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# This script is not an active part of the package. | |
# It uses Clang.jl package to parse Sundials C headers and generate | |
# Julia wrapper for Sundials API. | |
# | |
# To run the script from Julia console: | |
# include(joinpath(Pkg.dir("Sundials"), "src", "wrap_sundials.jl")); | |
using Clang | |
# `outpath` specifies, where the julian wrappers would be generated. | |
# If the generated .jl files are ok, they have to be copied to the "src" folder | |
# overwriting the old ones | |
const outpath = normpath(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "wrapped_api")) | |
mkpath(outpath) | |
# Find all relevant Sundials headers | |
const incpath = normpath(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "..", "deps", "usr", "include")) | |
if !isdir(incpath) | |
error("Sundials C headers not found. Run\"Sundials\") before trying to wrap C headers.") | |
end | |
@info("Scanning Sundials headers in $incpath...") | |
const sundials_folders = filter!(isdir, | |
map(x->joinpath(incpath, x), | |
["nvector", "sundials", "cvode", "cvodes", | |
"ida", "idas", "kinsol", "arkode", | |
"sunlinsol", "sunmatrix"])) | |
const sundials_headers = similar(sundials_folders, 0) | |
for folder in sundials_folders | |
@info("Processing $folder...") | |
headers = [joinpath(folder, header) for header in readdir(folder) if endswith(header, ".h")] | |
append!(sundials_headers, headers) | |
end | |
# @show sundials_headers | |
const clang_includes = [CLANG_INCLUDE] | |
# check_use_header(path) = true | |
# Callback to test if a header should actually be wrapped (for exclusion) | |
function wrap_header(top_hdr::AbstractString, cursor_header::AbstractString) | |
!occursin(r"(_parallel|_impl)\.h$", cursor_header) && # don't wrap parallel and implementation definitions | |
(top_hdr == cursor_header) # don't wrap if header is included from the other header (e.g. nvector in cvode or cvode_direct from cvode_band) | |
end | |
function wrap_cursor(name::AbstractString, cursor) | |
if typeof(cursor) == Clang.CLFunctionDecl | |
# only wrap API functions | |
return occursin(r"^(CV|KIN|IDA|ARK|N_V|SUN)", name) | |
else | |
# skip problematic definitions | |
return !occursin(r"^(ABS|SQRT|EXP)$", name) | |
end | |
end | |
function julia_file(header::AbstractString) | |
src_name = basename(dirname(header)) | |
if src_name == "sundials" | |
src_name = "libsundials" # avoid having both Sundials.jl and sundials.jl | |
end | |
return joinpath(outpath, string(src_name, ".jl")) | |
end | |
function library_file(header::AbstractString) | |
header_name = basename(header) | |
if startswith(header_name, "nvector") | |
return "libsundials_nvecserial" | |
else | |
return string("libsundials_", basename(dirname(header))) | |
end | |
end | |
const context = init( | |
common_file = joinpath(outpath, "types_and_consts.jl"), | |
clang_args = [ | |
"-D", "__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS", | |
"-I", find_std_headers()[1], | |
"-I", find_std_headers()[2], | |
#"-v" | |
], | |
clang_diagnostics = true, | |
clang_includes = [clang_includes; incpath], | |
header_outputfile = julia_file, | |
header_library = library_file, | |
header_wrapped=wrap_header, | |
cursor_wrapped=wrap_cursor | |
) | |
context.headers = sundials_headers | |
# 1st arg name to wrapped arg type map | |
const arg1_name2type = Dict( | |
:arkode_mem => :(ARKODEMemPtr), | |
:cvode_mem => :(CVODEMemPtr), | |
:cv_mem => :(CVODEMemPtr), | |
:kinmem => :(KINMemPtr), | |
:kinmemm => :(KINMemPtr), # Sundials typo? | |
:ida_mem => :(IDAMemPtr), | |
:idaa_mem => :(IDAMemPtr), # Sundials typo? | |
:idaadj_mem => :(IDAMemPtr), # Sundials typo? | |
) | |
const linear_solvers_and_matrices = [ | |
"dense", | |
"band", | |
"pcg", | |
"spbcgs", | |
"spfgmr", | |
"spgmr", | |
"sptfqmr", | |
"sparse", | |
