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GVim config file (for both Windows and Unix)
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" Gopi's _gvimrc file | |
" This file has been modified to make it work on both Windows and Linux | |
" Github gist location : | |
" If you find any issues or add any enhancements, please submit revised version as gist | |
"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
" 1. OS specific | |
if ($OS == 'Windows_NT') | |
" Windows specific settings | |
let $MY_DIR=$VIM " Setup where current user can write some data in Vim | |
let $MY_VIM="$VIM/xtra-vim-scripts" "Where custom downloaded Vim scripts are available | |
set viminfo='10,\"100,:20,%,n$MY_DIR/.viminfo | |
" 1.1 executing OS command within Vim | |
set shell=c:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe | |
" shell command flag | |
set shellcmdflag=/c | |
" 1.2 set font | |
" Use courier-new font | |
set guifont=Consolas:h10 | |
" set guifont=Courier_New:h11 | |
" set guifont=Terminal:h6 | |
" set guifont=Courier:h10 | |
else | |
" Unix specific settings | |
let $MY_DIR=$HOME " Setup where current user can write some data in Vim | |
let $MY_VIM="$HOME/xtra-vim-scripts" "Where custom downloaded Vim scripts are available | |
" 1.1 executing OS command within Vim | |
set shell=/bin/csh | |
" 1.2 set font | |
set guifont=Monospace\ 8 | |
endif | |
" 1.3 Restore cursor to file position in previous editing session | |
set viminfo='10,\"100,:20,%,n$MY_DIR/.viminfo | |
"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
" 2. File compatibility and configuration issues | |
" Do not keep a backup or .swp file. I don't like to have junk files, my source is anyway in cvs/svn/p4/git. | |
set nobackup | |
set nowritebackup | |
set noswapfile | |
set nocompatible " Use Vim defaults (much better!), Vi is for 70's programmers! | |
set viminfo='20,\"50 " read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more than 50 lines of registers - | |
set ts=4 " tabstop - how many columns should the cursor move for one tab | |
set sw=4 " shiftwidth - how many columns should the text be indented | |
set expandtab " always expands tab to spaces. It is good when peers use different editor. | |
set wrap " wraps longs lines to screen size | |
"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
" 3. Color, Look&Feel Configuration | |
" set colorscheme to midnight. Use the command :colorscheme <schemeName> for setting other color schemes | |
" colorscheme darkbone | |
colorscheme darkblue | |
" Use different color schemes for different set of files. | |
" au BufEnter *.* colorscheme zellner | |
au BufEnter *.log colorscheme desert | |
au BufEnter *.build colorscheme darkbone | |
"au BufEnter *.txt colorscheme darkbone | |
au BufEnter *.gradle colorscheme peachpuff | |
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.gradle setf groovy | |
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.json set ft=javascript | |
" Customize Status line color of current window & non-current windows | |
highlight StatusLineNC guifg=SlateBlue guibg=Yellow | |
highlight StatusLine guifg=Gray guibg=White | |
set vb t_vb= " stop beeping or flashing the screen | |
"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
" 4. Display specific (screen resolution dependent settings. Adjust these if your screen resolution will be too less or you have bigger monitor) | |
if ($OS == 'Windows_NT') | |
win 260 92 " The window height | |
else | |
win 200 40 " The window height | |
endif | |
set laststatus=2 " Show the status line even if only one file is being edited | |
set ruler " Show ruler | |
set go-=T " Following line removes the toolbar, As I usually dont need it. Gives me extra lines for editor. If you have big monitor and you think you need toolbar, comment this line. | |
" Make command line two lines high | |
set ch=2 | |
"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
" 5. Working with split windows and tabs | |
" 5.1 Working with tabs | |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
if version >= 700 | |
" always enable Vim tabs | |
set showtabline=2 | |
" set tab features just like browser | |
" open tab, close tab, next tab, previous tab (just like Chrome and Firefox keyboard shortcuts) | |
map <C-t> <Esc>:tabnew<CR> | |
map <C-F4> <Esc>:tabclose<CR> | |
map <C-Tab> <Esc>:tabnext<CR> | |
map <C-S-Tab> <Esc>:tabprev<CR> | |
endif | |
" 5.2 Working with windows | |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
" Switch between splits very fast (for multi-file editing) by maximizing target split - | |
map <C-J> <C-W>j<C-W>_ | |
map <C-K> <C-W>k<C-W>_ | |
map <C-H> <C-W>h<C-W>| | |
map <C-L> <C-W>l<C-W>| | |
map <C-=> <C-W>= | |
"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
" 6. General file editing | |
" 6.1 Common Settings to enable better editing | |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
set bs=2 " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode | |
set ai " always set autoindenting on | |
set showmatch " show matching brackets | |
syntax on " Switch on syntax highlighting. | |
set hidden " This option allows you to switch between multiple buffers without saving a changed buffer | |
set hlsearch " Switch on search pattern highlighting. | |
set mousehide " Hide the mouse pointer while typing. | |
" Easy pasting to windows apps - | |
" yank always copies to unnamed register, so it is available in windows clipboard for other applications. | |
set clipboard=unnamed | |
"Set the history size to maximum. by default it is 20 - | |
set history=80 | |
"Plugins config - | |
:filetype plugin on | |
" Always change the directory to working directory of file in current buffer - | |
autocmd BufEnter * call CHANGE_CURR_DIR() | |
" See Help documentation by entering command :help 'sessionoptions' | |
set sessionoptions+=resize | |
set sessionoptions+=winpos | |
set sessionoptions+=folds | |
set sessionoptions+=tabpages | |
set hlsearch " highlights the previously searched string | |
set incsearch " higlight search string as search pattern is entered | |
:hi Search ctermfg=red ctermbg=gray | |
set suffixes+=.class,.exe,.obj,.dat,.dll " Show these file types at the end while using :edit command | |
" Configuration for explorer.vim to open the new file by doing vertical split and opening it in right window. | |
" For more info use command :help file-explorer | |
let g:explVertical=1 " Split vertically | |
let g:explSplitRight=1 " Put new window right of the explorer window | |
let c_comment_strings=1 " I like highlighting strings inside C comments | |
" Buffer Explorer - | |
let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavVim = 1 | |
let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavArrows = 1 | |
let g:miniBufExplMapCTabSwitchBuffs = 1 | |
" On Opening Vim, restore previous session - | |
" I'm setting up a global session file. If you need project specific one, invoke below functions within Vim to save & restore. | |
autocmd VimLeavePre * call SaveSession("$MY_DIR/.session.vim") | |
"autocmd VimEnter * call RestoreSession("$MY_DIR/.session.vim") | |
" 6.2 Common shortcuts | |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
" Don't use Ex mode, use Q for formatting | |
map Q gq | |
" save the current file | |
map <F2> :w!<CR> | |
map <C-S> :w<CR> | |
" go to next file in the open file list. | |
map <F3> :n<CR> | |
" go to previous file in the open file list. | |
map <S-F3> :previous<CR> | |
" Show the list of all functions in current file - | |
nmap <F4> :call ShowFunc()<CR> | |
" Reload the current file | |
map <F5> :e!<CR> | |
map <M-r> :e!<CR> | |
" split the current file (horizontal split) | |
map <F6> :split<CR> | |
" Shift F6 will do vertical split | |
map <S-F6> : vsplit<CR> | |
" to execute Ant build tool. | |
map <F7> :!ant<CR> | |
" delete buffer | |
map <F8> :bdelete<CR> | |
" Shift F8 will delete buffer without saving | |
map <S-F8> : bdelete!<CR> | |
" Quit without saving | |
map <C-Q> :q!<CR> | |
" Quit after saving | |
map <C-X> :x<CR> | |
" show current word under cursor match lines in the file | |
" map <F8> :g/<C-R><C-W>/#<CR> | |
" Comment-ify the visually selected block using C style comments | |
vmap \/* omxomy<ESC>`xO/*<ESC>`yo*/<ESC> | |
"Copy current filename with path to clipboard | |
map <F8> :let @* = expand('%:p')<cr> | |
map! <F8> <Esc>:let @* = expand('%:p')<cr> | |
" WOK: CTRL-SPACE: keyword completion, Just like Eclipse :) | |
map <C-space> <C-n> | |
map! <C-space> <C-n> | |
map <C-S-space> <C-p> | |
map! <C-S-space> <C-p> | |
" Folding shortcuts | |
map - v%zf | |
map = v%zd | |
" Select All | |
map <C-a> ggVG | |
" 6.3 Setup for quick jump to sections of file | |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
" Tag settings - | |
" Vim will search for the file named 'tags', starting with the current directory and then going to the parent directory and then | |
" recursively to the directory one level above, till it either locates the 'tags' file or reaches the root '/' directory. | |
set tags=tags;/ | |
set tagstack | |
" For "gf" to open a file where complete path is available in current file. (useful in C/C++ programming to open *.h files). | |
" "**" matches a subtree, up to 100 directories deep. Example: | |
":set path=/home/user_x/src/** | |
" means search in the whole subtree under "/home/usr_x/src". | |
:set path=.,./** | |
" To jump between the '=' and ';' in an assignment using <S-%>. Useful for languages like C/C++ and Java. | |
:au FileType c,cpp,java set mps+==:; | |
" Including '<' and '>' (HTML): > | |
:set mps+=<:> | |
" Bookmark feature in Vim - | |
" To save all book marks in 100 files.It will save local marks (a-z) by default. The '100 tells Vim to save marks and other information for up to 100 files. The f1 directive tells Vim to also save global marks (A-Z) when it exits. If you don't want Vim to do this, set it to f0 instead. | |
" :marks give all marks | |
" ma - book mark "a" | |
" `a - go to bookmark "a" | |
set viminfo='100,f1 | |
"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
" 7. Programming language specific | |
" 7.1 Generic Programming Language setup | |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
augroup prog | |
au! | |
" When starting to edit a file: | |
" For *.c, *.cpp, *.java and *.h files set formatting of comments and set C-indenting on. | |
" For other files switch it off. | |
" Don't change the order, it's important that the line with * comes first. | |
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,BufReadPost * set formatoptions=tcql nocindent comments& | |
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,BufReadPost *.c,*.h,*.cpp,*.java set formatoptions=croql cindent comments=sr:/*,mb:*,el:*/,:// | |
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.fun,*.pks,*.pkb,*.sql,*.pls,*.plsql setf plsql | |
augroup END | |
" 7.2 Java shortcuts | |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
augroup jprog | |
au! | |
abbr Sysl/ System.out.println( | |
abbr Sys/ System.out.print( | |
abbr Syse/ System.exit(1); | |
abbr mark/ //TODO: Shambu | |
abbr todo/ //TODO: Gopi<NL><BS> | |
abbr op out.println(" | |
abbr main/ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {<NL><BS> | |
abbr dbg/ Debug\.println(2,"");<NL><BS> | |
abbr trace/ catch (Exception e) {<NL><Tab>e.printStackTrace();<NL><BS><BS><BS><BS>}<NL><BS> | |
abbr impx/ import org.xml.sax.*;<NL>import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;<NL><BS> | |
abbr msgbox/ MessageBox.Show("text", "caption", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); | |
" When starting to .java a file, set formatting of comments and set C-indenting on. | |
" For other files switch it off. | |
" Don't change the order, it's important that the line with * comes first. | |
autocmd BufRead * set formatoptions=tcql nocindent comments& | |
autocmd BufRead *.java, set formatoptions=croql cindent comments=sr:/*,mb:*,el:*/,:// | |
