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Created December 11, 2022 00:38
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Advent of Code 2022 Day 9, Rope bridge Planck distance knotting. Somewhat animated
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM MODIFY to tweak speed vs feedback
set feedback=5
REM 0 very little, 1 progress on found positions, 3 snapshot animation, 4 step animation, 5 with small delay, 6 with 1 sec delay per step
REM #$E# makes prompt echo the escape character, which is then captured and stored in a variable.
REM The escape is used for ANSI escape sequences for color an positioning
REM ANSI escape codes cheat sheet
for /F "delims=#" %%a in ('prompt #$E# ^& for %%a in ^(1^) do rem') do set "esc=%%a"
REM input file or defaults
set file=%1
if "%file%"=="" set file=Day9.test.txt
call :simulate 1
set part1=%result%
call :simulate 9
set part2=%result%
echo Part1 : %part1%
echo Part2 : %part2%
exit /b
REM %1 = tail length
REM Starting at 0,0
for /l %%t in (0,1,%1) do (
set X%%t=0
set Y%%t=0
REM But drawing somewhere mid-screen
set offX=40
set offY=11
set count=0
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (%file%) do (
call :process "%%a" %1
call :count1 %1
echo With tail of length %1: !count!%esc%[K
endlocal & set result=%count%
exit /b
REM %1 = COMMAND number
REM %2 = tail length
REM parse command, %%b is letter, %%c = number
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%b in ("%~1") do (
if %feedback%==3 call :Draw %1 %2 %%b %%c %%c
for /l %%d in (1,1,%%c) do (
if %feedback% geq 4 call :Draw %1 %2 %%b %%d %%c
call :count1 %2
if %%b==L set /a X0-=1
if %%b==R set /a X0+=1
if %%b==U set /a Y0-=1
if %%b==D set /a Y0+=1
set HX=!X0!
set HY=!Y0!
for /l %%t in (1,1,%2) do (
set /a Xd=!HX!-!X%%t!&set xd=+!Xd!&set absXd=!Xd:~-1,1!
set /a Yd=!HY!-!Y%%t!&set yd=+!Yd!&set absYd=!Yd:~-1,1!
set move=true
if !absXd! lss 2 if !absYd! lss 2 set move=false
if !move!==true (
REM using the sign of Xd/Yd. Note the added + above to always have a sign in the second to last positions
if !absXd! neq 0 set /a X%%t=!X%%t!!xd:~-2,1!1
if !absYd! neq 0 set /a Y%%t=!Y%%t!!yd:~-2,1!1
set HX=!X%%t!
set HY=!Y%%t!
if %feedback% geq 5 for /l %%w in (0,1,5000) do rem X
if %feedback% geq 6 timeout /t 1 > nul
exit /b
REM %1 Input
REM %2 Tail length
REM %3 Command
REM %4 Step#
REM %5 #Steps for command
echo %esc%[H
echo Going %3 %4/%5
echo H ^(!X0!, !Y0!^) T^(!X%2!, !Y%2!^)
REM Calculate an offset, to keep the visual in screen. Whenever it wanders off, it's re-centered
set /a DrawX=!X0!+!offX!
if !DrawX! lss 1 set /a offX=40-!X0!
if !DrawX! gtr 80 set /a offX=40-!X0!
set /a DrawY=!Y0!+!offY!
if !DrawY! lss 1 set /a offY=11-!Y0!
if !DrawY! gtr 22 set /a offY=11-!Y0!
REM TO DO: iterate over all visible cells and draw something if they have been visited before
REM actual drawing of the rope chain
for /l %%t in (%2,-1,0) do (
set /a DrawX=!X%%t!+!offX!
set /a DrawY=!Y%%t!+!offY!
set symbol=%%t
if "%%t"=="0" set symbol=H
echo %esc%[!DrawY!;!DrawX!f!symbol!
exit /b
REM %1 = tail length / item to count
set key=T!X%1!_!Y%1!
if "!%key%!"=="" (
set /a count+=1
set %key%=1
if %feedback% geq 1 echo %esc%[HNew cell !key!. Count now at !count!
) else if %feedback% geq 2 echo %esc%[H%esc%[K
R 4
U 4
L 3
D 1
R 4
D 1
L 5
R 2
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