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deanrad / cors.js
Last active April 9, 2021 09:26
Using CORS-Anywhere via AJAX
If you are attempting to call an AJAX API, via GET which responds:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
You can modify the way you query it to go through a server which will add the header.
Basically, you add the URL you want (with query string parameters) at the end of
, and ensure that your ajax call is done with some additional options as shown below
See CORS-Anywhere documentation here for more:
![Иллюстрация к проекту](
![Image alt]({username}/{repository}/raw/{branch}/{path}/image.png)
{username} — ваш ник на ГитХабе;
{repository} — репозиторий где хранятся картинки;
{branch} — ветка репозитория;
{path} — путь к месту нахождения картинки.