"klu" | |
] | |
# substitute Ptr{Void} with the typed pointer | |
const ctor_return_type = Dict( | |
"ARKCreate" => :(ARKODEMemPtr), | |
"ARKStepCreate" => :(ARKStepMemPtr), | |
"CVodeCreate" => :(CVODEMemPtr), | |
"IDACreate" => :(IDAMemPtr), | |
"KINCreate" => :(KINMemPtr) | |
) | |
# signatures for C function pointer types | |
const FnTypeSignatures = Dict( | |
:ARKRhsFn => (:Cint, :((realtype, N_Vector, N_Vector, Ptr{Cvoid}))), | |
:CVRhsFn => (:Cint, :((realtype, N_Vector, N_Vector, Ptr{Cvoid}))), | |
:CVRootFn => (:Cint, :((realtype, N_Vector, Ptr{realtype}, Ptr{Cvoid}))), | |
:IDAResFn => (:Cint, :((realtype, N_Vector, N_Vector, N_Vector, Ptr{Cvoid}))), | |
:IDARootFn => (:Cint, :((realtype, N_Vector, N_Vector, Ptr{realtype}, Ptr{Cvoid}))), | |
:KINSysFn => (:Cint, :((N_Vector, N_Vector, Ptr{Cvoid}))), | |
) | |
wrap_sundials_api(notexpr) = Any[notexpr] | |
function wrap_sundials_api(expr::Expr) | |
if expr.head == :function && | |
expr.args[1].head == :call | |
func_name = string(expr.args[1].args[1]) | |
convert_required = false | |
if occursin(r"^(ARK|CV|KIN|IDA|SUN|N_V)", func_name) | |
@show func_name | |
if occursin(r"Create$", func_name) && !occursin(r"Butcher", func_name) | |
# create functions return typed pointers | |
@assert expr.args[2].args[1].args[3] == :(Ptr{Cvoid}) | |
expr.args[2].args[1].args[3] = ctor_return_type[func_name] | |
elseif length(expr.args[1].args) > 1 | |
arg1_type = expr.args[2].args[1].args[4].args[1] | |
if arg1_type == :(Ptr{Cvoid}) || arg1_type == :(Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}}) | |
arg1_name = expr.args[1].args[2] | |
arg1_newtype = arg1_name2type[arg1_name] | |
if arg1_type == :(Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}}) | |
# adjust for void** type (for CVodeFree()-like funcs) | |
arg1_newtype = Expr(:curly, :Ref, arg1_newtype) | |
end | |
expr.args[2].args[1].args[4].args[1] = arg1_newtype | |
convert_required = true | |
end | |
end | |
if occursin(r"UserDataB?$", func_name) | |
# replace Ptr{Void} with Any to allow passing Julia objects through user data | |
for (i, arg_expr) in enumerate(expr.args[2].args[1].args) | |
if !(typeof(arg_expr)<:Symbol) && arg_expr.args[1] in values(ctor_return_type) | |
if arg_expr.args[2] == :(Ptr{Cvoid}) | |
arg_expr.args[2] = Any | |
elseif arg_expr.args[3] == :(Ptr{Cvoid}) | |
arg_expr.args[3] = Any | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
if !(typeof(expr)<:Symbol) && length(expr.args) > 1 && (expr.args[2].args[1].args[2].args[2] == :libsundials_sunlinsol || expr.args[2].args[1].args[2].args[2] == :libsundials_sunmatrix) | |
if func_name[1:6] == "SUNMAT" | |
expr.args[2].args[1].args[2].args[2] = | |
Symbol(string(expr.args[2].args[1].args[2].args[2])* | |
lowercase(split(func_name,"_")[end])) | |
else | |
name_i = findfirst(lsmn -> occursin(lsmn, lowercase(func_name)),linear_solvers_and_matrices) | |
@assert name_i > 0 | |
name = linear_solvers_and_matrices[name_i] | |
expr.args[2].args[1].args[2].args[2] = Symbol(string(expr.args[2].args[1].args[2].args[2])*name) | |
end | |
end | |
# generate a higher-level wrapper that converts 1st arg to XXXMemPtr | |
# and all other args from Julia objects to low-level C wrappers (e.g. NVector to N_Vector) | |
# create wrapers for all arguments that need wrapping | |
args_wrap_exprs = map(Base.Iterators.drop(expr.args[1].args, 1)) do expr | |
# process each argument | |
# return a tuple: | |
# 1) high-level wrapper arg name expr | |
# 2) expr for local var definition, nothing if not required | |
# 3) expr for low-level wrapper call | |
# if 1)==3), then no wrapping is required | |
if typeof(expr) <: Symbol | |
arg_name_expr = expr | |
arg_type_expr = Any | |
else | |
arg_name_expr = expr.args[1] | |
arg_type_expr = expr.args[2] | |
end | |
if arg_type_expr == :N_Vector | |
