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Last active December 3, 2024 03:46
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Save Hackiri/f3709f3173a818c04518e604617e5c5a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
create cloud init template proxmox
# Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
set -e
# Function to check for required utilities
function check_utilities() {
local utilities=("qm" "wget" "xz" "sha256sum" "ssh-keygen")
for util in "${utilities[@]}"; do
command -v "$util" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "$util not found. Please install it."; exit 1; }
# Function to set up SSH keys
function setup_ssh_keys() {
local default_ssh_key_dir="${HOME}/ssh-keys"
local ssh_key_dir="$default_ssh_key_dir"
while true; do
# Ensure the SSH key directory exists
if [[ ! -d "${ssh_key_dir}" ]]; then
echo "SSH key directory not found at ${ssh_key_dir}. Creating directory..."
mkdir -p "${ssh_key_dir}"
chmod 700 "${ssh_key_dir}"
# Determine the SSH public key file
ssh_keyfile=$(ls "${ssh_key_dir}"/*.pub 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)
if [[ -z "${ssh_keyfile}" ]]; then
echo "No SSH public key found in ${ssh_key_dir}."
read -p "Do you want to generate a new SSH key pair in this directory? (yes/no): " generate_key
if [[ "${generate_key}" == "yes" ]]; then
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f "${ssh_key_dir}/id_rsa" -N ""
chmod 600 "${ssh_key_dir}/id_rsa"
chmod 644 "${ssh_key_dir}/"
echo "SSH key pair generated at ${ssh_key_dir}/id_rsa and ${ssh_keyfile}."
read -p "Do you want to specify a different directory for your SSH keys? (yes/no): " change_dir
if [[ "${change_dir}" == "yes" ]]; then
read -p "Please enter the full path to your SSH key directory: " ssh_key_dir
echo "Cannot proceed without an SSH public key. Exiting."
exit 1
echo "Using existing SSH public key: ${ssh_keyfile}"
# Set permissions on the SSH key files and directory
chmod 700 "${ssh_key_dir}"
chmod 600 "${ssh_key_dir}"/id_* 2>/dev/null || true
chmod 644 "${ssh_key_dir}"/*.pub 2>/dev/null || true
# Function to create or update a template
# Args:
# $1: VM ID
# $2: VM Name
# $3: Image file name
function create_template() {
local vm_id="$1"
local vm_name="$2"
local image_file="$3"
echo "Processing template ${vm_name} (${vm_id})"
# Compute the checksum of the image file
local image_checksum
image_checksum=$(sha256sum "${image_file}" | awk '{print $1}')
local checksum_file="checksums/${vm_id}.sha256"
# Check if the template already exists
if qm status "${vm_id}" &>/dev/null; then
echo "Template with VM ID ${vm_id} already exists."
# Check if a checksum file exists
if [[ -f "${checksum_file}" ]]; then
local stored_checksum
stored_checksum=$(cat "${checksum_file}")
echo "Comparing current image checksum with stored checksum..."
if [[ "${image_checksum}" == "${stored_checksum}" ]]; then
echo "Template is up to date. Skipping template creation."
# Remove the image file if it was downloaded
rm -f "${image_file}"
echo "Image checksum has changed. Deleting and updating template..."
# Delete the existing template and its disks
qm destroy "${vm_id}" --destroy-unreferenced-disks yes
echo "No stored checksum found for VM ID ${vm_id}. Deleting and updating template..."
# Delete the existing template and its disks
qm destroy "${vm_id}" --destroy-unreferenced-disks yes
echo "Template or checksum file does not exist. Proceeding to download and create/update template."
# Download the image
echo "Downloading ${image_file}..."
if ! wget -N "${image_url}"; then
echo "Failed to download ${image_url}"
exit 1
# If the image is compressed, decompress it
if [[ "${image_file}" == *.xz ]]; then
local decompressed_file="${image_file%.xz}"
if [[ ! -f "${decompressed_file}" || "${image_file}" -nt "${decompressed_file}" ]]; then
echo "Decompressing ${image_file}..."
xz -d -v -f "${image_file}"
echo "Decompressed file ${decompressed_file} is up to date."
# Ensure the image file exists and is not empty
if [[ ! -s "${image_file}" ]]; then
echo "Downloaded image file ${image_file} is missing or empty."
exit 1
# Compute the checksum of the new image file
local image_checksum
image_checksum=$(sha256sum "${image_file}" | awk '{print $1}')
# Check if template exists and delete if necessary
if qm status "${vm_id}" &>/dev/null; then
echo "Deleting existing template with VM ID ${vm_id}..."
qm destroy "${vm_id}" --destroy-unreferenced-disks yes
echo "Creating template ${vm_name} (${vm_id})"
# Create new VM
qm create "${vm_id}" --name "${vm_name}" --ostype l26
