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Created March 15, 2024 15:58
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from __future__ import annotations
import os
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import FormattedText, StyleAndTextTuples
class TokenizedFormattedText(FormattedText):
__slots__ = ("parent_token_class",)
def __init__(self, tokens_list: StyleAndTextTuples, parent_token_class: str) -> None:
is_not_formatted_text = not isinstance(
tokens_list, (TokenizedFormattedText, FormattedText)
if is_not_formatted_text and parent_token_class:
for index, token_tuple in enumerate(tokens_list):
class_names_str = token_tuple[0]
if class_names_str and not class_names_str.startswith("class:"):
class_names_str = "class:" + ",".join(
for class_name in class_names_str.split(",")
tokens_list[index] = (class_names_str, token_tuple[1])
self.parent_token_class = parent_token_class
def get_length_by_content(self) -> int:
length = 0
for _, value, *_ in self:
length += len(value)
# return sum(len(value) for _, value, *_ in self)
return length
def slice_by_text_content(self, start: int, stop: int) -> TokenizedFormattedText:
if start >= stop:
return [] # type:ignore[return-value]
result = []
for token, value, *_ in self:
if stop <= 0:
length = len(value)
if start < length:
string = value[start:stop]
if string:
result.append((token, string, *_))
start = max(0, start - length)
stop = stop - length
return TokenizedFormattedText(result, self.parent_token_class)
class Marquee:
__slots__ = (
# "terminal_width",
def __init__(
text: TokenizedFormattedText,
prefix: TokenizedFormattedText = [], # type:ignore[assignment]
) -> None:
self.text = text
self.prefix = prefix
self.pointer_position = 0
self.is_pointer_direction_left = True
self.hit_boundary = True
self.waited_for_in_iterations = 5
self.is_window_size_le_terminal_size = False
# This attribute is used to cache recently generated string.
self._recent_text: StyleAndTextTuples = []
def get_terminal_width_and_display_window_size(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
# os.get_terminal_size() is called for every iteration to handle
# the change in terminal size.
terminal_width = os.get_terminal_size().columns
chunk_size = terminal_width - self.prefix.get_length_by_content()
return terminal_width, chunk_size
def adjust_pointer_position(self) -> None:
"""Updates the pointer position for the next iteration."""
# Last position of the pointer that would ever reach in the
# given string object, in right side of it.
terminal_width, window_size = self.get_terminal_width_and_display_window_size()
pointer_max_pos_in_right = (
- terminal_width
+ self.prefix.get_length_by_content()
# + 1 # this 1 reslves issue in terminal, but not while testing
# Reset the waiting counter when the pointer hits
# either of the ends of the text.
if self.pointer_position == pointer_max_pos_in_right:
# If the pointer has reached it's right most end...
self.is_pointer_direction_left = False
self.hit_boundary = True
self.waited_for_in_iterations = 0
elif self.pointer_position == 0:
# If the pointer has reached it's left most end or starting point...
self.is_pointer_direction_left = True
self.hit_boundary = True
self.waited_for_in_iterations = 0
if self.text.get_length_by_content() <= window_size:
if not self.is_window_size_le_terminal_size:
self.is_window_size_le_terminal_size = True
if self.pointer_position != 0:
self.pointer_position = 0
self.hit_boundary = True
self.waited_for_in_iterations = 0
self.is_pointer_direction_left = True
self.is_window_size_le_terminal_size = False
if self.is_pointer_direction_left:
self.pointer_position += 1
self.pointer_position -= 1
def get_full_formatted_text(self) -> TokenizedFormattedText:
Get the whole text along with the prefix, without being sliced.
# return TokenizedFormattedText(
# [('', f'{self.text.get_length_by_content()},{self.prefix.get_length_by_content()}:')] + self.text, "bottom-bar"
# )
return TokenizedFormattedText(self.prefix + self.text, "bottom-bar")
def get_current_text_chunk(self) -> StyleAndTextTuples:
Returns the updated text chunk, along with the prefix,
that currently should be displayed in the bottom bar.
Returns the whole text with the prefix, if the length of the
terminal window is greater than or equal to the length of
text and prefix objects altogether.
_, chunk_size = self.get_terminal_width_and_display_window_size()
if self.text.get_length_by_content() <= chunk_size:
if self.is_window_size_le_terminal_size:
return self._recent_text
self._recent_text = self.get_full_formatted_text()
if self.hit_boundary:
# The string stored/cached in self._recent_text is used only here again
# without slicing it from the original string, to avoid re-evaluation
# for the next 5 iterations.
if self.is_window_size_le_terminal_size:
return self._recent_text
if self.waited_for_in_iterations < 5:
# Wait for the next 5 iterations if you've hit boundary.
self.waited_for_in_iterations += 1
return self._recent_text
self.hit_boundary = False
chunk_end_pos = self.pointer_position + chunk_size
text = self.text.slice_by_text_content(self.pointer_position, chunk_end_pos)
# Storing/caching the recently generated string.
self._recent_text = TokenizedFormattedText(self.prefix + text, "bottom-bar")
# self._recent_text = TokenizedFormattedText(
# [('', f'{self.text.get_length_by_content()},{self.prefix.get_length_by_content()}:')] + text, "bottom-bar"
# )
return self._recent_text
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