This gist is for zotero-pdf-translate.
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- Register an account on the OpenAI website.
- After successful registration, go to API keys and create an key, which looks like
. - Fill in the url with the complete URL, such as
. - For the model, enter a model name such as
. - When using the official OpenAI API, ensure your network environment allows direct connection to OpenAI .
- When using a 3-party OpenAI compatible API, follow the same format as above.
刚刚我配置gpt-3.5-turbo的时候,基本认为都填对的,然后一直报这个错误,实在没办法了我就重新填写了一次api-key, 可能复制不认真会导致粘贴错误,然后我先尝试了gpt-4o,这次突然可以运行了,再次改成gpt-3.5-turbo也正常使用。基于以上猜测,一是复制api-key要小心一些,纯文本复制,以防复制到一些隐形的特殊符号,还有可能是界面的保存按键不是每次都生效,多试几次,最后实在不行重启软件试试。