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library(leaflet) | |
library(sf) | |
library(rmapshaper) | |
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) | |
library(smoothr) | |
library(shiny) | |
u <- httr::GET('https://www.data.gouv.fr/api/1/datasets/5e7e104ace2080d9162b61d8/') | |
url_search <- httr::content(u)$resources | |
df_date <- tibble(url = url_search %>% purrr::map_chr('url'), | |
timestamp = url_search %>% purrr::map_chr('last_modified')) %>% | |
filter(grepl('hospitalieres-covid', url)) %>% | |
arrange(desc(timestamp)) %>% | |
pull(timestamp) %>% | |
.[1] %>% | |
lubridate::as_datetime() %>% | |
format(., '%Y-%m-%d à %Hh%Mm') | |
dat_cov <- readr::read_csv2('https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/r/63352e38-d353-4b54-bfd1-f1b3ee1cabd7') %>% | |
filter(sexe == 0) %>% | |
filter(!is.na(jour)) %>% | |
select(dep, jour, hosp, rad, rea, dc) | |
ui <- bootstrapPage( | |
tags$head( | |
tags$link(href = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oswald", rel = "stylesheet"), | |
tags$style(type = "text/css", "html, body {width:100%;height:100%; font-family: Oswald, sans-serif;}"), | |
#includeHTML("meta.html"), | |
tags$script(src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/iframe-resizer/3.5.16/iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js", | |
type="text/javascript")), | |
leafletOutput("covid", width = "100%", height = "100%"), | |
absolutePanel( | |
bottom = 20, left = 40, draggable = TRUE, width = "20%", style = "z-index:500; min-width: 300px;", | |
titlePanel("France | Covid"), | |
# br(), | |
em('La donnée est affichée en plaçant la souris sur la carte'), | |
sliderInput("jour",h3(""), | |
min = min(dat_cov$jour), max = max(dat_cov$jour), step = 1, | |
value = max(dat_cov$jour), | |
animate = animationOptions(interval = 1700, loop = FALSE)), | |
tags$style(".form-control {background-color: #d4dcdc !important; color: #333}"), | |
dateInput( | |
inputId = "date_1", | |
# value = min(dat_cov$jour), | |
value = '2020-06-01', | |
weekstart = 1, | |
startview = "year", | |
label = "Date de début", | |
format = "D dd/mm/yyyy", | |
min = min(dat_cov$jour), | |
language = "fr", | |
max = Sys.Date() | |
), | |
shinyWidgets::prettyRadioButtons('sel_data', 'Donnée affichée', | |
choices = c('Hospitalisés', 'En réanimation', 'Retours à domicile (cumulés depuis 1ère vague)', 'Décès (cumulés depuis 1ère vague)'), | |
selected = 'Hospitalisés', | |
shape = "round", animation = "jelly",plain = TRUE,bigger = FALSE,inline = FALSE), | |
shinyWidgets::prettySwitch('pop', "Ratio / 100 000 habitants*", FALSE), | |
em(tags$small("*à noter sur ce ratio : un patient peut être hospitalisé plus d'une fois")), | |
em(tags$small(br(), "Pour les décès, il s'agit de ceux ayant lieu à l'hôpital")), | |
h5(tags$a(href = 'http://github.com/GuillaumePressiat', 'Guillaume Pressiat')), | |
h5(em('Dernière mise à jour le ' , df_date)), | |
#br(), | |
tags$small(tags$li(tags$a(href = 'https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/donnees-hospitalieres-relatives-a-lepidemie-de-covid-19', 'Données recueil Covid')), | |
tags$li(tags$a(href = 'https://github.com/gregoiredavid/france-geojson', 'Geojson contours départements')), | |
tags$li(tags$a(href = 'https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/2012713#tableau-TCRD_004_tab1_departements', 'Populations Insee')), | |
tags$li(tags$a(href = 'http://r.iresmi.net/2020/04/01/covid-19-decease-animation-map/', 'Voir également ce lissage territorial')), | |
tags$li(tags$a(href = 'http://www.fabiocrameri.ch/resources/ScientificColourMaps_FabioCrameri.png', 'Scientific colour maps'), ' with ', | |
tags$a(href = 'https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/scico/index.html', 'scico package')))) | |
) | |
#data.p <- sf::st_read("Downloads/contours-simplifies-des-departements-francais-2015.geojson") %>% | |
# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregoiredavid/france-geojson/master/departements.geojson | |
# data.p <- sf::st_read("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregoiredavid/france-geojson/master/departements-avec-outre-mer.geojson") %>% | |
# # filter(! code_reg %in% c('01', '02', '03', '04', '06')) %>% | |
# ms_simplify(keep = 0.03) %>% | |
# smooth(method = "chaikin") | |
pops <- readr::read_csv2('pop_insee.csv') | |
#st_write(data.p, 'deps.geojson', delete_dsn = TRUE) | |
data.p <- st_read('deps.geojson') | |
data <- data.p %>% | |
#left_join(dat_cov, by = c('code_dept' = 'dep')) %>% | |
left_join(dat_cov, by = c('code' = 'dep')) %>% | |
left_join(pops, by = c('code' = 'dep')) | |
server <- function(input, output, session) { | |
dataa <- reactive({ | |
data %>% filter(jour >= input$date_1) | |
}) | |
observeEvent({input$date_1}, { | |
updateSliderInput('jour', min = input$date_1, session = session) | |
}) | |
get_data <- reactive({ | |
