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yehgdotnet /
Last active February 7, 2023 13:14
MAMP PRO for Mac OSX - Installing PHP ZIP extension

From Terminal

# install dependencies
brew install autoconf # required by pecl 
brew install libzip

# install zip extenion in your selected MAMP PHP version 
ls /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/
Jany-M / wp_ics.php
Last active September 19, 2023 03:15 — forked from jakebellacera/ICS.php
[WP] Generate a downloadable .ics file from any WordPress post or custom post type
For a better understanding of ics requirements and time formats
please check
// Check if string is a timestamp
misterhon / ymapi_connect.php
Last active November 25, 2020 03:38
YourMembership API Requests in PHP
* Authenticate user via the API
* Documentation:
define( 'API_ENDPOINT', '' );
define( 'API_VERSION', '2.02' );