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RAM-GUI - minimal OSD showing current ram-load in % || GUI wrapped around
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#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. | |
#SingleInstance,Force | |
#Persistent | |
#NoTrayIcon | |
;#Warn All ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. | |
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. | |
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. | |
SetBatchLines -1 | |
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 | |
;}______________________________________________________________________________________ | |
;{#[Autorun Section] | |
FileGetTime, ModDate,%A_ScriptFullPath%,M | |
FileGetTime, CrtDate,%A_ScriptFullPath%,C | |
CrtDate:=SubStr(CrtDate,7, 2) "." SubStr(CrtDate,5,2) "." SubStr(CrtDate,1,4) | |
ModDate:=SubStr(ModDate,7, 2) "." SubStr(ModDate,5,2) "." SubStr(ModDate,1,4) | |
global script := { base : script | |
,name : regexreplace(A_ScriptName, "\.\w+") | |
,version : "1.6.1" | |
,author : "Gewerd Strauss,jNizM" | |
,authorlink : "" | |
,email : "" | |
,credits : "" | |
,creditslink : "" | |
,crtdate : CrtDate | |
,moddate : ModDate | |
,homepagetext : "" | |
,homepagelink : "" | |
,ghtext : "" | |
,ghlink : "" | |
,doctext : "" | |
,doclink : "" | |
,forumtext : "" | |
,forumlink : "" | |
,donateLink : "" | |
,resfolder : A_ScriptDir "\res" | |
,iconfile : A_ScriptDir "\res\sct.ico" | |
,configfile : A_ScriptDir "\INI-Files\" regexreplace(A_ScriptName, "\.\w+") ".ini" | |
,configfolder : A_ScriptDir "\INI-Files"} | |
oMemState := fAddConvertedSizes(GlobalMemoryStatusEx()) | |
ReloadCount:=0 | |
SysGet, MWA, MonitorWorkArea | |
global DefaultX:=A_ScreenWidth - 130 | |
, global DefaultY:=MWABottom-18 ; might have to be adjusted depending on resolution. | |
, myString:=0 | |
, cBackground := "c" . "1d1f21" | |
, cCurrentLine := "c" . "282a2e" | |
, cSelection := "c" . "373b41" | |
, cForeground := "c" . "c5c8c6" | |
, cComment := "c" . "969896" | |
, cRed := "c" . "cc6666" | |
, cOrange := "c" . "de935f" | |
, cYellow := "c" . "f0c674" | |
, cGreen := "c" . "b5bd68" | |
, cAqua := "c" . "8abeb7" | |
, cBlue := "c" . "81a2be" | |
, cPurple := "c" . "b294bb" | |
gui, STRG: new | |
Gui, Margin, 0,0 | |
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -SysMenu -Caption +Border +HwndHwndSTRG | |
Gui, Color, 101010, 373b41, | |
Gui, Font, s9 cYellow, Segoe UI | |
Gui, Add, Text, x3 w55 h30 HwndMyText gMyText, RAM: %myString% `% | |
Gui,+LastFound | |
Gui,Show, X%DefaultX% Y%DefaultY% h16 w60 Noactivate,RAMOverview | |
AddToolTip(MyText,"RAM free: " d:=substr(oMemState[10,"GB_AvailPhys"],1,5) "GB`nRAM used:" substr(oMemState[10,"GB_TotalPhys"]-oMemState[10,"GB_AvailPhys"],1,5) "GB") | |
global Hwnd:=HwndSTRG | |
OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN") | |
OnMessage(0x0200,"WM_MouseMove") | |
Settimer, lUpdateRAMUsage, 5000 | |
Settimer, fMoveGui, 500 ;; update GUI height | |
TimeStart:=A_Hour ":" A_Min | |
return | |
;}______________________________________________________________________________________ | |
;{#[Hotkeys Section] | |
^0:: ; free unused, but not freed RAM | |
APBefore := fAddConvertedSizes(GlobalMemoryStatusEx()) | |
FreeMemory() | |
APAfter := fAddConvertedSizes(GlobalMemoryStatusEx()) | |
tooltip, % ((round(APAfter[10].MB_AvailPhys,3) - round(APBefore[10].MB_AvailPhys,3)) " MB freed") | |
Settimer, RemoveToolTip, -4000 | |
return | |
;}______________________________________________________________________________________ | |
;{#[Label Section] | |