# first convert argument to NVector() and store in local var, | |
# this guarantees that the wrapper and associated Sundials object (e.g. N_Vector) | |
# is not removed by GC | |
return (arg_name_expr, | |
Expr(:call, :convert, :NVector, arg_name_expr), # convert arg to NVector to store in a local var | |
Expr(:call, :convert, arg_type_expr, Symbol(string("__", arg_name_expr)))) # convert NVector to N_Vector | |
elseif arg_type_expr == :Clong || arg_type_expr == :Cint || | |
occursin(r"MemPtr$", string(arg_type_expr)) | |
# convert(XXXMemPtr, mem), no local var required | |
return (arg_name_expr, nothing, | |
Expr(:call, :convert, arg_type_expr, arg_name_expr)) | |
elseif isa(arg_type_expr, Expr) && arg_type_expr.head == :curly && | |
arg_type_expr.args[1] == :Ptr && arg_type_expr.args[2] != :FILE | |
# convert julia arrays to pointer, no local var required | |
# FIXME sometimes these arguments are not really arrays, but just a pointer to a var to be assigned | |
# by the function call. Does that make sense to detect such cases and assume that input arg is a reference to Julia var? | |
return (arg_name_expr, nothing, | |
Expr(:call, :pointer, arg_name_expr)) | |
elseif haskey(FnTypeSignatures, arg_type_expr) # wrap Julia function to C function using a defined signature | |
return (arg_name_expr, nothing, | |
Expr(:call, Symbol(string(arg_type_expr, "_wrapper")), arg_name_expr)) | |
else # any other case, no argument wrapping | |
return (arg_name_expr, nothing, arg_name_expr) | |
end | |
end | |
# check which arguments are wrapped | |
if any(map(arg_exprs -> arg_exprs[1] != arg_exprs[3], args_wrap_exprs)) | |
# mangle the name of the low-level wrapper to avoid recursion | |
lowlevel_func_name = string("__", func_name) | |
expr.args[1].args[1] = Symbol(lowlevel_func_name) | |
# higher-level wrapper function | |
wrapper_func_expr = Expr(:function, | |
# function declaration with argument types stripped, so it would accept any type | |
Expr(:call, Symbol(func_name), map(arg_exprs -> arg_exprs[1], args_wrap_exprs)...), | |
Expr(:block, | |
# local var defs | |
map(filter(arg_exprs -> arg_exprs[2] !== nothing, args_wrap_exprs)) do arg_exprs | |
Expr(:(=), Symbol("__", arg_exprs[1]), arg_exprs[2]) | |
end..., | |
# low-level function call with Julia types converted to low-level arguments | |
Expr(:call, Symbol(lowlevel_func_name), | |
map(arg_exprs -> arg_exprs[3], args_wrap_exprs)...) | |
) | |
) | |
# write down both low-level and higher level wrappers | |
return Any[expr, wrapper_func_expr] | |
else | |
return Any[expr] | |
end | |
end | |
elseif expr.head == :typealias && haskey(FnTypeSignatures, expr.args[1]) | |
# C functional type, generate the wrapper from Julia to C function | |
# dummy wrapper that accepts pointer | |
fn_typename = expr.args[1] | |
fn_rettype, fn_argtypes = FnTypeSignatures[fn_typename] | |
wrapper_name = Symbol(string(string(fn_typename), "_wrapper")) | |
c_wrapper_def = Expr(:(=), | |
Expr(:call, wrapper_name, Expr(:(::), :fp, fn_typename)), :fp) | |
jl_wrapper_def = Expr(:(=), | |
Expr(:call, wrapper_name, :f), | |
# function declaration with argument types stripped | |
Expr(:call, :cfunction, :f, fn_rettype, fn_argtypes)) | |
return Any[expr, c_wrapper_def, jl_wrapper_def] | |
elseif expr.head == :const && expr.args[1].head == :(=) && | |
isa(expr.args[1].args[2], Int) | |
# fix integer constants should be Cint | |
expr.args[1].args[2] = Expr(:call, :Cint, expr.args[1].args[2]) | |
end | |
return Any[expr] | |
end | |
context.rewriter = function(exprs) | |
mod_exprs = sizehint!(Vector{Any}(), length(exprs)) | |
for expr in exprs | |
append!(mod_exprs, wrap_sundials_api(expr)) | |
end | |
mod_exprs | |
end | |
@info("Generating .jl wrappers for Sundials in $outpath...") | |
run(context) | |
@info("Done generating .jl wrappers for Sundials in $outpath") |
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