temp <- dataa()[which(dataa()$jour == input$jour),] | |
if (input$sel_data == "Hospitalisés"){ | |
temp$val <- temp$hosp | |
} else if (input$sel_data == "En réanimation"){ | |
temp$val <- temp$rea | |
} else if (input$sel_data == "Retours à domicile (cumulés depuis 1ère vague)"){ | |
temp$val <- temp$rad | |
} else if (input$sel_data == "Décès (cumulés depuis 1ère vague)"){ | |
temp$val <- temp$dc | |
} | |
temp$label <- temp$val | |
if (input$pop){ | |
temp$val <- (temp$val * 100000) / temp$pop2020 | |
temp$label <- paste0(temp$label, '<br><em>', round(temp$val,1), ' / 100 000 hab.</em><br>', prettyNum(temp$pop2020, big.mark = ' '), ' habitants') | |
} | |
temp <- temp %>% filter(jour >= input$date_1) | |
return(temp) | |
}) | |
values_leg <- reactive({ | |
temp <- dataa() | |
if (input$sel_data == "Hospitalisés"){ | |
temp$leg <- temp$hosp | |
} else if (input$sel_data == "En réanimation"){ | |
temp$leg <- temp$rea | |
} else if (input$sel_data == "Retours à domicile (cumulés depuis 1ère vague)"){ | |
temp$leg <- temp$rad | |
} else if (input$sel_data == "Décès (cumulés depuis 1ère vague)"){ | |
temp$leg <- temp$dc | |
} | |
if (input$pop){ | |
temp$leg <- (temp$leg * 100000) / temp$pop2020 | |
} | |
temp <- temp$leg | |
# if (input$log){ | |
# temp <- log(temp) | |
# temp[temp < 0] <- 0 | |
# } | |
return(temp) | |
}) | |
leg_title <- reactive({ | |
if (input$pop){ | |
htmltools::HTML('Nb pour<br>100 000 hab.') | |
} else{ | |
'Nb' | |
} | |
}) | |
output$covid <- renderLeaflet({ | |
leaflet(data = data.p) %>% | |
addProviderTiles("CartoDB", options = providerTileOptions(opacity = 1, minZoom = 3, maxZoom = 7), group = "Open Street Map") %>% | |
setView(lng = 1, lat = 46.71111, zoom = 6) %>% | |
addPolygons(group = 'base', | |
fillColor = NA, | |
color = 'white', | |
weight = 1.5) %>% | |
addLegend(pal = pal(), values = values_leg(), opacity = 1, title = leg_title(), | |
position = "topright") | |
}) | |
pal <- reactive({ | |
if (input$sel_data != "Retours à domicile (cumulés depuis 1ère vague)"){ | |
return(colorNumeric(scico::scico(n = 300, palette = "tokyo", direction = - 1, end = 0.85), values_leg(), na.color = NA)) | |
} else { | |
return(colorNumeric(scico::scico(n = 300, palette = "oslo", direction = - 1, begin = 0.2, end = 0.85), domain = values_leg(), na.color = NA)) | |
} | |
}) | |
observe({ | |
if(input$jour == min(dat_cov$jour)){ | |
data <- get_data() | |
leafletProxy('covid', data = data) %>% | |
clearGroup('polygons') %>% | |
addPolygons(group = 'polygons', | |
fillColor = ~pal()(val), | |
fillOpacity = 1, | |
stroke = 2, | |
color = 'white', | |
weight = 1.5, label = ~ lapply(paste0("<b>", code, " - ", nom, "</b><br>",jour, ' : ', label), htmltools::HTML)) | |
} else { | |
data <- get_data() | |
leafletProxy('covid', data = data) %>% | |
#clearGroup('polygons') %>% | |
addPolygons(group = 'polygons', | |
fillColor = ~pal()(val), | |
fillOpacity = 1, | |
stroke = 2, | |
color = 'white', | |
weight = 1.5, label = ~ lapply(paste0("<b>", code, " - ", nom, "</b><br>",jour, ' : ', label), htmltools::HTML)) | |
} | |
}) | |
} | |
# Run the application | |
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) | |
Hi @Halfbakedpanda,
Thanks for the feedback.
In case you haven't seen it : many shiny apps are collected here : https://www.statsandr.com/blog/top-r-resources-on-covid-19-coronavirus/ with open source code
Hi @GuillaumePressiat! I've been terrified these past few weeks and ended up not giving a return. Much work! Follow the code I made. I am grateful because I learned almost everything here and in the tutorials for shiny and leaflet. I am also improving in general in r (I am new), I have worked a lot in the analysis of scientific data. If my article is accepted I will make a special thanks to your help !!!
I am still trying to solve some problems with my code due to the size of the shapefile and the need to assess the level of the municipalities. I used Qgis to simplify my shapefile and now the app works better. If you have any more tips, thank you in advance!
Hi, GuillaumePressiat,
with your help in simplifying the geojson, I am now able to make it fast. Thanks! (this really work) and I really appreciate the work you have done which I see it as a way to give more awareness during the COVID season. Respect!
While you are adding authentication on it which is another really cool feature! I feel astonished how you learned about this can be achieved by Shiny (through documentation? maybe).
As my first R project (new to R). basically learn the whole thing about shiny here and from the documentation. Thanks, I have already see you as a great teacher.
I am considering adding more features on this map.
An example which makes great sense for me is a map from:
I thought some great ideas can be found out when you explore this info site in design and make this app more attractive.