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#!/bin/bash | |
# private_key_into_bitcoin_wif.sh: convert secp256k1 private key in hexadicimal number (HEX) to Bitcoin Wallet Import Format (WIF) | |
# Examples: | |
# $ bash private_key_into_bitcoin_wif.sh "000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364139" > private_key_bitcoin.wif | |
# $ bash private_key_into_bitcoin_wif.sh $(< input_file.txt) > private_key_bitcoin.wif | |
# $ cat priv_key.txt | xargs bash private_key_into_bitcoin_wif.sh > private_key_bitcoin.wif | |
# $ bash private_key_into_bitcoin_wif.sh fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364139 | echo "$(cat) importedkeylabel false" | xargs bitcoin-cli importprivkey && bitcoin-cli getaddressesbylabel importedkeylabel | |
# $ openssl rand -hex 32 | xargs bash private_key_into_bitcoin_wif.sh | |
# $ xxd -l 32 -p -c 32 /dev/random | xargs bash private_key_into_bitcoin_wif.sh | |
# $ od -t x --width=32 --endian=big -A n -v --skip-bytes=7 --read-bytes=32 priv_key_secp256k1.openssl.der | tr -d [:blank:] | xargs bash private_key_into_bitcoin_wif.sh | |
# $ openssl asn1parse -in priv_key_secp256k1.der -inform der -offset=5 -length=34 | cut -d ':' -f 4 | xargs bash private_key_into_bitcoin_wif.sh | |
# (Extracting a private key using certutil.exe parser in cmd.exe only) C:\> for /f "usebackq tokens=3-19" %a in (`certutil.exe -asn priv_key_secp256k1.openssl.der ^| findstr "\<|....................................................;\>"`) do @echo | set /p=%a%b%c%d%e%f%g%h%i%j%k%l%m%n%o%p | |
# $ openssl ec -in private_key.openssl.pem -text | grep -A 3 'priv:' | tail -n 3 | tr -d -c [:xdigit:] | xargs bash private_key_into_bitcoin_wif.sh | |
# $ gpg --list-packets --verbose gpg.key | grep skey | grep -o -w -m 1 '[[:xdigit:]]\{64\}' | xargs bash private_key_into_bitcoin_wif.sh | |
# $ zsh private_key_into_bitcoin_wif.sh "000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364139" | |
declare -r BASE58_CHARSET="123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz" | |
declare hex_priv_key="$1" | |
declare u_limit=fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364140 | |
declare -i counter=0 | |
####################################### | |
# Input validation - 64 characters and within the elliptic curve secp256k1 private key limit | |
####################################### | |
if [ ${#hex_priv_key} -ne 64 ]; then | |
echo "ERROR: The input argument is not 64 characters long. If the number is shorter then it needs to be prepanded with zeros so it looks like in the example: 000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364139" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
for (( counter=0; counter<64; counter+=2 )); do | |
if [[ $(( 16#${hex_priv_key:$counter:2} )) -lt $(( 16#${u_limit:$counter:2} )) ]]; then | |
break | |
elif [[ $(( 16#${hex_priv_key:$counter:2} )) -eq $(( 16#${u_limit:$counter:2} )) ]]; then | |
continue | |
else | |
echo "ERROR: The input priv key is not within valid secp256k1 range of ${u_limit}" | |
exit 2 | |
fi | |
done | |
####################################### | |
# Conversion from HEX to WIF | |
####################################### | |
declare -r PRIVATE_KEY_WIF_PREFIX="80" | |
declare hex_annotated_priv_key="${PRIVATE_KEY_WIF_PREFIX}${hex_priv_key}${COMPRESSION_FLAG_WIF_SUFFIX}" | |
if command -v sha256sum >/dev/null | |
then | |
declare sha256_digest=$( for (( counter=0; counter<${#hex_annotated_priv_key}; counter+=2 )) ; do printf "\x${hex_annotated_priv_key:$counter:2}" ; done | sha256sum -b ) | |
