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Created March 28, 2024 01:29
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a simple navigation lib (can hardly be called one), that can work on any platform/application e.g., CLi, Gui apps.
package kotlinplayground
// a simple navigation lib (can hardly be called one), that can work on any platform/application e.g., CLi, Gui apps.
// adaptation to gui applications such as jetpack compose should be fairly simple, given the examples and explanation
// given
* visualize navigation as a tree made up of branches and leaves (the branches can be considered
* as leaves because ultimately a branch must contain a leaf and other leaves)
* So the term branch is used interchangeably with leaf.
* a branch is a part of the tree, and it contains leaves or even just a leaf;
* in android, the branch can be a screen containing other screens. The other screens are basically leaves
* As an example, consider main-screen that has a button that goes to profile-screen
* the profile-screen is main-screen's child/leaf.
* Each branch or leaf has unique id. And the leaves will be prioritized
* in the order of addition, so basically, they will be stacked on top of each other
* since in android and most ui-systems support stack like navigation.
* So the most recent leaf/branch will be the one on top of the stack
interface Leaf{
val screenId:String
// leaves basically
val leaves:List<Leaf> get() = listOf()
* Like in any tree, you can start traversing the tree at the top/bottom
* ideally therefore, it can be breadth first, or depth first
sealed interface NavigationOrder{
data object BreadthFirst:NavigationOrder
data object DepthFirst:NavigationOrder
* when we are going through a branch's leaves, the receiver of this function
* acts the parent of the subsequent leaves/basically the starting point.
* So we start traversing from [this] all the way down/or all the way up
inline fun Leaf.traverse(navigationOrder: NavigationOrder,crossinline onLeafVisited:(Leaf)->Unit){
NavigationOrder.BreadthFirst -> {
// will act as our queue, by removing items at the front then adding them later
val leafQueue = mutableListOf(this)
while (leafQueue.isNotEmpty()){
// de-queue our queue
val leaf = leafQueue.removeAt(0) // remove first
// visit leaf
// add leaves that may be present at the removed leaf
for (foundLeaf in leaf.leaves){
NavigationOrder.DepthFirst ->{
// we need to traverse along one branch/vertex first, then we
// backtrack and jump to the next available branch
val stack = mutableListOf(this)
while (stack.isNotEmpty()){
// remove the last item on the stack
val visitedLeaf = stack.removeAt(stack.lastIndex)
for (i in visitedLeaf.leaves.lastIndex downTo 0){
* represent a single navigation component (single leaf in the tree) which is basically a screen
* the single leaf can contain multiple leaves which are its children. In ui-terms, the leaf is a screen and has multiple
* paths that can be followed as an example consider the following:
* main-screen/
* - profile-screen
* - settings-screen
* - ui-screen
* Initially, the stack component needs to have a screen, just like android's official navigation library,
* else nothing really will be shown. Then as time goes on you can push/add screens to its.
* Each added screen will be associated with the parent-screen/leaf. Example, for the main-screen, if we add profile-screen,
* profile-screen will be associated with main-screen. Thus, the latter, will be parent-screen and the former child-screen
data class StackComponent(val pathName:String,
override val leaves:
List<Leaf> = listOf()):Leaf{
override val screenId: String
get() = pathName
/* push a leaf to the stack component; single-top basically have only that typeof screen */
fun StackComponent.addLeaf(leaf: Leaf?,singleTop:Boolean=true):StackComponent = when{
// if the leaf to be added is the most recent leaf, don't do anything
// e.g, when you are navigating to a screen that's already on the stack
leaf==null -> this
copy(leaves = leaves.minus(leaf)+leaf)
else-> copy(leaves = leaves+leaf)
/* switches to the specified leaf */
fun StackComponent.switchToLeaf(leaf:Leaf?):StackComponent{
// we are switching to the current stack, so just return the stack
// this is done as a check to prevent un-necessary operations
return when (leaf) {
null -> this
leaves.lastOrNull() -> this
else ->
// drop the last leaf (most recent leaf)
// return a new stack component thus ensuring immutability
copy(leaves =leaves.dropLast(1)+leaf)
// useful when we are popping nodes from stack, so remove the top-node from the stack
// only if our stack's size >1/we are instructed to remove last. E.g.,single-top type of screens
// a perfect example is when the screen is one-time screen like OTP-verification screen, no need to retain it in stack
fun StackComponent.removeLeaf(isRemoveLast:Boolean=false):StackComponent{
return if (!isRemoveLast && leaves.size==1) { this }
else copy(leaves = leaves.dropLast(1))
// checks if we can remove paths from this screen
fun StackComponent.canPopLeaf() = leaves.size>1
// since this is a stack, the current leaf is the last one
val StackComponent.currentLeaf get() = leaves.lastOrNull()
/*If we are to represent actual paths, we need a way of making the paths carry data/have data.
