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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Save GuanshanLiu/b8ba764ea8dc1c06a397 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
As I learn UI Automation with TTPod, the project I work on at Alibaba Inc.
try {
UIALogger.logStart("Testing creating a new playlist")
var target = UIATarget.localTarget()
var app = target.frontMostApp()
var window = app.mainWindow()
UIALogger.logMessage("Ensure we are at Mine section by ...")
var rootScrollView = window.scrollViews()[0]
var mineButton = rootScrollView.buttons()["Mine"]
UIALogger.logMessage("... tapping Mine")
UIALogger.logMessage("Go to Custom Playlists")
var homeTableView = window.scrollViews()[1].tableViews()[0]
var customPlaylistsCell = homeTableView.cells()["Custom Playlists"]
UIALogger.logMessage("Add new playlist named Test 1")
var playlistTableView = window.tableViews()[0]
UIATarget.onAlert = function() {
return true
var addButton = playlistTableView.buttons()["+ New Playlist"]
UIALogger.logMessage("Remove place holder strings")
UIALogger.logMessage("Type in Test 1")
var title = "Test 1"
var cell = playlistTableView.cells()[1]
if ( == title) {
UIALogger.logMessage("Add new playlist '" + title + "' successfully!!")
} else {
throw new Error("Expect '" + title + "' but got '" + + "'")
UIALogger.logMessage("Return to Mine")
window.buttons()["top bar back"].tap()
UIALogger.logPass("Test passed")
} catch (exception) {
UIALogger.logFail("Test failed")
throw exception
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