lUpdateRAMUsage: | |
oMemState := fAddConvertedSizes(GlobalMemoryStatusEx()) | |
AddToolTip(MyText,"RAM free: " d:=substr(oMemState[10,"GB_AvailPhys"],1,5) "GB`nRAM used:" substr(oMemState[10,"GB_TotalPhys"]-oMemState[10,"GB_AvailPhys"],1,5) "GB") | |
; MsgBox, % "GlobalMemoryStatusEx function`n" | |
; . "MEMORYSTATUSEX structure`n`n" | |
; . "Lenght:`t`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[1] "`n`n" | |
; . "MemoryLoad:`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[2] " %`n`n" | |
; . "TotalPhys:`t`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[3] " bytes`n" | |
; . "AvailPhys:`t`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[4] " bytes`n`n" | |
; . "TotalPageFile:`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[5] " bytes`n" | |
; . "AvailPageFile:`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[6] " bytes`n`n" | |
; . "TotalVirtual:`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[7] " bytes`n" | |
; . "AvailVirtual:`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[8] " bytes`n`n" | |
; . "AvailExtendedVirtual:`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[9] | |
mystring:="RAM: " oMemState.2 "%" | |
GuiControl,, %MyText%, %myString% | |
fMoveGui() | |
if (ReloadCount++)>300 | |
reload | |
return | |
fmoveGUI() | |
{ | |
if !fullscreen() | |
WinMove, % "ahk_id " Hwnd ,,% DefaultX,DefaultY | |
Else | |
{ | |
WinGetClass, cClass,A | |
if (cClass="WorkerW") | |
WinMove, % "ahk_id " Hwnd ,,% DefaultX,% DefaultY | |
else | |
WinMove, % "ahk_id " Hwnd ,,% DefaultX,% A_ScreenHeight-18 | |
} | |
} | |
fullscreen() { | |
WinGetPos,,, w, h, A | |
return (w = A_ScreenWidth && h = A_ScreenHeight) | |
} | |
WM_MouseMove(wParam,lParam,msg,hwnd) | |
{ | |
global mXo, mYo, mX,mY | |
if GetKeyState("LControl") | |
return | |
MouseGetPos, mX, mY | |
gui, hide | |
MouseGetPos, mX2,mY2 | |
while (mX2==mX) && (mY2==mY) | |
MouseGetPos, mX2,mY2 | |
Settimer, lCheckHover, -200 | |
mXo:=mX, mYo:=mY | |
return | |
lCheckHover: | |
MouseGetPos, cX, cY | |
while ((cX-mXo)>300) && ((cY-mYo)>300) | |
sleep, 400 | |
gui, STRG: show, NoActivate | |
return | |
} | |
RemoveToolTip: | |
Tooltip, | |
MyText: | |
SendMessage, 0xA1,2 | |
return | |
;}______________________________________________________________________________________ | |
;{#[Functions Section] | |
;================================= | |
; Extension for GlobalMemoryStatusEx by Gewerd S. to display different sizes | |
fAddConvertedSizes(oMemState) | |
{ | |
oMemState[10]:=[] | |
Arr:={ KB_TotalPhys : oMemState.3 / 1000 | |
,KB_AvailPhys : oMemState.4 / 1000 | |
,MB_TotalPhys : oMemState.3 / 1000000 | |
,MB_AvailPhys : oMemState.4 / 1000000 | |
,GB_TotalPhys : oMemState.3 / 1000000000 | |
,GB_AvailPhys : oMemState.4 / 1000000000 } | |
oMemState[10]:=Arr | |
return oMemState | |
} | |
; End Extension | |
;================================= | |
;=========================================================== | |
;=========================================================== | |
;=========================================================== | |
;=========================================================== | |
; =============================================================================================================================== | |
; Function......: GlobalMemoryStatusEx | |
; DLL...........: Kernel32.dll | |
; Library.......: Kernel32.lib | |
; U/ANSI........: | |
; Author........: jNizM | |
; Modified......: | |
; Links.........: | |
; | |
; =============================================================================================================================== | |