Additionally, we need a method to match and discern the route-patterns given. A route pattern is a pattern that a path can take.
As an example, if we are in screen1, going to screen2 (that needs an id) can be described as screen1/screen2/1. So that's the path.
In form of pattern, we can say screen1/screen2/{id}. Say, screen 2 required query like arguments like screen1/screen2?name=John,
our pattern would be screen1/screen2?{key}={name}.
So naturally, we will emulate website's path
example. Screen1->settings-screen
screen1 therefore has two paths: screen1/settings-screen and screen1/profile-screen
Thus, if we need to pass data from screen1 to settings-screen, we can append query-like params to the path
as so screen1/settings-screen?name=Joe. So in settings-screen, we can get hold of value of name and use it as we like
also, a screen's path can have arguments like so screen1/profile-screen/1 (just like in web). The 1 basically represents an argument.
Consequently, we need two things: a url-matcher that will validate a screen's pattern against a screen path - pattern must be
compatible to the path; and a url-parser that basically takes in a screen in form of string-path, and gives us a valid and existing
screen from our stack.
// uri-matchers
/*a route is like a stack component but has arguments/params: a path-name, can take an argument in its path
and can take parameters. It is a basic modification of leaf. So leaf screenId will always be the
routeName */
interface Route:Leaf{
override val screenId: String
// supposed to be unique
get() = routeParams.routeName
val routeParams:RouteArguments
typealias PathArgument = Map<String,String>
typealias QueryParameter= Map<String,List<String>>
data class RouteArguments (
val routeName:String,
val pathArgument:PathArgument,
val queryParameter:QueryParameter)
/* it is supposed to parse a route string into a concrete route/leaf containing the
* path argument, query param */
typealias RouteParser = (routeString:String)->Route?
/* maps the route params i.e., argument and queries into a concrete route type */
typealias RouteMapper = (routeArguments:RouteArguments)->Route
typealias Patterns = List<String>
typealias PathKeys = List<String>
data class RouteMatcherObjects(val pathKeys: PathKeys,val patterns:Patterns, val routeMapper:RouteMapper)
/*when given a pattern like screen-1/profile/{id}?key1=value1, we need to come up with
a concrete route object. So ideally, this matches the url-like route pattern into something concrete*/
typealias RouteMatcher = ()->RouteMatcherObjects
// uri-matcher implementation/logic inspired by @tunjid <_ * _>
fun routeMatcherFrom(urlRoutePattern:String,routeMapper:RouteMapper):RouteMatcher = object:RouteMatcher{
override fun invoke(): RouteMatcherObjects {
val pathKeys = mutableListOf<String>()
// extract path keys such as {id} or {name} from the url-like route pattern
// our route pattern is something like this /users/{userId}/posts/{postId}, so match all occurrences of {.*?}
val basicRoutePattern=urlRoutePattern.replace("\\{(.*?)\\}".toRegex()){matchResult ->
val pathKey=matchResult.value.replace("[{}]".toRegex(), replacement = "")
// remove the curly braces, and add the path key
// replace the curly braces with (.*?)
