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Created July 2, 2020 08:57
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SwiftUI wrapper around the STPPaymentCardTextField from Stripe
struct StripePaymentCardTextField: UIViewRepresentable {
@Binding var cardParams: STPPaymentMethodCardParams
@Binding var isValid: Bool
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> STPPaymentCardTextField {
let input = STPPaymentCardTextField()
input.borderWidth = 0
input.delegate = context.coordinator
return input
func makeCoordinator() -> StripePaymentCardTextField.Coordinator { Coordinator(self) }
func updateUIView(_ view: STPPaymentCardTextField, context: Context) { }
class Coordinator: NSObject, STPPaymentCardTextFieldDelegate {
var parent: StripePaymentCardTextField
init(_ textField: StripePaymentCardTextField) {
parent = textField
func paymentCardTextFieldDidChange(_ textField: STPPaymentCardTextField) {
parent.cardParams = textField.cardParams
parent.isValid = textField.isValid
// MARK: - Preview
struct StripePaymentCardTextField_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Group {
VStack {
StripePaymentCardTextField(cardParams: .constant(STPPaymentMethodCardParams()), isValid: .constant(true))
VStack {
StripePaymentCardTextField(cardParams: .constant(STPPaymentMethodCardParams()), isValid: .constant(true))
.environment(\.colorScheme, .dark)
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