Inspired by a Gist from kevinelliott - thanks!
- Xcode - for command line tools required by Homebrew
# Taps | |
tap 'homebrew/cask-fonts' | |
tap 'homebrew/cask-versions' | |
tap 'heroku/brew' | |
# Install CLI Tools | |
## Shell Utilities | |
brew 'coreutils' | |
brew 'findutils' | |
brew 'autojump' |
#!/bin/sh | |
# More Mac setup at | |
# Log file | |
timestamp=$(date +%s) | |
logFile="./my-mac-setup-$timestamp.log" | |
# if true is passed in, things will reinstall | |
reinstall=$1 |
Inspired by a Gist from kevinelliott - thanks!
As a freelancer, I build a lot of web sites. That's a lot of code changes to track. Thankfully, a Git-enabled workflow with proper branching makes short work of project tracking. I can easily see development features in branches as well as a snapshot of the sites' production code. A nice addition to that workflow is that ability to use Git to push updates to any of the various sites I work on while committing changes.
<!-- Demo Version of footerwidgets.hbs --> | |
<aside class="shade2 uk-clearfix"> | |
<div class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-medium-3-4 uk-grid uk-container-center" data-uk-grid-match="{target:'.uk-panel'}"> | |
<div class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-small-1-2 uk-width-medium-1-3 uk-margin-large-top uk-margin-large uk-panel uk-panel-header"> | |
<div class="uk-h5 uk-panel-title"><i class="uk-icon-envelope uk-margin-right" data-uk-scrollspy="{cls:'uk-animation-fade',delay:600}"></i>MailChimp</div> | |
<p>We don't send a lot of mail, but when we do it's usually pretty awesome.</p> | |
<div id="mc_embed_signup"> | |
<form action="#" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate uk-form" target="_blank" novalidate> | |
<div id="mc_embed_signup_scroll"> |
consumer_key = 'your-consumer-key' | |
consumer_secret = 'your-consumer-secret' | |
access_token = 'your-access-token' | |
access_secret = 'your-access-secret' |
By selecting a clearly defined ruleset and utilizing Creative Commons industry standard "leagalese", you can avoid a majority of the perils that "trademarking", "sharing-rights", and simply protecting your hard work entails. via
A Pen by Matthew Haeck on CodePen.