GlobalMemoryStatusEx() | |
{ | |
static MEMORYSTATUSEX, init := VarSetCapacity(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 64, 0) && NumPut(64, MEMORYSTATUSEX, "UInt") | |
if !(DllCall("kernel32.dll\GlobalMemoryStatusEx", "Ptr", &MEMORYSTATUSEX)) | |
return DllCall("kernel32.dll\GetLastError") | |
return { 1 : NumGet(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 0, "UInt"), 2 : NumGet(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 4, "UInt") | |
, 3 : NumGet(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 8, "UInt64"), 4 : NumGet(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 16, "UInt64") | |
, 5 : NumGet(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 24, "UInt64"), 6 : NumGet(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 32, "UInt64") | |
, 7 : NumGet(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 40, "UInt64"), 8 : NumGet(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 48, "UInt64") | |
, 9 : NumGet(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 56, "UInt64") } | |
} | |
; =============================================================================================================================== | |
; GlobalMemoryStatusEx := GlobalMemoryStatusEx() | |
; MsgBox, % "GlobalMemoryStatusEx function`n" | |
; . "MEMORYSTATUSEX structure`n`n" | |
; . "Lenght:`t`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[1] "`n`n" | |
; . "MemoryLoad:`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[2] " %`n`n" | |
; . "TotalPhys:`t`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[3] " bytes`n" | |
; . "AvailPhys:`t`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[4] " bytes`n`n" | |
; . "TotalPageFile:`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[5] " bytes`n" | |
; . "AvailPageFile:`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[6] " bytes`n`n" | |
; . "TotalVirtual:`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[7] " bytes`n" | |
; . "AvailVirtual:`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[8] " bytes`n`n" | |
; . "AvailExtendedVirtual:`t`t" GlobalMemoryStatusEx[9] | |
; return | |
; lUpdateRAM: | |
; GlobalMNenoryStatusEx:=GlobalMemoryStatusEx() | |
; return | |
/* C++ ========================================================================================================================== | |
BOOL WINAPI GlobalMemoryStatusEx( // UInt | |
_Inout_ LPMEMORYSTATUSEX lpBuffer // Ptr (64) | |
); | |
typedef struct _MEMORYSTATUSEX { | |
DWORD dwLength; // UInt 4 => 0 | |
DWORD dwMemoryLoad; // UInt 4 => 4 | |
DWORDLONG ullTotalPhys; // UInt64 8 => 8 | |
DWORDLONG ullAvailPhys; // UInt64 8 => 16 | |
DWORDLONG ullTotalPageFile; // UInt64 8 => 24 | |
DWORDLONG ullAvailPageFile; // UInt64 8 => 32 | |
DWORDLONG ullTotalVirtual; // UInt64 8 => 40 | |
DWORDLONG ullAvailVirtual; // UInt64 8 => 48 | |
DWORDLONG ullAvailExtendedVirtual; // UInt64 8 => 56 | |
============================================================================================================================== */ | |
*/ | |
; | |
; licensed under the Unlicense. | |
;=========================================================== | |
; Free Memory | |
;=========================================================== | |
GSMEx := GlobalMemoryStatusEx() | |
GuiControl,, EdtTotalPhys, % GetNumberFormat((TP := GSMEx.TotalPhys) / 1048576) " MB" | |
GuiControl,, EdtAvailPhys, % GetNumberFormat((AP := GSMEx.AvailPhys) / 1048576) " MB" | |
GuiControl,, EdtFreePhys, % GetNumberFormat((TP - AP) / 1048576) " MB" | |
