After the successful installation of Ubuntu(or other linux distro) on your windows machine, you may encounter a lot many issues setting up the Ruby on Rails project and it could be any or all of the below mentioned one:
Error: Could not find database.yml file / issue related to postgres In this case check that you have installed postgresql properly or not on your machine first. Once after confirmation, u may still face the same issue then u may have to find 'pg_hba.conf' file and follow the instructions given in this page
We may have to replace the word 'peer' everywhere inside 'pg_hba.conf' file with 'trust' and then save it, restart the psql service and then try to start the rails server again. But before that we have to find the location of 'pg_hba.conf' file. This link might be helpful for the same -
We might also have to go to database.yml file & set the 'username:postgresql' & 'password:postgresql'. And in the end you might have to start the postgresql service with 'sudo service postgresql start' command
Error: Could not find Redis server Please check that you have installed the redis properly on your machine. After confirmation, u may just have to start the service with 'redis-server' command
(other issues to add...)