// recognize both path-arg and key-value
val patterns = listOf("$basicRoutePattern\\?(.*?)",basicRoutePattern)
return RouteMatcherObjects(pathKeys, patterns, routeMapper)
// create a specific route-parser from a list of matchers
fun parseFrom(matchers:List<RouteMatcher>):RouteParser{
val regexes=matchers.fold(mapOf<Regex,RouteMatcher>()){map,parser->
// make each valid pattern a regex, which we will use to test the route-strings against our recognized
// url patterns
map + parser() { Regex(it) to parser}
return object :RouteParser{
/* a route string here is a complete url-pattern with arguments e.g., /users/1/posts/2
* the route-string can match either of the two recognized patterns i.e., /user/1 or /user/1?key=value...*/
override fun invoke(routeString: String): Route?{
// return the first valid pattern that can match our route
val validPattern=regexes.keys.firstOrNull { it.containsMatchIn(routeString) } ?: return null
// proceed to match the entire routeString against our pattern, if it's a false positive, return null
// match result here contains a mixture of path args, and query-args
val matchResult = validPattern.matchEntire(routeString) ?: return null
// not a false positive, proceed to create the full route by using routeMatcher's routeMapper
val routeMatcher = regexes.getValue(validPattern)()
val routeMapper = routeMatcher.routeMapper
// for the path-args, we construct them using the routeMatcher's path-keys, now the trick lies here, for every
// route we have patterns that match with it: the pattern can be either route/{pathArgument} or route/{pathArgument}?key=value
return routeMapper(RouteArguments(pathArgument=routeMatcher.pathKeys
.zip(matchResult.groupValues.drop(1)) // groupValue's index start at 1 not 0
queryParameter = matchResult.groupValues.lastOrNull()?.queryParams() ?: mapOf(),
routeName = routeString))
// get query params from a string.
private fun String.queryParams(): Map<String, List<String>> {
val result = mutableMapOf<String, List<String>>()
val pairs = split("&")
pairs.forEach { keyValueString ->
val keyValueArray = keyValueString.split("=")
if (keyValueArray.size != 2) return@forEach
val (key, value) = keyValueArray
result[key] = result.getOrPut(key, ::listOf) + value
return result
fun test(){
data class WelcomeScreen(override val routeParams: RouteArguments):Route
fun main(){
var screenStack = StackComponent("WelcomeScreenStack")
val welcomeScreenWithIdMatcher=routeMatcherFrom("welcome-screen/{id}"){ WelcomeScreen(routeParams = it) }
val welcomeScreenWithQueryMatcher = routeMatcherFrom("welcome-screen/{id}?{query}={name}"){WelcomeScreen(routeParams = it)}
val routeParser=parseFrom(listOf(welcomeScreenWithIdMatcher,welcomeScreenWithQueryMatcher))
val constructedWelcomeScreenWithId=routeParser("welcome-screen/1")
val constructedWelcomeScreenWithQuery=routeParser("welcome-screen/1?query=Jack&query=John")
println("[*] simulating app-start up. Screen is stack is empty>${screenStack.leaves.isEmpty()}")
println("[*] simulating initial navigation stack population")
println("[*]added screens' route params> ${constructedWelcomeScreenWithId?.routeParams}\n${constructedWelcomeScreenWithQuery?.routeParams}")
println("[*] our current screen stack has the following screens> ${screenStack.leaves.joinToString("\n")}")
// should be true
println("[*] current screen shown is welcome-screen with query> ${screenStack.currentLeaf?.screenId == constructedWelcomeScreenWithQuery?.screenId}")
// switch to another screen
println("navigating back to welcome-screen that takes id")
println("[*] now showing welcome-screen that takes id>${screenStack.currentLeaf?.screenId==constructedWelcomeScreenWithId?.screenId}")
// popping off the screen
println("[*] simulating back navigation. Screen popped off and stack only has 1 screen> ${screenStack.leaves}")
// adding again
println("[*] simulating forward navigation. Adding screen to our stack again")
println("[*] current screens in our stack> ${screenStack.leaves}")
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