GuiControl,, PrgMemLoad, % ML := GSMEx.MemoryLoad | |
GuiControl,, EdtMemLoad, % ML " %" | |
DllCall("user32\SetWindowText", "ptr", hMainGUI, "str", "Mem: " ML " %") | |
if (TaskbarProgressEnabled) { | |
if (TaskbarProgressColored) | |
SetTaskbarProgress(hMainGUI, ML, (ML > 84) ? 4 : (ML > 74) ? 8 : 2) | |
else | |
SetTaskbarProgress(hMainGUI, ML) | |
} | |
return | |
APBefore := GlobalMemoryStatusEx().AvailPhys | |
FreeMemory() | |
APAfter := GlobalMemoryStatusEx().AvailPhys | |
GuiControl,, EdtFreeMem, % GetNumberFormat((APAfter - APBefore) / 1048576) " MB" | |
return | |
; FUNCTIONS ===================================================================================================================== | |
CtlColorBtns() | |
{ | |
static init := OnMessage(0x0135, "CtlColorBtns") | |
return DllCall("gdi32\CreateSolidBrush", "uint", 0xFFFFFF, "uptr") | |
} | |
FreeMemory() | |
{ | |
for objItem in ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process") { | |
try { | |
hProcess := DllCall("OpenProcess", "uint", 0x001F0FFF, "int", 0, "uint", objItem.ProcessID, "ptr") | |
DllCall("SetProcessWorkingSetSize", "ptr", hProcess, "uptr", -1, "uptr", -1) | |
DllCall("psapi.dll\EmptyWorkingSet", "ptr", hProcess) | |
DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", hProcess) | |
} | |
} | |
return, DllCall("psapi.dll\EmptyWorkingSet", "ptr", -1) | |
} | |
GetNumberFormat(VarIn, locale := 0x0400) ; | |
{ | |
if !(size := DllCall("GetNumberFormat", "UInt", locale, "UInt", 0, "Ptr", &VarIn, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Int", 0)) | |
throw Exception("GetNumberFormat", -1) | |
VarSetCapacity(buf, size * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), 0) | |
if !(DllCall("GetNumberFormat", "UInt", locale, "UInt", 0, "Ptr", &VarIn, "Ptr", 0, "Str", buf, "Int", size)) | |
throw Exception("GetNumberFormat", -1) | |
return buf | |
} | |
SetTaskbarProgress(handle, value := 0, state := 0) ; | |
{ | |
static ITaskbarList3 := "" | |
if !(ITaskbarList3) | |
try ITaskbarList3 := ComObjCreate("{56FDF344-FD6D-11D0-958A-006097C9A090}", "{EA1AFB91-9E28-4B86-90E9-9E9F8A5EEFAF}") | |
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(ITaskbarList3 + 0) + 10 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", ITaskbarList3, "ptr", handle, "int", state) | |
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(ITaskbarList3 + 0) + 9 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", ITaskbarList3, "ptr", handle, "int64", value, "int64", 100) | |
return (ITaskbarList3 ? 0 : 1) | |
} | |
; Stuff unrelated to GlobalMemoryStatusEx() | |
;=========================== | |
AddToolTip(_CtrlHwnd, _TipText, _Modify = 0) ;-- very easy to use function to add a tooltip to a control | |
{ ; AddToolTip | retrieved from AHK-Rare Repository, original by jballi: | |
; retrieved from AHK-Rare Repository, original by jballi: | |
Adds Multi-line ToolTips to any Gui Control | |
AHK basic, AHK ANSI, Unicode x86/x64 compatible | |
Thanks Superfraggle & Art: | |
Heavily modified by Rseding91 3/4/2014: | |
Version: 1.0 | |
* Fixed 64 bit support | |
* Fixed multiple GUI support | |
* Changed the _Modify parameter | |
* blank/0/false: Create/update the tool tip. | |
* -1: Delete the tool tip. | |
* any other value: Update an existing tool tip - same as blank/0/false | |
but skips unnecessary work if the tool tip already | |
exists - silently fails if it doesn't exist. | |
* Added clean-up methods: | |
* AddToolTip(YourGuiHwnd, "Destroy", -1): Cleans up and erases the cached tool tip data created | |
for that GUI. Meant to be used in conjunction with | |
