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Last active July 24, 2024 10:04
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Pretty Gotify notifications from's Price-mode

This is a very, very dirty way of turning's price-mode output, which is JSON, into a more friendly markdown format. Using Jinja2, which is currently lacking a from_json function, we replace parts of the JSON output to form a markdown message. This will only work correctly as long as's price-mode override JSON format stays EXACTLY the same. Any non HTTP 200 response might trigger such a change in which case a malformed message might be produced and send. Not something that could (should) "break" your or notification service. Which is Gotify in this example gist. Tested with Pricewatch product pages.

Example output

Some Product has changed!

  • Lowest: 235.67 → 235.65
  • Highest: 482.57
  • Sellers: 33
  • Currency: EUR

Known bugs

A malformed message will be send out when either lowPrice + highPrice, highPrice + offerCount or offerCount + priceCurrency changes at the same time. This is due to the implementation of jsdiff. A working solution for this problem has currently not yet been found.

Notification URL List


Notification Title

Pricewatch update

Notification Body

**[{{watch_title}}]({{diff_url}})** has changed!
{{diff_full|replace("\n", "\n- ")|replace(",\n", "\n")|replace("{\n", "")|replace("\n- }", "")|replace("(changed) ", "")|replace("\n- (into) ", " -> ")|replace('-     "@type": "AggregateOffer"\n', '')|replace('    "lowPrice": ', 'Lowest: ')|replace('    "highPrice": ', 'Highest: ')|replace('    "offerCount": ', 'Sellers: ')|replace('    "priceCurrency": ', 'Currency: ')|replace(" -> Lowest: ", " -> ")|replace(" -> Highest: ", " -> ")|replace(" -> Sellers: ", " -> ")|replace(" -> Currency: ", " -> ")|replace(" -> ", " → ")|replace('"', '')|truncate(32768)}}


Line 2 explanation:


# Use the full differential result

# Place list item after every newline (all except the first line)
|replace("\n", "\n- ")

# Remove all commas before newlines
|replace(",\n", "\n")

# Remove JSON opening tag (the first line)
|replace("{\n", "")

# Remove JSON closing tag
|replace("\n- }", "")

# Remove changed-prefix
|replace("(changed) ", "")

# Turn into-prefix, including the leading newline, into arrow
|replace("\n- (into) ", " -> ")

# Remove "@type" line
|replace('-     "@type": "AggregateOffer"\n', '')

# Change key names to friendly names
|replace('    "lowPrice": ',      'Lowest: '  )
|replace('    "highPrice": ',     'Highest: ' )
|replace('    "offerCount": ',    'Sellers: ' )
|replace('    "priceCurrency": ', 'Currency: ')

# Remove key names for changed values
|replace(" -> Lowest: ",   " -> ")
|replace(" -> Highest: ",  " -> ")
|replace(" -> Sellers: ",  " -> ")
|replace(" -> Currency: ", " -> ")

# Turn "->" into character
|replace(" -> ", " → ")

# Remove quotes
|replace('"', '')

# Truncate lenght


Notification format


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