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Created February 27, 2025 13:52
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  • Save Grohden/3b0deb089e999fc5ba6ccb385fc2156c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Grohden/3b0deb089e999fc5ba6ccb385fc2156c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import { globSync } from 'glob';
const isCI = process.env.CI === '1' || process.env.CI === 'true';
const silent = process.argv.indexOf('--silent') !== -1 || isCI;
const fileArgIndex = process.argv.indexOf('--file');
const singleFilePath =
fileArgIndex !== -1 ? process.argv[fileArgIndex + 1] : null;
const __dirname = path.dirname(new URL(import.meta.url).pathname);
const folderPath = path.join(__dirname, '../{src,mocks}');
const globPattern = path.join(folderPath, '**/*.{ts,tsx}');
!silent && console.log(`Globbing files: ${globPattern}`);
const internalAlias = '@src/';
function reorderImports(filePath) {
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8');
// It is not perfect to use a regex, a parser could be better suited
// however we want this to be quick and regex works for now
const importRegex = /import\s+[\s\S]*?['"]([^"']+)['"];?\n/g;
const imports = [];
let match;
// biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noAssignInExpressions: <explanation>
while ((match = importRegex.exec(fileContent)) !== null) {
const importStatement = match[0];
const source = match[1];
imports.push({ statement: importStatement, source });
// Categorize imports
const groupedImports = {
external: [],
internal: [],
local: [],
for (const { statement, source } of imports) {
if (statement.includes(internalAlias)) {
} else if (source.includes('./')) {
} else {
const sortedImports = [
...(groupedImports.external.length ? ['\n'] : []),
...(groupedImports.internal.length ? ['\n'] : []),
...(groupedImports.local.length ? ['\n'] : []),
const contentWithoutImports = fileContent.replace(importRegex, '').trim();
const newContent = `${sortedImports}${contentWithoutImports}\n`;
if (fileContent !== newContent) {
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, newContent);
!silent && console.log(`Reordered imports in: ${filePath}`);
} else {
!silent && console.log(`File unchanged: ${filePath}`);
if (singleFilePath) {
console.log('Finished reordering imports in the specified file.');
} else {
try {
const files = globSync(globPattern);
for (const filePath of files) {
console.log(`Finished reordering imports in ${files.length} files.`);
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error finding files:', err);
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