GUI, Destroy. | |
* AddToolTip(YourGuiHwnd, "Remove All", -1): Removes all tool tips from every control in the GUI. | |
Has the same effect as "Destroy" but first removes | |
every tool tip from every control. This is only used | |
when you want to remove every tool tip but not destroy | |
the entire GUI afterwords. | |
* NOTE: Neither of the above are required if | |
your script is closing. | |
- 'Text' and 'Picture' Controls requires a g-label to be defined. | |
- 'ComboBox' = Drop-Down button + Edit (Get hWnd of the 'Edit' control using "ControlGet" command). | |
- 'ListView' = ListView + Header (Get hWnd of the 'Header' control using "ControlGet" command). | |
*/ | |
Static TTHwnds, GuiHwnds, Ptr | |
, LastGuiHwnd | |
, LastTTHwnd | |
, TTM_DELTOOLA := 1029 | |
, TTM_DELTOOLW := 1075 | |
, TTM_ADDTOOLA := 1028 | |
, TTM_ADDTOOLW := 1074 | |
, WS_POPUP := 0x80000000 | |
, CW_USEDEFAULT := 0x80000000 | |
Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt" | |
/* NOTE | |
This is used to remove all tool tips from a given GUI and to clean up references used | |
This can be used if you want to remove every tool tip but not destroy the GUI | |
When a GUI is destroyed all Windows tool tip related data is cleaned up. | |
The cached Hwnd's in this function will be removed automatically if the caching code | |
ever matches them to a new GUI that doesn't actually own the Hwnd's. | |
It's still possible that a new GUI could have the same Hwnd as a previously destroyed GUI | |
If such an event occurred I have no idea what would happen. Either the tool tip | |
To avoid that issue, do either of the following: | |
* Don't destroy a GUI once created | |
NOTE: You do not need to do the above if you're exiting the script Windows will clean up | |
all tool tip related data and the cached Hwnd's in this function are lost when the script | |
exits anyway.AtEOF | |
*/ | |
If (_TipText = "Destroy" Or _TipText = "Remove All" And _Modify = -1) | |
{ | |
; Check if the GuiHwnd exists in the cache list of GuiHwnds | |
; If it doesn't exist, no tool tips can exist for the GUI. | |
; | |
; If it does exist, find the cached TTHwnd for removal. | |
Loop, Parse, GuiHwnds, | | |
If (A_LoopField = _CtrlHwnd) | |
{ | |
TTHwnd := A_Index | |
, TTExists := True | |
Loop, Parse, TTHwnds, | | |
If (A_Index = TTHwnd) | |
TTHwnd := A_LoopField | |
} | |
If (TTExists) | |
{ | |
If (_TipText = "Remove All") | |
{ | |
WinGet, ChildHwnds, ControlListHwnd, ahk_id %_CtrlHwnd% | |
Loop, Parse, ChildHwnds, `n | |
AddToolTip(A_LoopField, "", _Modify) ;Deletes the individual tooltip for a given control if it has one | |
DllCall("DestroyWindow", Ptr, TTHwnd) | |
} | |
GuiHwnd := _CtrlHwnd | |
; This sub removes 'GuiHwnd' and 'TTHwnd' from the cached list of Hwnds | |
GoSub, RemoveCachedHwnd | |
} | |
Return | |
} | |
If (!GuiHwnd := DllCall("GetParent", Ptr, _CtrlHwnd, Ptr)) | |
Return "Invalid control Hwnd: """ _CtrlHwnd """. No parent GUI Hwnd found for control." | |
; If this GUI is the same one as the potential previous one | |
; else look through the list of previous GUIs this function | |
; has operated on and find the existing TTHwnd if one exists. | |
If (GuiHwnd = LastGuiHwnd) | |
TTHwnd := LastTTHwnd | |
Else | |
{ | |
Loop, Parse, GuiHwnds, | | |
If (A_LoopField = GuiHwnd) | |
{ | |
TTHwnd := A_Index | |
Loop, Parse, TTHwnds, | | |
If (A_Index = TTHwnd) | |
TTHwnd := A_LoopField | |
} | |
} | |
; If the TTHwnd isn't owned by the controls parent it's not the correct window handle | |
If (TTHwnd And GuiHwnd != DllCall("GetParent", Ptr, TTHwnd, Ptr)) | |