# Set networking to default bridge
qm set "${vm_id}" --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0
# Set display to serial
qm set "${vm_id}" --serial0 socket --vga serial0
# Set memory, CPU, and type defaults
qm set "${vm_id}" --memory 1024 --cores 4 --cpu host
# Import the disk
qm set "${vm_id}" --scsi0 "${storage}:0,import-from=${PWD}/${image_file},discard=on"
# Set SCSI hardware as default boot disk using virtio SCSI single
qm set "${vm_id}" --boot order=scsi0 --scsihw virtio-scsi-single
# Enable QEMU guest agent
qm set "${vm_id}" --agent enabled=1,fstrim_cloned_disks=1
# Add cloud-init device
qm set "${vm_id}" --ide2 "${storage}:cloudinit"
# Set cloud-init network configuration
qm set "${vm_id}" --ipconfig0 "ip=dhcp,ip6=auto"
# Import the SSH keyfile
if [[ -f "${ssh_keyfile}" ]]; then
qm set "${vm_id}" --sshkeys "${ssh_keyfile}"
echo "SSH key file not found at ${ssh_keyfile}"
exit 1
# Add the user
qm set "${vm_id}" --ciuser "${username}"
# Resize the disk to 8G
qm disk resize "${vm_id}" scsi0 8G || true
# Convert the VM into a template
qm template "${vm_id}"
# Save the checksum
mkdir -p checksums
echo "${image_checksum}" > "${checksum_file}"
# Remove the image file when done
rm -f "${image_file}"
# Check for required utilities
# User-configurable variables
export username="hackiri" # Replace with your desired username
export storage="ceph_local" # Replace with your Proxmox storage name
# Validate variables
if [[ -z "${username}" || "${username}" == "your_username_here" ]]; then
echo "Please set a valid username in the script."
exit 1
if ! pvesm status | grep -q "^${storage}\s"; then
echo "Storage '${storage}' not found. Please check your Proxmox storage configuration."
exit 1
# Set up SSH keys
# Array of images to download and create templates from
declare -a images=(
# Debian 11 (Bullseye)
# Debian 12 (Bookworm)
# Debian 13 (Trixie, daily)
# Debian Sid (unstable)
# Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)
# Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
# Ubuntu 24.04 (Lunar Lobster)
# Fedora 39
# Fedora 40
# Rocky Linux 8
# Rocky Linux 9
# Alpine Linux 3.19.1
# Loop through the images array
for entry in "${images[@]}"; do
IFS='|' read -r vm_id vm_name image_url <<< "${entry}"
# Extract the filename from the URL
# Download the image with timestamping
echo "Downloading ${image_file}..."
if ! wget -N "${image_url}"; then
echo "Failed to download ${image_url}"
exit 1
# If the image is compressed, decompress it
if [[ "${image_file}" == *.xz ]]; then
if [[ ! -f "${decompressed_file}" || "${image_file}" -nt "${decompressed_file}" ]]; then
echo "Decompressing ${image_file}..."
xz -d -v -f "${image_file}"
echo "Decompressed file ${decompressed_file} is up to date."
# Ensure the image file exists and is not empty
if [[ ! -s "${image_file}" ]]; then
echo "Downloaded image file ${image_file} is missing or empty."
exit 1
# Create or update the template
create_template "${vm_id}" "${vm_name}" "${image_file}"
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Hackiri commented Oct 11, 2024


Utility Checks,Verifies that required utilities (qm, wget, xz, sha256sum, ssh-keygen) are installed.

User Configuration,Allows users to set variables like username and storage for the VM templates.

SSH Key Management,Checks for an existing SSH public key or prompts the user to generate one; allows specifying a directory; sets appropriate permissions on keys and directory.

Cloud Image Handling,Downloads specified cloud images for various Linux distributions; uses timestamping to avoid unnecessary downloads; decompresses images if necessary.

Template Creation,Checks if a VM template with the specified ID exists; updates or skips creation based on image checksum; creates new VM with specified configurations and converts it into a template.

Checksum Management,Computes and stores checksums of images to detect changes; saves checksums in a checksums/ directory.

Cleanup,Removes downloaded image files after processing to conserve disk space.

User Interaction,Provides prompts to guide the user in SSH key setup; outputs informative messages about progress and any issues encountered.

Note,Intended to run on a Proxmox VE host; requires appropriate permissions; users should set username and storage; script handles errors and exits gracefully if misconfigured.

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Hackiri commented Oct 11, 2024

fixed urls

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