Extract the downloaded drivers
sudo tar -xvjf r8152.53.56-2.15.0.tar.bz2 -C /usr/src/
Create a DKMS.conf file
sudo echo -e 'PACKAGE_NAME="r8152"\nPACKAGE_VERSION="2.15.0"\nBUILT_MODULE_NAME[0]="$PACKAGE_NAME"\nDEST_MODULE_LOCATION[0]="/updates/dkms"\nAUTOINSTALL="YES"\nREMAKE_INITRD="YES"' > /usr/src/r8152-2.15.0/dkms.conf
Copy the .rules file to /usr/lib/udev/rules.d
sudo cp /usr/src/r8152-2.15.0/50-usb-realtek-net.rules /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/50-usb-realtek-net.rules
Install and load the driver
sudo dkms add -m r8152 -v 2.15.0
sudo dkms build -m r8152 -v 2.15.0
sudo dkms install -m r8152 -v 2.15.0
sudo depmod -a
sudo modprobe r8152
@jpaodev The out of tree Linux driver for this appears to only be made to support upto Kernel 5.17. Kernel 6+ should have native support and my guide should no longer be followed for distributions with more modern kernels.
I've used the same adaptor across both the latest release of Ubuntu and Proxmox without this.
As a tip, since it appears yours is detected and since you're using Proxmox, you will need to manually adjust your network configuration to use the new network interface before switching that connection. Read more here and here on that topic if you haven't already :]
(tl;dr update
and replaceenp0s31f6
before switching the cable and rebooting the networking stack)