{ | |
GoSub, RemoveCachedHwnd | |
TTHwnd := "" | |
} | |
; Create a new tooltip window for the control's GUI - only one needs to exist per GUI. | |
; The TTHwnd's are cached for re-use in any subsequent calls to this function. | |
If (!TTHwnd) | |
{ | |
TTHwnd := DllCall("CreateWindowEx" | |
, "UInt", 0 ;dwExStyle | |
, "Str", "TOOLTIPS_CLASS32" ;lpClassName | |
, "UInt", 0 ;lpWindowName | |
, "UInt", WS_POPUP | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX ;dwStyle | |
, "UInt", CW_USEDEFAULT ;DefaultX | |
, "UInt", 0 ;DefaultY | |
, "UInt", 0 ;nWidth | |
, "UInt", 0 ;nHeight | |
, "UInt", GuiHwnd ;hWndParent | |
, "UInt", 0 ;hMenu | |
, "UInt", 0 ;hInstance | |
, "UInt", 0) ;lpParam | |
DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme" | |
, Ptr, TTHwnd | |
, Ptr, 0 | |
, Ptr, 0) | |
; Record the TTHwnd and GuiHwnd for re-use in any subsequent calls. | |
TTHwnds .= (TTHwnds ? "|" : "") TTHwnd | |
, GuiHwnds .= (GuiHwnds ? "|" : "") GuiHwnd | |
} | |
; Record the last-used GUIHwnd and TTHwnd for re-use in any immediate future calls. | |
LastGuiHwnd := GuiHwnd | |
, LastTTHwnd := TTHwnd | |
/* | |
UINT cbSize | |
UINT uFlags | |
HWND hwnd | |
UINT_PTR uId | |
RECT rect | |
HINSTANCE hinst | |
LPTSTR lpszText | |
#if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300) | |
LPARAM lParam; | |
#endif | |
#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= Ox0501) | |
void *lpReserved; | |
#endif | |
*/ | |
, TInfoSize := 4 + 4 + ((A_PtrSize ? A_PtrSize : 4) * 2) + (4 * 4) + ((A_PtrSize ? A_PtrSize : 4) * 4) | |
, Offset := 0 | |
, Varsetcapacity(TInfo, TInfoSize, 0) | |
, Numput(TInfoSize, TInfo, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4 ; cbSize | |
, Numput(1 | 16, TInfo, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4 ; uFlags | |
, Numput(GuiHwnd, TInfo, Offset, Ptr), Offset += A_PtrSize ? A_PtrSize : 4 ; hwnd | |
, Numput(_CtrlHwnd, TInfo, Offset, Ptr), Offset += A_PtrSize ? A_PtrSize : 4 ; UINT_PTR | |
, Offset += 16 ; RECT (not a pointer but the entire RECT) | |
, Offset += A_PtrSize ? A_PtrSize : 4 ; hinst | |
, Numput(&_TipText, TInfo, Offset, Ptr) ; lpszText | |
; The _Modify flag can be used to skip unnecessary removal and creation if | |
; the caller follows usage properly but it won't hurt if used incorrectly. | |
If (!_Modify Or _Modify = -1) | |
{ | |
If (_Modify = -1) | |
{ | |
; Removes a tool tip if it exists - silently fails if anything goes wrong. | |
DllCall("SendMessage" | |
, Ptr, TTHwnd | |
, "UInt", A_IsUnicode ? TTM_DELTOOLW : TTM_DELTOOLA | |
, Ptr, 0 | |
, Ptr, &TInfo) | |
Return | |
} | |
; Adds a tool tip and assigns it to a control. | |
DllCall("SendMessage" | |
, Ptr, TTHwnd | |
, "UInt", A_IsUnicode ? TTM_ADDTOOLW : TTM_ADDTOOLA | |
, Ptr, 0 | |
, Ptr, &TInfo) | |
; Sets the preferred wrap-around width for the tool tip. | |
DllCall("SendMessage" | |
, Ptr, TTHwnd | |
, Ptr, 0 | |
, Ptr, A_ScreenWidth) | |
} | |
; Sets the text of a tool tip - silently fails if anything goes wrong. | |
DllCall("SendMessage" | |
, Ptr, TTHwnd | |
, Ptr, 0 | |
, Ptr, &TInfo) | |
Return | |
RemoveCachedHwnd: | |
Loop, Parse, GuiHwnds, | | |
NewGuiHwnds .= (A_LoopField = GuiHwnd ? "" : ((NewGuiHwnds = "" ? "" : "|") A_LoopField)) | |
Loop, Parse, TTHwnds, | | |
NewTTHwnds .= (A_LoopField = TTHwnd ? "" : ((NewTTHwnds = "" ? "" : "|") A_LoopField)) | |
GuiHwnds := NewGuiHwnds | |
, TTHwnds := NewTTHwnds | |
, LastGuiHwnd := "" | |
, LastTTHwnd := "" | |
Return | |
} | |
