unit uFuzzyMatching; |
// Fuzzy matching algorithm. |
// LICENSE: CC0, Creative Commons Zero, (public domain) |
// Returns if all characters of a given pattern are found in a string, and calculates a matching score |
// Applies case insensitive matching, although case can influcence the score |
// Based on the C++ version by Forrest Smith |
// Original source: https://github.com/forrestthewoods/lib_fts/blob/master/code/fts_fuzzy_match.h |
// Blog: https://www.forrestthewoods.com/blog/reverse_engineering_sublime_texts_fuzzy_match/ |
// Adapted slightly for own use, especially: |
// - Calculation corrected for double byte chars |
// - Added a match index offset of 1 to match Delphi/Pascal string indexes |
interface |
type |
TMatch = Byte; |
TMatches = array[0..255] of TMatch; |
PMatch = ^TMatch; |
PMatches = ^TMatches; |
function FuzzyMatch(const Pattern: String; const Str: String; out Score: Integer): Boolean; overload; |
function FuzzyMatch(const Pattern: String; const Str: String; out Score: Integer; var Matches: TMatches): Boolean; overload; |
implementation |
function FuzzyMatchRecursive( |
Pattern: PChar; Str: PChar; out OutScore: Integer; |
const StrBegin: PChar; const SrcMatches: PMatches; const Matches: PMatches; const MaxMatches: Integer; NextMatch: Integer; |
RecursionCount: Integer; const RecursionLimit: Integer): Boolean; |
const |
sequential_bonus: Integer = 15; // bonus for adjacent matches |
separator_bonus: Integer = 30; // bonus if match occurs after a separator |
camel_bonus: Integer = 30; // bonus if match is uppercase and prev is lower |
first_letter_bonus: Integer = 15; // bonus if the first letter is matched |
first_letter_count: Integer = 2; // How many letters count as 'first'. Set to 2, to skip the first, single letter prefix |
leading_letter_penalty: Integer = -5; // penalty applied for every letter in str before the first match |
max_leading_letter_penalty: Integer = -15; // maximum penalty for leading letters |
unmatched_letter_penalty: Integer = -1; // penalty for every letter that doesn't match |
pascal_index = 1; // effectively a number to add to the match. Set to 1 to reflect delphi string indexes |
var |
RecursiveMatch: Boolean; |
BestRecursiveMatches: TMatches; |
BestRecursiveScore: Integer; |
FirstMatch: Boolean; |
RecursiveMatches: TMatches; |
RecursiveScore: Integer; |
Matched: Boolean; |
Penalty: Integer; |
Unmatched: Integer; |
i: Integer; |
currIdx: Byte; |
prevIdx: Integer; |
Neighbor: Char; |
Curr: Char; |
begin |
OutScore := 0; |
Inc(RecursionCount); |
if RecursionCount >= RecursionLimit then |
Exit(False); |
if (Pattern^ = #0) or (Str^ = #0) then |
Exit(False); |
RecursiveMatch := False; |
BestRecursiveScore := 0; |
FirstMatch := True; |
while (Pattern^ <> #0) and (Str^ <> #0) do |
begin |
if UpCase(Pattern^) = UpCase(Str^) then |
begin |
if NextMatch >= MaxMatches then |
Exit(False); |
if FirstMatch and (SrcMatches <> nil) then |
begin |
Move(SrcMatches^, Matches^, NextMatch); |
FirstMatch := False; |
end; |
if FuzzyMatchRecursive(Pattern, Str+1, RecursiveScore, StrBegin, Matches, @RecursiveMatches[0], MaxMatches, NextMatch, RecursionCount, RecursionLimit) then |
begin |
if (not RecursiveMatch) or (RecursiveScore > BestRecursiveScore) then |
begin |
Move(RecursiveMatches[0], BestRecursiveMatches[0], MaxMatches); |
BestRecursiveScore := RecursiveScore; |
end; |
RecursiveMatch := True; |
end; |
Matches[NextMatch] := Byte((Integer(Str) - Integer(StrBegin)) div SizeOf(Char)) + pascal_index; |
Inc(NextMatch); |
Inc(Pattern); |
end; |
Inc(Str); |
end; |
Matched := Pattern^ = #0; |
if Matched then |
begin |
while Str^ <> #0 do |
Inc(Str); |
Penalty := leading_letter_penalty * matches[0]; |
if Penalty < max_leading_letter_penalty then |
Penalty := max_leading_letter_penalty; |
Inc(OutScore, Penalty); |
Unmatched := Integer(Str - StrBegin) - NextMatch; |
Inc(OutScore, unmatched_letter_penalty * unmatched); |
for i := 0 to NextMatch - 1 do |
begin |
currIdx := Matches[i]; |
if i > 0 then |
begin |
prevIdx := Matches[i-1]; |
if currIdx = prevIdx+1 then |
begin |
Inc(OutScore, sequential_bonus); |
end; |
end; |
if currIdx > 0 then |
begin |
Neighbor := StrBegin[currIdx - 1]; |
Curr := StrBegin[Curridx]; |
if (NeighBor <> UpCase(Neighbor)) and (Curr = UpCase(Curr)) then |
Inc(OutScore, camel_bonus); |
if (Neighbor = '.' ) or (Neighbor = '_') or (Neighbor = ' ') then |
Inc(OutScore, separator_bonus); |
end; |
if currIdx < first_letter_count then |
begin |
Inc(OutScore, first_letter_bonus); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
if RecursiveMatch and ((not Matched) or (BestRecursiveScore > OutScore)) then |
begin |
Move(BestRecursiveMatches[0], Matches[0], MaxMatches); |
OutScore := BestRecursiveScore; |
Exit(True); |
end |
else if Matched then |
begin |
Exit(True); |
end; |
Exit(False); |
end; |
function FuzzyMatch(const Pattern: String; const Str: String; out Score: Integer): Boolean; |
var |
Matches: TMatches; |
begin |
Result := FuzzyMatch(Pattern, Str, Score, Matches); |
end; |
function FuzzyMatch(const Pattern: String; const Str: String; out Score: Integer; var Matches: TMatches): Boolean; |
var |
RecursionCount, RecursionLimit: Integer; |
begin |
RecursionCount := 0; |
RecursionLimit := 10; |
Result := FuzzyMatchRecursive(PChar(Pattern), PChar(Str), Score, PChar(Str), nil, @Matches[0], Length(Matches), 0, recursionCount, recursionLimit); |
end; |
end. |
I've added your Delphi/FreePascal port to my fuzzy-search repository, with all the due credits and links: