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Created July 31, 2015 10:55
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Simplest Example possible on Events and Delegates in C#
using System;
public class Publisher //main publisher class which will invoke methods of all subscriber classes
public delegate void TickHandler(Publisher m, EventArgs e); //declaring a delegate
public TickHandler Tick; //creating an object of delegate
public EventArgs e = null; //set 2nd paramter empty
public void Start() //starting point of thread
while (true)
if (Tick != null) //check if delegate object points to any listener classes method
Tick(this, e); //if it points i.e. not null then invoke that method!
public class Subscriber1 //1st subscriber class
public void Subscribe(Publisher m) //get the object of pubisher class
m.Tick += HeardIt; //attach listener class method to publisher class delegate object
private void HeardIt(Publisher m, EventArgs e) //subscriber class method
System.Console.WriteLine("Heard It by Listener");
public class Subscriber2 //2nd subscriber class
public void Subscribe2(Publisher m) //get the object of pubisher class
m.Tick += HeardIt; //attach listener class method to publisher class delegate object
private void HeardIt(Publisher m, EventArgs e) //subscriber class method
System.Console.WriteLine("Heard It by Listener2");
class Test
static void Main()
Publisher m = new Publisher(); //create an object of publisher class which will later be passed on subscriber classes
Subscriber1 l = new Subscriber1(); //create object of 1st subscriber class
Subscriber2 l2 = new Subscriber2(); //create object of 2nd subscriber class
l.Subscribe(m); //we pass object of publisher class to access delegate of publisher class
l2.Subscribe2(m); //we pass object of publisher class to access delegate of publisher class
m.Start(); //starting point of publisher class
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Good simple and easy to understand. but when we use event then make sure we use the event keyword instead of the delegate keyword. because it provides a more easy way to understand the code and its purpose.

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