MsgBoxEx(Text, Title := "", Buttons := "", Icon := "", ByRef CheckText := "", Styles := "", Owner := "", Timeout := "", FontOptions := "", FontName := "", BGColor := "", Callback := "") { | |
Static hWnd, y2, p, px, pw, c, cw, cy, ch, f, o, gL, hBtn, lb, DHW, ww, Off, k, v, RetVal | |
Static Sound := {2: "*48", 4: "*16", 5: "*64"} | |
Gui New, hWndhWnd LabelMsgBoxEx -0xA0000 | |
Gui % (Owner) ? "+Owner" . Owner : "" | |
Gui Font | |
Gui Font, % (FontOptions) ? FontOptions : "s9", % (FontName) ? FontName : "Segoe UI" | |
Gui Color, % (BGColor) ? BGColor : "White" | |
Gui Margin, 10, 12 | |
If (IsObject(Icon)) { | |
Gui Add, Picture, % "x20 y24 w32 h32 Icon" . Icon[1], % (Icon[2] != "") ? Icon[2] : "shell32.dll" | |
} Else If (Icon + 0) { | |
Gui Add, Picture, x20 y24 Icon%Icon% w32 h32, user32.dll | |
SoundPlay % Sound[Icon] | |
} | |
Gui Add, Link, % "x" . (Icon ? 65 : 20) . " y" . (InStr(Text, "`n") ? 24 : 32) . " vc", %Text% | |
GuicontrolGet c, Pos | |
GuiControl Move, c, % "w" . (cw + 30) | |
y2 := (cy + ch < 52) ? 90 : cy + ch + 34 | |
Gui Add, Text, vf -Background ; Footer | |
Gui Font | |
Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI | |
px := 42 | |
If (CheckText != "") { | |
CheckText := StrReplace(CheckText, "*",, ErrorLevel) | |
Gui Add, CheckBox, vCheckText x12 y%y2% h26 -Wrap -Background AltSubmit Checked%ErrorLevel%, %CheckText% | |
GuicontrolGet p, Pos, CheckText | |
px := px + pw + 10 | |
} | |
o := {} | |
Loop Parse, Buttons, |, * | |
{ | |
gL := (Callback != "" && InStr(A_LoopField, "...")) ? Callback : "MsgBoxExBUTTON" | |
Gui Add, Button, hWndhBtn g%gL% x%px% w90 y%y2% h26 -Wrap, %A_Loopfield% | |
lb := hBtn | |
o[hBtn] := px | |
px += 98 | |
} | |
GuiControl +Default, % (RegExMatch(Buttons, "([^\*\|]*)\*", Match)) ? Match1 : StrSplit(Buttons, "|")[1] | |
Gui Show, Autosize Center Hide, %Title% | |
DHW := A_DetectHiddenWindows | |
DetectHiddenWindows On | |
WinGetPos,,, ww,, ahk_id %hWnd% | |
GuiControlGet p, Pos, %lb% ; Last button | |
Off := ww - (((px + pw + 14) * A_ScreenDPI) // 96) | |
For k, v in o { | |
GuiControl Move, %k%, % "x" . (v + Off) | |
} | |
Guicontrol MoveDraw, f, % "x-1 y" . (y2 - 10) . " w" . ww . " h" . 48 | |
Gui Show | |
Gui +SysMenu %Styles% | |
DetectHiddenWindows %DHW% | |
If (Timeout) { | |
SetTimer MsgBoxExTIMEOUT, % Round(Timeout) * 1000 | |
} | |
If (Owner) { | |
WinSet Disable,, ahk_id %Owner% | |
} | |
GuiControl Focus, f | |
Gui Font | |
WinWaitClose ahk_id %hWnd% | |
Return RetVal | |
MsgBoxExESCAPE: | |
MsgBoxExCLOSE: | |
MsgBoxExTIMEOUT: | |
MsgBoxExBUTTON: | |
SetTimer MsgBoxExTIMEOUT, Delete | |
If (A_ThisLabel == "MsgBoxExBUTTON") { | |
RetVal := StrReplace(A_GuiControl, "&") | |
} Else { | |
RetVal := (A_ThisLabel == "MsgBoxExTIMEOUT") ? "Timeout" : "Cancel" | |
} | |
If (Owner) { | |
WinSet Enable,, ahk_id %Owner% | |
} | |
Gui Submit | |
Gui %hWnd%: Destroy | |
Return | |
} | |
;=================================================== | |
WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ;; clear current RAM from unused cache. | |
{ | |
if WinExist("RAMOverview") | |
{ | |
APBefore := fAddConvertedSizes(GlobalMemoryStatusEx()) | |
FreeMemory() | |
APAfter := fAddConvertedSizes(GlobalMemoryStatusEx()) | |
tooltip, % ((round(APAfter[10].MB_AvailPhys,3) - round(APBefore[10].MB_AvailPhys,3)) " MB freed") | |
Settimer, RemoveToolTip, -4000 | |
if GetKeyState("LControl") | |
reload | |
} | |
} | |
;}_____________________________________________________________________________________ | |
;{#[Include Section] | |
;}_____________________________________________________________________________________ |
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