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Created August 17, 2021 16:54
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A (partially) wrtc compatible wrapper layer around node-datachannel so that node-datachannel can be used as wrtc backend for various webrtc libraries when running inside a nodejs environment.
import libdatachannel from 'node-datachannel';
const do_nothing = (..._) => { };
const decorate_channel = channel => {
Object.defineProperty(channel, "readyState", {
get: function () {
return channel.isOpen() ? 'open' : 'closed'
Object.defineProperty(channel, "label", {
get: function () {
return channel.getLabel();
channel.send = data => {
if (!channel.isOpen()) {
if (typeof data === 'string' || data instanceof String) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log("err, sendMessage", e)
} else if (data instanceof Buffer) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log("err, sendMessageBinary", e)
} else {
throw 'Can only send string or Buffer object';
channel.onopen = do_nothing
channel.onOpen(() => {
if (!channel.isOpen()) {
channel.onerror('datachannel did not open properly.')
} else {
channel.onmessage = do_nothing
channel.onMessage(data => channel.onmessage({ data }))
channel.onclose = do_nothing
channel.onClosed(() => channel.onclose())
channel.onerror = do_nothing
channel.onError(() => channel.onerror())
return channel;
class RTCPeerConnection {
constructor(options) {
this.__state == 'new';
this.__connected = false;
this.__localDescription = null;
this.__remoteDescription = null;
this.__peer = new libdatachannel.PeerConnection('', {
iceServers: [
this.ondatachannel = do_nothing
this.onicecandidate = do_nothing
this.__peer.onDataChannel(channel => {
channel: decorate_channel(channel)
this.__peer.onStateChange((state) => {
this.__state = state;
// console.log("State change:", state);
if (state == 'connecting') {
// This is the initial state
if (state == 'connected') {
this.__connected = true;
if (state == 'failed') {
this.__connected = false;
if (state == 'disconnected') {
this.__connected = false;
// Calling close here on __peer will result in error.
this.__peer.onGatheringStateChange((state) => {
// console.log("this.__peer GatheringState:", state);
this.__peer.onLocalDescription((sdp, type) => {
// console.log("this.__peer SDP:", sdp, " Type:", type);
this.__localDescription = {
type: type,
// For firefox, the sdp sometimes create empty 'a=' lines which causes sdp
// parse errors in firefox. Just filter out such lines in case it happens.
sdp: sdp.replace(/a=\r?\n/g, ''),
if (this.__localDescriptionCallback) {
this.__localDescriptionCallback = null;
this.__peer.onLocalCandidate((candidate, mid) => {
if (this.__localDescription && candidate) {
this.__localDescription.sdp += candidate + '\r\n';
type: 'candidate',
candidate: {
candidate: candidate.replace('a=candidate:', 'candidate:'),
get localDescription(){
return this.__localDescription;
setLocalDescription(signal) {
// This function is not necessary for node-datachannel library.
// We still need to define it though for compliance with
// browser wrtc implementation.
get remoteDescription(){
return this.__remoteDescription;
setRemoteDescription(signal) {
if (this.__connected) return;
if (this.__remoteDescription) return;
this.__remoteDescription = signal;
this.__peer.setRemoteDescription(signal.sdp, signal.type);
addIceCandidate(candidate) {
if (this.__connected) return;
// TODO: mid is hardcoded to 0 now. Probably bad...
this.__peer.addRemoteCandidate('a=' + candidate.candidate, '0');
createDataChannel(name) {
return decorate_channel(this.__peer.createDataChannel(name));
async __createSignal(type) {
const callback = () => {
const offer = this.__localDescription;
if (offer.type == type) {
return offer;
} else {
throw 'Cannot create offer/answer for this peer';
const offer = this.__localDescription;
if (offer) {
return callback()
} else {
return new Promise((accept, reject) => {
if (this.__localDescriptionCallback) {
reject('Cannot create offer/answer at this stage.')
} else {
this.__localDescriptionCallback = () => {
try { accept(callback()) }
catch (e) { reject(e) }
createOffer() {
if (this.__connected) return;
return this.__createSignal('offer')
createAnswer() {
if (this.__connected) return;
return this.__createSignal('answer')
close() {
get connectionState() {
return this.__state;
class RTCIceCandidate {
constructor(candidate) {
this.candidate = candidate;
export default {
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