mods["Disabled"])) + "\\" + str(len(mods["All"])) + "): [" + ", ".join(str(x) for x in mods["Disabled"])+ "]\n")
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