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Created July 24, 2024 09:24
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Vanilla Full Page Scroll
// Some random Pug sugar
// The basic idea is to keep the top level structure as minimalistic and meaningful as possible .container: h1 Vanilla Fullpage Scroll
h2 Why are there so few solutions to this?
each v, i in ['steaks', 'design', 'technology', 'climate change', 'cats']
h1= 'Section ' + (i + 1)
h2= 'is all about ' + v
footer: .container: h1 Footer
// Add the event handler to the document body and all of its children.
// 'wheel' is widely supported but you still might want to maximize
// compatibility by testing for it. There's a good solution on
document.body.addEventListener('wheel', doMagic)
// The following function is based on my structural ideas of a One Page Website and if you get the idea it's really trivial to adjust it to yours.
function doMagic(e) {
// Store your top level full page element tags in a variable.
// This is to have control over your structure and
// to avoid <script> tags from being included in the process.
// These need to be uppercase as .nodeName returns that way
var tags = ['HEADER', 'SECTION', 'FOOTER']
// Test for the DOM element the wheel event was fired on
// and store the next page section for later use.
if (tags.includes( {
// Element is one of our top level structure tags.
// Get its adjacent siblings.
var next =,
prev =
} else { // If it's rather a child go up the DOM tree
// until we meet one of our top level tags
// and get the siblings from there.
// .closest() is quite well supported but far from 100%
// provides a solution
// for a compatibility fix
var next =,
prev =
if (e.deltaY < 0) { // Wheel scrolled up
// Block native scroll:
// Make sure that the sibling element is one
// of our top structure tags.
// May not be necessary but I've had weird behaviours
// with <script> tags and you might want to exclude things.
if (tags.includes(prev.nodeName)) {
// Use a nice smooth scroll:
// The scrollIt function was written by Pawel Grzybek.
// It's a very neatly written vanilla smooth scroll.
// Find his awesome code in the JS options tab of this pen.
prev, // Use the stored .previousElementSibling as target.
10, // Animation duration
'easeInOutQuad' // Easing (see Pawels pen)
// Toggle class for nice transitions'show')
} else if (e.deltaY > 0) { // Wheel scrolled down
// Just the same as before but with the following adjacent sibling.
if (tags.includes(next.nodeName)) {
} else {
return false
<script src=""></script>
html, body
height: 100%
margin: 0
overflow: hidden // For the sake of it let's remove the scroll bars
section, header, footer
width: 100%
height: 100% // Make these actually full page
height: 100vh
display: table // Simple trick to vertically align content
text-align: center
color: grey
display: table-cell // see above
vertical-align: middle
// ===============
// Stylings
opacity: 0
transition: opacity .8s
.show .container
opacity: 1
h1, h2
margin: 0
font: 600 6vw sans-serif
font: italic normal 1.5rem serif
background: linear-gradient(to top, grey, lightsalmon) fixed
color: white
background: linear-gradient(to top, wheat, cornsilk) fixed
background: linear-gradient(to top, tan, cornsilk) fixed

Vanilla Full Page Scroll

Minimalistic approach to a pure javascript solution for a full page scroll mechanism. Please comment bugs and ideas.

A Pen by gilad on CodePen.


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