declare double_sha256_digest=$( for (( counter=0; counter<64; counter+=2 )) ; do printf "\x${sha256_digest:$counter:2}" ; done | sha256sum -b ) | |
elif command -v shasum >/dev/null | |
then | |
declare sha256_digest=$( for (( counter=0; counter<${#hex_annotated_priv_key}; counter+=2 )) ; do printf "\x${hex_annotated_priv_key:$counter:2}" ; done | shasum -a 256 -b ) | |
declare double_sha256_digest=$( for (( counter=0; counter<64; counter+=2 )) ; do printf "\x${sha256_digest:$counter:2}" ; done | shasum -a 256 -b ) | |
elif command -v openssl >/dev/null | |
then | |
declare double_sha256_digest=$( for (( counter=0; counter<${#hex_annotated_priv_key}; counter+=2 )) ; do printf "\x${hex_annotated_priv_key:$counter:2}" ; done | openssl dgst -digest -sha256 -binary | openssl dgst -digest -sha256 -r ) | |
else | |
echo "There isn't sha256sum or shasum or openssl installed. Script execution interrupted." | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
hex_annotated_priv_key="${hex_annotated_priv_key}${double_sha256_digest:0:8}" | |
declare dividend="${hex_annotated_priv_key}" | |
declare -i -r divisor=${#BASE58_CHARSET} | |
declare -i -r divisor_length=${#divisor} | |
declare -i subdividend=0 | |
declare quotient="1" | |
declare -i i=0 | |
declare -i j=0 | |
declare -i position=0 | |
declare -i leading_zeros=0 | |
declare -i initial_zeros_in_priv_key=0 | |
declare b58_int_string="" | |
while ((${#dividend} >= ${divisor_length})); do | |
quotient="" | |
for (( position=0; position<${#dividend}; position++ )); do | |
subdividend=$((subdividend*16+16#${dividend:$position:1})) | |
printf -v quotient "%s%X" "${quotient}" $((subdividend/divisor)) | |
subdividend=$((subdividend%divisor)) | |
done | |
printf -v b58_int_string "%s%02d" "${b58_int_string}" "${subdividend}" | |
subdividend=0 | |
for (( leading_zeros=0; leading_zeros<${#quotient}; leading_zeros++ )); do | |
if [ ${quotient:$leading_zeros:1} != "0" ]; then | |
break | |
fi | |
done | |
dividend=${quotient:$leading_zeros} | |
done | |
if (( leading_zeros != ${#quotient} )); then | |
printf -v b58_int_string "%s%02d" "${b58_int_string}" $(( 16#${dividend} )) | |
fi | |
for (( initial_zeros_in_priv_key=0; initial_zeros_in_priv_key<${#hex_annotated_priv_key}; initial_zeros_in_priv_key+=2 )); do | |
if [[ ${hex_annotated_priv_key:$initial_zeros_in_priv_key:2} == "00" ]]; then | |
printf -v b58_int_string "%s%c" "${b58_int_string}" "0" | |
else | |
break | |
fi | |
done | |
declare -i dec=0 | |
for (( j=${#b58_int_string}-2; j >= 0; j-=2 )); do | |
dec=$(( 10#${b58_int_string:$j:2} )) | |
printf "%c" ${BASE58_CHARSET:$dec:1} | |
done | |
printf "\n" | |
# Release date: 2022-08-23 |
@GregTonoski can I use it to generare a pubkey and an legacy address?
Not directly however pubkey and addresses (including the lagacy type) can be generated using almost any wallet, e.g. Bitcoin Core after importing private key in WIF format like the one output by the https://gist.github.com/GregTonoski/438992249df6e4bd613f9758421ff38a . There are the commands to import to Bitcoin Core:
https://developer.bitcoin.org/reference/rpc/getdescriptorinfo.html and https://developer.bitcoin.org/reference/rpc/deriveaddresses.html.
See also: https://bluewallet.io/docs/import-wallet/
mmh many thanks! I was looking for a compact solution that uses only bash, I was hoping you had some other such gist, but I guess generating addresses from a WIF is a very complicated thing in pure Bash
@GregTonoski can I use it to generare a pubkey and an legacy address?