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tdcosta100 /
Last active March 12, 2025 11:26
A tutorial to use GUI in WSL2/WSLg replacing original Xorg by Xwayland, allowing WSL to work like native Linux, including login screen

Full desktop shell in WSL2 using WSLg (XWayland)


If you want to use Wayland in WSLg in a simpler setup, you can try the WSLg (Wayland) tutorial.

In this tutorial, we will setup GUI in WSL2. No additional software outside WSL (like VcXsrv or GWSL) is required. You will find this tutorial very similar to the one that replaces Xorg with Xvnc. Indeed, it's pretty much the same tutorial, with some few changes.

The key component we need to install is the desktop metapackage you want (GNOME, KDE, Xfce, Budgie, etc), and after that, replace the default Xorg by a script that calls Xwayland instead.

For this setup, I will use Ubuntu 24.04, and install GNOME Desktop. Unfortunately older versions of Ubuntu lack some fundamental things, so we cannot reproduce it in older versions (at least not fully). Since the key components aren't bound to Ubuntu or GNOME, you can use your favorite distro and GUI. Check the [Sample screenshot

pissang / filter.glsl
Last active December 27, 2024 21:11
Shader Code from Edge-Avoiding À-Trous Wavelet Transform for fast Global Illumination Filtering
* Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved.
* License terms:
* This is a 1:1 implementation/copy of the GLSL algorithm shown at the
* end of the 2010 paper "Edge-Avoiding À-Trous Wavelet Transform for
* fast Global Illumination Filtering"
arthurafarias /
Last active May 20, 2024 14:46
Encoding URI and URI Component in C++

Encode and Decode HTTP URIs and URI components in C++

What is a URI?

A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters that unambiguously identifies a particular resource. To guarantee uniformity, all URIs follow a predefined set of syntax rules,[1] but also maintain extensibility through a separately defined hierarchical naming scheme (e.g. "http://").

Such identification enables interaction with representations of the resource over a network, typically the World Wide Web, using specific protocols. Schemes specifying a concrete syntax and associated protocols define each URI. The most common form of URI is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), frequently referred to informally as a web address. More rarely seen in usage is the Uniform Resource Name (URN), which was designed to complement URLs by providing a mechanism for the identification of resources in particular namespaces.

The common parts of a URI are described below.

  • void glEnableVertexAttribArray​(GLuint attribIndex);
  • void glDisableVertexAttribArray​(GLuint attribIndex);
  • void glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint attribIndex, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer);
  • void glVertexAttribFormat(GLuint attribIndex, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint relativeoffset);
  • void glVertexAttribBinding(GLuint attribIndex, GLuint bindingIndex);
  • void glBindVertexBuffer(GLuint bindingIndex, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLintptr stride);
parameter Details
attribIndex the location for the vertex attribute to which the vertex array will feed data
armornick / playwav.c
Created August 24, 2012 07:31
Play a sound with SDL2 (no SDL_Mixer)
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#define MUS_PATH "Roland-GR-1-Trumpet-C5.wav"
// prototype for our audio callback
// see the implementation for more information
void my_audio_callback(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len);
// variable declarations
static Uint8 *audio_pos; // global pointer to the audio buffer to be played