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Last active November 15, 2024 12:31
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Groovy example for map, filter, reduce
// In Groovy
// collect = "map"
// inject = "reduce"
// See for docs
// Arrays
def myNumbers = [3, 5, 1]
// Map example
def biggerNumbers = myNumbers.collect({ x ->
x + 4
assert biggerNumbers == [7, 9 , 5]
// Filter example
assert [1, 2, 3].findAll { it > 1 } == [2, 3]
// Reduce example
def total = myNumbers.inject(0, { result, x ->
result + x
assert total == 9
// combined example
def otherTotal = myNumbers.collect({ x ->
x + 1
}).inject(0, { result, x ->
result + x
assert otherTotal == 12
// Dictionaries
def pets = [
dogs: 2,
cats: 1,
parrots: 0,
// Map example
def petKinds = pets.collect({ kind, count ->
assert petKinds == ["dogs", "cats", "parrots"]
// Filter example
def petsThatExist = pets.findAll({ kind, count ->
count > 0
}).collect({ kind, count ->
assert petsThatExist == ["dogs", "cats"]
// Reduce example
def totalPets = pets.inject(0, {result, kind, count ->
result + count
assert totalPets == 3
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