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Forked from sj26/
Last active September 26, 2018 14:51
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Bash retry function
# echo, but to stderr
function echoerr {
echo "$@" 1>&2;
# Retry a command up to a specific numer of times until it exits successfully,
# with exponential back off.
# $ retry 5 echo Hello
# Hello
# $ retry 5 false
# Retry 1/5 exited 1, retrying in 15 seconds...
# Retry 2/5 exited 1, retrying in 30 seconds...
# Retry 3/5 exited 1, retrying in 60 seconds...
# Retry 4/5 exited 1, retrying in 120 seconds...
# Retry 5/5 exited 1, no more retries left.
function retry {
local retries=$1
local count=0
until "$@"; do
wait=$((2 ** $count * ${WAIT_MODIFIER:-1}))
count=$(($count + 1))
if [ $count -lt $retries ]; then
echoerr "Retry $count/$retries exited $exit, retrying in $wait seconds..."
sleep $wait
echoerr "Retry $count/$retries exited $exit, no more retries left."
return $exit
return 0
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