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Last active August 4, 2019 20:30
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extended algorithm of Euclides and the modular inverse of an element
// available at
package main
import (
func extended_algorithm_of_euclides(a, b int64) (d, s, t int64) {
var (
rx = a
ry = b
sx = int64(1)
sy = int64(0)
tx = int64(0)
ty = int64(1)
q int64
for ry != 0 {
// rx = ry*q + rz
// => q = rx/ry && rz = rx - ry*q
// 1. compute q
q = rx / ry
// 2. compute rx, ry for this iteration
rx, ry = ry, rx - ry*q
// 3. compute sx, sy for this iteration
sx, sy = sy, sx - sy*q
// 3. compute tx, ty for this iteration
tx, ty = ty, tx - ty*q
return rx, sx, tx
func test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(a, b int64) {
d, s, t := extended_algorithm_of_euclides(a, b)
fmt.Printf("found that for a=%d and b=%d, that ggd(a,b)=%d, and that (s, t) = (%d, %d)\n", a, b, d, s, t)
r := a*s + b*t
if a%d != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected d=%d to be a divisor of a=%d", d, a))
if b%d != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected d=%d to be a divisor of b=%d", d, b))
if d != r {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("d := %d != %d = %d*%d + %d*%d = a*s + b*t", d, r, a, s, b, t))
func main() {
test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(126, 35)
test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(35, 126)
// the algorithm still works if b is a divisor of a,
// so not sure why the theorem in my text book suggests that it doesn't,
// from my own analysis this is what I suspected and my Go implementation seems
// to confirm it. Right now I am pretty puzzled...
test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(8, 4)
test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(4, 8)
// keeps working even with very big numbers
test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(252, 369)
test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(4390394392932135, 30459304949303034)
// available at
package main
import (
func extended_algorithm_of_euclides(a, b int64) (d, s, t int64) {
var (
rx = a
ry = b
sx = int64(1)
sy = int64(0)
tx = int64(0)
ty = int64(1)
q int64
for ry != 0 {
// rx = ry*q + rz
// => q = rx/ry && rz = rx - ry*q
// 1. compute q
q = rx / ry
// 2. compute rx, ry for this iteration
rx, ry = ry, rx - ry*q
// 3. compute sx, sy for this iteration
sx, sy = sy, sx - sy*q
// 3. compute tx, ty for this iteration
tx, ty = ty, tx - ty*q
return rx, sx, tx
func test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(a, b int64) {
d, s, t := extended_algorithm_of_euclides(a, b)
fmt.Printf("found that for a=%d and b=%d, that ggd(a,b)=%d, and that (s, t) = (%d, %d)\n", a, b, d, s, t)
r := a*s + b*t
if a%d != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected d=%d to be a divisor of a=%d", d, a))
if b%d != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected d=%d to be a divisor of b=%d", d, b))
if d != r {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("d := %d != %d = %d*%d + %d*%d = a*s + b*t", d, r, a, s, b, t))
func modular_inverse(a, m int64) (int64, bool) {
d, x, _ := extended_algorithm_of_euclides(a, m)
if d != 1 {
return 0, false
return x % m, true
func norm_modular_inverse(a, m int64) (int64, bool) {
i, ok := modular_inverse(a, m)
if !ok {
return 0, false
if i > 0 {
return i%m, true
return m + (i%m), true
func test_modular_inverse(a, m, expected int64) {
i, ok := modular_inverse(a, m)
if expected != 0 {
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected an inverse for a=%d modulo m=%d but found none", a, m))
if i != expected && (m+i)%m != expected {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected %d as inverse for a=%d modulo m=%d, but found %d as the inverse for a modulo m", expected, a, m, i))
fmt.Printf("confirmed that %d is the inverse of %d modulo %d\n", expected, a, m)
} else if ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected no inverse for a=%d modulo m=%d but found %d as inverse of a modulo m", a, m, i))
} else {
fmt.Printf("confirmed that %d modulo %d has no inverse\n", a, m)
func main() {
test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(126, 35)
test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(35, 126)
test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(8, 4)
test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(4, 8)
test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(252, 369)
test_extended_algorithm_of_euclides(4390394392932135, 30459304949303034)
test_modular_inverse(1, 2, 1)
test_modular_inverse(2, 2, 0)
test_modular_inverse(1, 4, 1)
test_modular_inverse(2, 4, 0)
test_modular_inverse(3, 4, -1)
test_modular_inverse(3, 4, 3)
seen := map[int64]struct{}{}
for i := int64(1); i < 37; i++ {
ai, ok := norm_modular_inverse(i, 37)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("found no inverse for %d while one was expected modulo 37", i))
if ai <= 0 || ai >= 37 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("found an inverse %d for %d modulo 37, outside the allowed exclusive range of ]0, 37[", ai, i))
if aii, ok := seen[ai]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("already found an inverse %d for %d modulo 37, %d is a duplicate ?!", aii, i, ai))
seen[ai] = struct{}{}
fmt.Printf("%d is the inverse of %d module 37\n", ai, i)
if len(seen) != 36 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("found %d inverses modulo 37, while 36 was expected", len(seen)))
fmt.Println("Found 36 inverses for 36 elements modulo 37, as expected")
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