augroup END | |
" 7.3 C/C++ shortcuts | |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
" Note : to work on C/C++ Windows, download windows version of cscope from | |
" (logging macros) | |
augroup cprog | |
au! | |
abbr log0/ LOG_ENTER(L""); | |
abbr log1/ LOG_EXIT(L""); | |
abbr logi/ LOG_INFO(L""); | |
"cs add s:\btbuild\scripts\cscope.out | |
let g:buildFile = '' | |
let g:antOption = '-verbose' | |
augroup END | |
" 7.4 HTML shortcuts | |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
augroup html | |
" bold | |
vmap \b y:s/\<<c-r>"\>/<b>&<\/b>/g<CR> | |
" bold - global | |
vmap \B y:%s/\<<c-r>"\>/<b>&<\/b>/g<CR> | |
" italics | |
vmap \i y:s/\<<c-r>"\>/<i>&<\/i>/g<CR> | |
" italics - global | |
vmap \I y:%s/\<<c-r>"\>/<i>&<\/i>/g<CR> | |
" fixed width font | |
vmap \tt y:s/\<<c-r>"\>/<tt>&<\/tt>/g<CR> | |
" fixed width font - global | |
vmap \TT y:%s/\<<c-r>"\>/<tt>&<\/tt>/g<CR> | |
augroup END | |
"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
" 8 Custom inline scripts | |
" 8.1 Show the list of all functions in current file - | |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
function! ShowFunc() | |
let gf_s = &grepformat | |
let gp_s = &grepprg | |
let &grepformat = '%*\k%*\sfunction%*\s%l%*\s%f %*\s%m' | |
let &grepprg = 'ctags -x --c++-types=f --sort=no -o -' | |
" for java. TODO: update it to handle all .java, .c, .cpp | |
"let &grepprg = 'ctags -x --java-types=cfimp --sort=no -o -' | |
write | |
silent! grep % | |
cwindow | |
"let &grepformat = gf_s | |
let &grepprg = gp_s | |
endfunc | |
"8.2 Always change the directory to working directory of file in current buffer - | |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
function! CHANGE_CURR_DIR() | |
let _dir = expand("%:p:h") | |
exec "cd " . _dir | |
unlet _dir | |
endfunction | |
"8.3 Save & Restore Vim Sessions in session files. | |
"Save a session of Vim in specific sessionFile | |
function! SaveSession(sessionFile) | |
let $f=a:sessionFile | |
mksession! $f | |
endfunction | |
"Restore a session of Vim from specific sessionFile | |
function! RestoreSession(sessionFile) | |
let $f=a:sessionFile | |
source $f | |
endfunction | |
"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
" 9 Custom Vim Setup to create new files/download other files. | |
" 9.1 Default copyright header | |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
" Whenever I create a new class in Java /C# , I want copyright header :). Disable this if you don't want. | |
au BufNewFile *.cs 0r $VIM/Header.cs | |
au BufNewFile *.java 0r $VIM/ | |
" 9.2 Vim scripts - Install and uncomment below lines. By default these scripts are not part of Vim distribution. | |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
" NOTE : Reason why downloaded scripts are kept separate from Vim distribution folder is to make sure we can upgrade to new version of | |
" Vim easily and know which vim script files to be explicitly backedup/copied when you setup Vim on different machine | |
" 9.2.1 Tags menu for various programming language source files | |
" | |
"source $MY_VIM/FuncMenu.vim | |
" 9.3 FTP Plugins | |
"source $MY_VIM/intellisense.vim | |
"source $MY_VIM/ftplugin/cs_vis.vim | |
"source $MY_VIM/ftplugin/java_vis.vim | |
"source $MY_VIM/ftplugin/html_vis.vim | |
" 9.4 Jad Plugin - When .class file is opened with Vim, decompile it using jad.exe and show the source code. | |
" Downlaod jad from and make sure jad " executable is in your system path. | |
source $MY_VIM\jad.vim | |
" 9.5 Favourites menu - Download from | |
"source $MY_VIM/FavMenu.vim | |
How does one execute the "Comment-ify" vmap mapping? I tried /* and that just brought up the search, same for /*. I'm missing a step.
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good, I use windows7, but I will not be configured, vim is a gorgeous editor, I was obsessed, so far can not find a suitable way to learn, it is envy you these great God who