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Augustin Delaporte GuGuss

View GitHub Profile

Flawless collaboration between front and back developers


Deploy the Symfony skeleton on Upsun

symfony new symfonycon-vienna-2024 --upsun
cd symfonycon-vienna-2024
symfony prokect:create --title symfonycon-vienna-2024
version: 1
id: platformsh/demo-project
name: Upsun Demo
description: |
<p>This repository builds the Upsun Demo.</p>
class: starter
featured: false
GuGuss / script-compliance.js
Last active May 29, 2020 14:39
Activity Script to compare the deployed services and runtimes versions with the public registry.
* Returns a key/value object containing all variables relevant for the activity.
* That includes project level variables, plus any variables visible for
* the relevant environment for the activity, if any.
* Note that JSON-encoded values will show up as a string, and need to be
* decoded with JSON.parse().
function variables() {
GuGuss /
Last active December 16, 2019 15:21 — forked from bradp/
New Mac Setup Script
echo "Creating an SSH key for you..."
ssh-keygen -t rsa
echo "Please add this public key to Github \n"
echo " \n"
read -p "Press [Enter] key after this..."
echo "Installing xcode-stuff"
xcode-select --install

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am guguss on github.
  • I am guguss ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is B87A 47AF 4F4D 7625 733B 59ED E38C BAFD F108 B18A

To claim this, I am signing this object:

# Custom theme made by GuGuss by extending the superjarin theme
# Grab the current filepath, use shortcuts: ~/Desktop
# Append the current git branch, if in a git repository
ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX="%{$fg[green]%} [%{$fg[blue]%}"