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Created February 6, 2024 04:47
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My bash aliases (and zsh aliases since it works for that as well)
# cargo
alias c=cargo
alias cr='cargo run'
alias cf='cargo fmt'
alias cn='cargo new'
alias cc='cargo check'
alias ct='cargo test'
alias ca='cargo add'
alias cdo='cargo d --open'
alias cb='cargo build'
alias cbr='cargo build --release'
alias crr='cargo run --release'
alias ctr='cargo test --release'
alias cv="cargo llvm-cov"
alias fmt='cargo fmt'
# cloc / ctags
# alias 'cloc'='cloc --summary-cutoff=m:500 --sum-one src --by-percent=cmb '
alias tt="ctags -R src --exclude=env/,.git/,venv/"
alias ctags="ctags -R src"
# git
alias g="git"
alias gs="git status --short"
alias gd="git diff --compact-summary"
# khal
alias k_='khal'
alias k='khal list'
alias kh='k_'
alias ka='k_ at'
alias kc='k_ calendar'
alias ke='k_ edit'
alias ki='k_ import'
alias kk='k_ interactive'
alias kn='k_ new'
alias ks='k_ search '
alias kp='k_ printcalendars'
alias kpf='k_ printformats'
# misc
alias j=jobs
alias p=w
alias f=fg
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../..'
alias ....='cd ../../..'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias less='less -R'
alias ls='ls -h --color=auto'
alias la='ls -lah --color=auto'
alias bat='batcat --theme base16 -p'
alias nf='neofetch'
alias md='mkdir'
alias rd='rm -rf'
alias mp='mkdir -p'
# python
alias av=". $2/bin/activate"
alias isort="isort --gitignore --skip=venv,env "
alias black="black . --exclude=env "
# tlp
alias tpb="tlp-stat -b"
alias tpc="tlp-stat -c"
alias tpss="tlp-stat -s"
alias tps="tlp-stat"
alias tpt="tlp-stat -t"
alias tpp="tlp-stat -p"
alias tpw="tlp-stat -w"
# tmux
alias t="tmux"
alias tn="tmux new"
alias tls="tmux ls"
alias tks="tmux kill-session"
alias tkw="tmux kill-window"
alias tk="tmux kill-"
alias td="tmux detach"
alias trw="tmux rename-window"
alias trs="tmux rename-session"
alias ta="tmux attach"
# when (did i ask)
alias i='when' # print the day (default)
alias ii='when i' # print the day
alias iy='when y' # print the year
alias im='when m' # print the month
alias iw='when w' # print the week
alias id='when i' # print the day
alias ic='when c' # print calendars, not showing items
alias ie='when e' # invoke vim
alias ij='when j' # print modified julian day
# exa (which is basically what neovim is to vim)
alias ls='eza' # ls
alias l='eza -lbF --git' # list, size, type, git
alias ll='eza -lbGF --git' # long list
alias llm='eza -lbGF --git --sort=modified' # long list, modified date sort
alias la='eza -lbhHigUmuSa --time-style=long-iso --git --color-scale' # all list
alias lx='eza -lbhHigUmuSa@ --time-style=long-iso --git --color-scale' # all + extended list
alias lS='eza -1' # one column, just names
alias lt='eza --tree --level=2' # tree
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