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Created March 13, 2023 17:06
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Export houdini packed geo to blender
import math
import bpy
from mathutils import *
D =
C = bpy.context
with open('./locations.csv', 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:
data = line.replace('\n', '').split(',')
trans = data[0:16]
name = data[16]
trans = [float(value) for value in trans]
trans = Matrix(((trans[0], trans[1], trans[2], trans[3]),
(trans[4], trans[5], trans[6], trans[7]),
(trans[8], trans[9], trans[10], trans[11]),
(trans[12], trans[13], trans[14], trans[15])))
non_transposed = trans
loc, rot, scale = trans.decompose()
duplicate =[name].copy()
duplicate.location = (loc.x, -loc.z, loc.y)
duplicate.rotation_euler = (Matrix.Rotation(math.radians(90), 4, 'X') @ non_transposed).to_euler()
duplicate.rotation_euler.x -= math.radians(90)
duplicate.scale = (scale.x, -scale.z, scale.y)
4@transforms = getpackedtransform(0,@primnum);
node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry()
# need packed geo to have a prim attribute 'name' contaning the name of the prim
# need packed geo to have a prim attribute 'transforms' containing the matrix transform of the packed prim
with open(node.evalParm('path'),'w') as file:
for prim in geo.prims():
transform = prim.attribValue('transforms')
for x in transform:
file.write(str(x) + ',')
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