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Last active April 9, 2021 17:57
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Plot the embedding of SVD components and their projections in the same subpsace. Inspired by
def plot_emb_projection(X, y=None, ker=tanimoto_v2, alpha=0.5, params=None, annotate=False):
Plot the row vectors of X and features of X in the same embedded space spanned by PCA Components
:param X: the data matrix or dataframe
:param y: the target variable (for labelling)
:param ker: the kernel function to use
:param alpha: the exponent to use for matrix factorization
:return: The pca projects of the row vectors and the columns
# Do SVD Decomposition
u, d, v_t = scipy.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False)
d = np.diag(d)
d_1, d_2 = np.power(d, alpha), np.power(d, 1 - alpha)
P = u @ d_1
G = v_t.T @ d_2
# Apply the kernel on H
if callable(ker):
K = kernel_func(G, G, ker=ker)
# Transform vectors in G to the feature space of K
K_p = kernel_func(P, G, ker=ker)
# Apply PCA
kpca = KernelPCA(kernel="precomputed")
G_pca = kpca.fit_transform(K)
P_pca = kpca.transform(K_p)
kpca = KernelPCA(kernel=ker, **params)
G_pca = kpca.fit_transform(G)
P_pca = kpca.transform(P)
# plot the first two components of G_pca and P_pca on the same plot
markers = {"relapse": ".", "genes": "X", "no_relapse": "+"}
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(16, 12))
# Make dataframes for plotting
G_pca_df = pd.DataFrame(G_pca, index=X.columns)
P_pca_df = pd.DataFrame(P_pca, index=X.index)
if y is not None:
P_pca_df = P_pca_df.join(y)
pos_0_df, pos_1_df = P_pca_df[P_pca_df["posOutcome"] == 0], P_pca_df[P_pca_df["posOutcome"] == 1]
# plt_df = pd.concat([pos_0_df.assign(dataset="relapse"), pos_1_df.assign(dataset="no_relapse") ,P_pca_df.assign(dataset="genes")])
# sns.scatterplot(data=plt_df, x=2, y=3, style="dataset", ax=ax, palette=sns.hls_palette(3), hue="dataset")
ax.scatter(pos_0_df[0], pos_0_df[1], c='r', marker=6, label="0")
ax.scatter(pos_1_df[0], pos_1_df[1], c='g', marker="+", label="1")
ax.scatter(P_pca[:, 0], P_pca[:, 1], c='g', marker="+", label="Patients")
ax.scatter(G_pca_df[0], G_pca_df[1], c='b', marker="x", label="GO/Pathway")
if annotate:
for i in X.columns.to_list():
x, y = G_pca_df.loc[i][0], G_pca_df.loc[i][1]
ax.annotate(i, xy=(x, y), textcoords="offset points")
return G_pca_df, P_pca_df
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