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Last active March 28, 2024 20:35
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  • Save HDCharles/888bc5973198ca447046b974439dca03 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HDCharles/888bc5973198ca447046b974439dca03 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
repro for subclass issue
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.utils._pytree import tree_flatten, tree_unflatten
class MultiTensor(torch.Tensor):
def __new__(cls, input, **kwargs):
if isinstance(input, (list, tuple)):
input = input[0]
kwargs["dtype"]=kwargs.get("dtype", input.dtype)
shape = kwargs.pop("shape", input.shape)
return torch.Tensor._make_wrapper_subclass(cls, shape, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, input, **kwargs):
self.values = []
self.debug = True
def __repr__(self):
return (
def add_tensors(self, input):
if isinstance(input, (tuple, list)):
for inp in input:
assert isinstance(input, torch.Tensor), f"MultiTensor can only use add_input for Tensors or lists of tensors but got {type(input)}"
return self
def count(self):
return len(self.values)
def __torch_function__(cls, func, types, args=(), kwargs=None, skip_gptq=False):
with torch._C.DisableTorchFunctionSubclass():
is_set_item = str(func)=="<slot wrapper '__setitem__' of 'torch._C.TensorBase' objects>"
if is_set_item:
# breakpoint()
def flat_to_grouped(flat):
# size of biggest MultiTensor
multi_tensor_size = max(
[x.count() if isinstance(x, MultiTensor) else 1 for x in flat]
# convert [A, MultiTensor(b1,b2,b3), MultiTensor(c1,c2,c3)] => [[A,b1,c1], [A,b2,c2] [A,b3,c3]]
grouped = list(
*[x.values if isinstance(x, MultiTensor) else [x] * multi_tensor_size for x in flat]
return grouped
# convert [[A,b1,c1], [A,b2,c2] [A,b3,c3]] => [A, MultiTensor(b1,b2,b3), MultiTensor(c1,c2,c3)]
# where A is nontensor, b's,c's are tensors
def grouped_to_flat(grouped):
# convert [[A,b1,c1], [A,b2,c2] [A,b3,c3]] => [(A,A,A), (b1,b2,b3), (c1,c2,c3)]
flat_tups = list(zip(*grouped))
# convert [(A,A,A), (b1,b2,b3), (c1,c2,c3)] => [A, MultiTensor(b1,b2,b3), MultiTensor(c1,c2,c3)]
flattened = [
cls(tup).cpu() if isinstance(tup[0], torch.Tensor) else tup[0] for tup in flat_tups
# need to check that getting rid of all but one from each nonTensor tuple is OK
min([True]+[ # handle situation where tuples have size 0
tup[0]==x for x in tup # check all elements match
]) for tup in flat_tups if not isinstance(tup[0], torch.Tensor) # look at tuples of nonTensors
return flattened, non_tensors_equal
kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs
# combine args and kwargs and remove lists and tuples
flat_args, spec = tree_flatten((args, kwargs))
# convert [A, MultiTensor(b1,b2,b3), MultiTensor(c1,c2,c3)] => [[A,b1,c1], [A,b2,c2] [A,b3,c3]]
grouped_args = flat_to_grouped(flat_args)
# run function for each of the multitensors and return a multitensor
outputs = []
with torch._C.DisableTorchFunctionSubclass():
for inp in grouped_args:
# inp = tensors_to_cuda(inp)
cur_args, cur_kwargs = tree_unflatten(inp, spec)
out = func(*cur_args, **cur_kwargs)
outputs.append(out.cpu() if isinstance(out, torch.Tensor) else out)
except Exception as e:
grouped_outputs = [tree_flatten(x)[0] for x in outputs]
out_spec = tree_flatten(outputs[0])[1]
# convert [[A,b1,c1], [A,b2,c2] [A,b3,c3]] => [A, MultiTensor(b1,b2,b3), MultiTensor(c1,c2,c3)]
flat_outputs, non_tensors_equal = grouped_to_flat(grouped_outputs)
assert non_tensors_equal, (
f"ERR: found a function in model: {func} which "
+"caused an error in GPTQMultiInput, the function dispatch only works for functions"
+" with Tensor outputs or that have the same non-Tensor output value for all across all inputs"
return tree_unflatten(flat_outputs, out_spec)
except Exception as e:
def __torch_dispatch__(cls, func, types, args, kwargs):
def __tensor_flatten__(self):
return ["values"], None
def __tensor_unflatten__(
cls, tensor_data_dict, tensor_attributes, outer_size, outer_stride
class mod(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.lin = torch.nn.Linear(10,10)
self.other = torch.randn(10,20)*0
def forward(self, x, indices):
print(f"initial model input types x: {type(x)}, indices: {type(indices)} (fine)")
y = self.lin(x)
print(f"result after linear y: {type(y)}, should be a multitensor (and is)")
z = self.other
z[:, indices]=y
print(f"after assigning y to index of z: {type(z)}, should be a multitensor (is torch.Tensor)")
return z
model = mod()
multi = [
MultiTensor([torch.randn(10,10), torch.randn(10,10)]),
MultiTensor([torch.tensor([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]), torch.tensor([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])])
with torch.no_grad():
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❯ python
initial model input types x: <class 'main.MultiTensor'>, indices: <class 'main.MultiTensor'> (fine)
result after linear y: <class 'main.MultiTensor'>, should be a multitensor (and is)
after assigning y to index of z: <class 'torch.Tensor'>, should be a multitensor (is torch.Tensor)

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high level question, is there a way to handle the "<slot wrapper 'setitem' of 'torch._C.TensorBase' objects>" in torch_function or torch_dispatch so that it works as you would expect (propagating the multitensor through the network)

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