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Created October 28, 2017 22:42
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Nim AWS Request/Sigv4
# AWS SDK Core Library
A core library for an ambitious attempt at a Nim AWS SDK.
import os, times, math
import strutils except toLower
import sequtils, algorithm, tables, nimSHA2, unicode, uri
import httpclient, asyncdispatch, asyncfile
import securehash, hmac, base64
import sigv4
export sigv4.AWSCredentials, sigv4.AWSCredentialScope
const iso_8601_aws = "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'"
proc getAmzDateString*():string=
return format(getGMTime(getTime()), iso_8601_aws)
proc aws_request*(scope: var AWSCredentialScope, params: Table):Future[AsyncResponse]=
var client = newAsyncHttpClient("aws-sdk-nim/0.0.1; "&defUserAgent.replace(" ","-").toLower&"; darwin/16.7.0")
url = ("https://$" % scope.service ) & params["uri"]
req = (params["action"], url, params["payload"])
scope.signed_key = create_aws_authorization(req, client.headers.table, scope)
scope.expires = getGmTime(getTime()) + initInterval(days=7)
return client.request(url,params["action"],params["payload"])
import tables, times, math, asyncdispatch, httpclient
import awscore
let t0 = epochTime()
proc dt() : float =
round(epochTime() - t0,6)
var credentials : AWSCredentials = ("AWS_ACCESS_ID", "AWS_ACCESS_SECRET")
var scope : AWSCredentialScope = AWSCredentialScope(credentials:credentials, date: getAmzDateString(), region: "us-east-1", service: "s3", signed_key: "", expires: getGMTime(getTime()))
let bucket = "BUCKET-NAME"
let obj_path = "OBJECT_PATH"
let params = {
"uri": (bucket & "/" & obj_path),
"action": "GET",
"payload": ""
let res = waitFor aws_request(scope,params)
echo waitFor res.body
except HttpRequestError:
echo "http request error: "
echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()
echo "unknown request error: "
echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()
echo "Transfer Complete ", dt()
# AWS SignatureV4 Authorization Library
import os, times, math
import strutils except toLower
import sequtils, algorithm, tables, nimSHA2, unicode, uri
import securehash, hmac, base64, re
AWSCredentials* = tuple
id: string
secret: string
AWSCredentialScope* = object
credentials*: AWSCredentials
date*: string
region*: string
service*: string
signed_key*: string
expires*: TimeInfo
hash_algorithm = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"
termination_string = "aws4_request"
# Copied from cgi library and modified to fit the AWS-approved uri_encode
proc uri_encode(s:string, encSlash:bool):string=
result = newStringOfCap(s.len + s.len shr 2) # assume 12% non-alnum-chars
for i in 0..s.len-1:
case s[i]
of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '-', '.', '_', '~': add(result, s[i])
of '/':
if encSlash: add(result, "%2F")
else: add(result,s[i])
add(result, '%')
add(result, toHex(ord(s[i]), 2).toUpperASCII)
# Overloading so we can use in map without an error
proc uri_encode(s:string):string=
return uri_encode(s,true)
proc trim_headers(x:string):string=
return strip(x).replace(re"\s+"," ")
proc create_canonical_path(path:string):string=uri_encode(path,false)
proc create_canonical_qs(query:string):string=
if query.len<1:return query
var qs = query.split("&")
sort(qs, cmp[string])
qs = (x:string):string=x.split("=").map(uri_encode).join("="))
result = qs.join("&")
proc create_canonical_and_signed_headers(headers:TableRef):(string,string)=
var canonical = ""
var signed = ""
var heads : seq[string] = @[]
var lhead = {"host": heads }.newTable
for k in keys(headers):
lhead[k.toLower()] = headers[k]
sort(heads, cmp[string])
signed = heads.join(";")
var val = ""
for name in heads:
val = lhead[name].map(trim_headers).join("")
canonical &= name & ":" & val
canonical &= "\n"
return (canonical,signed)
# create create scope string
proc create_credential_scope*(date,region,service:string, termination:string=termination_string) : string =
result = date[0..7]&"/"
result &= region&"/"
result &= service&"/"
result &= termination
proc create_canonical_request(action:string="GET", canonical_uri:string="/", canonical_qs:string="", canonical_headers: string="", signed_headers:string="", hashed_payload: string="") : string =
result = action & "\n"
result &= canonical_uri & "\n"
result &= canonical_qs & "\n"
result &= canonical_headers & "\n"
result &= signed_headers & "\n"
result &= hashed_payload
# overloaded
proc create_canonical_request*(headers: var TableRef, meth: string, url: string, payload: string="", unsignedPayload:bool=true, reqContentSha:bool=true): (string,string)=
uri_obj = parseUri(url)
can_uri = create_canonical_path(uri_obj.path)
can_qs = create_canonical_qs(uri_obj.query)
var hashed_payload = "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD"
if payload.len>0 or not unsignedPayload:
hashed_payload = toLowerASCII(hex(computeSHA256(payload)))
headers["Host"] = @[uri_obj.hostname]
if reqContentSha:
headers["X-Amz-Content-Sha256"] = @[hashed_payload]
let (can_head, signed_head) = create_canonical_and_signed_headers(headers)
return (signed_head, create_canonical_request(meth, can_uri, can_qs, can_head, signed_head, hashed_payload))
proc create_signing_key*(secret,date,region,service:string,termination:string=termination_string): string =
$hmac_sha256($hmac_sha256($hmac_sha256($hmac_sha256("AWS4"&secret, date[0..7]),region),service),termination)
proc create_string_to_sign*(date,scope,c_str:string,alg:string=hash_algorithm):string=
result = alg & "\n"
result &= date & "\n"
result &= scope & "\n"
result &= toLowerASCII(hex(computeSHA256(c_str)))
proc create_sigv4*(signing_key,to_sign:string):string=
return toLowerASCII(hex(hmac_sha256(signing_key,to_sign)))
proc create_authorization*(id,scope,heads,sig:string,alg:string=hash_algorithm):string=
return alg&" Credential="&id&"/" & (scope) & ", SignedHeaders="&heads&", Signature="&sig
proc create_aws_authorization*(request:(string,string,string),
headers:var TableRef,
# make credential scope string
let c_scope= create_credential_scope(, scope.region, scope.service, opts[1])
headers["X-Amz-Date"] = @[]
# get signed headers and canonical request string
let (signed_head,canonical_request) = create_canonical_request(headers, request[0], request[1], request[2])
# making string to sign
let to_sign = create_string_to_sign(,c_scope,canonical_request,opts[0])
# export signing key for caching later
result = create_signing_key(scope.credentials[1],,scope.region,scope.service,opts[1])
# add authorization header
headers["Authorization"] = @[create_authorization(scope.credentials[0],c_scope,signed_head, create_sigv4(result, to_sign), opts[0])]
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