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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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JavaScript outline
- Client Side – JavaScript
- <script type="text/javascript">…code here… </script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="file.js"><!-- no code here --></script>
- statements
- semicolons;
- values and types
- string, number, boolean
- null, undefined, NaN
- var
- operators
- + addition and concatenation
- -, *, /
- % remainder
- bool ? "true" : "false" — ternary operator
- =
- variables
- alert() confirm() prompt()
- parseInt(n, radix)
- parseFloat(n)
- comparison operators
- == != loose equality/inequality (avoid)
- === !== strict (use!)
- < > <= >=
- control statements
- if
- if .. else
- if .. else if .. else
- ||, &&, !, !!
- switch .. case .. break .. default
- do .. while
- while ..
- for ..
- blocks not always required
- strings
- length property
- indexOf(), lastIndexOf()
- charAt()
- substr(), substring(), slice() and the differences
- toLowerCase(), toUpperCase()
- trim() - ECMAScript 5, no IE < 8
- arrays
- ordered collections of variables
- elements/members
- literal syntax [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] [ "a", "b","c","d" ]
- index starts at 0
- access an array member/element by its index - collection[n]
- length property - number of members
- array length 1, only member is index 0
- sort(), sort(function(a,b) { return parseFloat(a)-parseFloat(b) }
- understand why sort() sucks
- it can't sort alphabetically case-insensitive
- A, B, C, a, b, c — not A, a, B, b, C, c
- it can't sort numerically
- 0, 10, 11, 1, 2, 9 — not 0, 1, 2, 9, 10, 11
- Why: it sorts by string character codepoints.
- 0 = 48, A = 65, a = 97, etc.
-, but with every Unicode code point.
- push(), pop(), shift(), unshift()
- splice()
- string.split()
- array.join()
- Date
- new Date()
- new Date(y,m,d,h,min,s,ms)
- new Date(string)
- .getMonth() => 0..11
- .getDay() => 0..6, 0 = Sunday
- awareness of its many methods
- awareness of timezones
- regular expressions
- var pattern = /…/g;
- pattern.test(string)
- string.match(pattern)
- string.replace(pattern)
- functions
- invoking functions - calling
- defining functions
- function input - parameters/arguments
- option = option || "default"; // using || as default operator
- function output - return
- function scope - functions can access variables defined outside of themselves
- var inside functions limits a variable to only exist inside that function when it is called.
- Exceptions
- throw new Error("I sir am offended. I take EXCEPTION to this! I literally cannot work in these conditions";
- don't worry about try/catch -- just use throw this for throwing up in a programmer's face.
- document.getElementById("contact-form")
- document.getElementsByName("p")
- element.getElementsByName("a")
- document.querySelector("#css-selector")
- document.querySelectorAll(".css .selector")
- element.querySelector(".css")
- element.querySelectorAll(".css")
- element.addEventListener('event name', function(evt) { … } )
- click
- submit
- DOMContentLoaded
- evt.preventDefault()
- element.value
- element.innerHTML
- element.checked
- element.classList => […], .contains(), .toggle()
- element.className => ""
- Advanced Client Side – JavaScript
- objects
- like arrays, but with keys instead of indexes
- var worker = { 'name': 'bob', 'age': 30, 'job': 'desk' }
- worker['name']
- methods - = function (wage) { … }
- object prototypes
- Obj = function ( … ) { // constructor }
- Obj.prototype.method = function ( … ) { … }
- obj = new Obj( … ); // calls constructor, returns new object, instance of Obj.
- Array.prototype.shuffle = function () { … }
- String.prototype.trim, etc
- JS polyfills
- ECMAscript 5 + 6 methods
- Array
- every(), forEach(), find(), map(), keys(), reduce(), and so on.
- String
- contains()
- localStorage
- geolocation
- canvas - as a demo really, no low-hanging practical uses.
- svg - Raphael ?
- Not teaching
- Strict mode
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