sudo apt install zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh
#!/bin/bash | |
set -e # Exit on any command failure | |
# Variables | |
STORAGE="local-lvm" | |
MEMORY=4096 | |
DISK_SIZE="5G" # You can adjust this if needed | |
BRIDGE="V10" | |
IMAGES_DIR="/var/lib/vz/template/iso" # Common image directory |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Select the Nerd Font from | |
# Testing with ShellCheck | |
echo "[-] Download The Nerd fonts [-]" | |
echo "#######################" | |
echo "Select Nerd Font" | |
fons_list=("Agave" "AnonymousPro" "Arimo" "AurulentSansMono" "BigBlueTerminal" "BitstreamVeraSansMono" "CascadiaCode" "CodeNewRoman" "ComicShannsMono" "Cousine" "DaddyTimeMono" "DejaVuSansMono" "FantasqueSansMono" "FiraCode" "FiraMono" "Gohu" "Go-Mono" "Hack" "Hasklig" "HeavyData" "Hermit" "iA-Writer" "IBMPlexMono" "InconsolataGo" "InconsolataLGC" "Inconsolata" "IosevkaTerm" "JetBrainsMono" "Lekton" "LiberationMono" "Lilex" "Meslo" "Monofur" "Monoid" "Mononoki" "MPlus" "NerdFontsSymbolsOnly" "Noto" "OpenDyslexic" "Overpass" "ProFont" "ProggyClean" "RobotoMono" "ShareTechMono" "SourceCodePro" "SpaceMono" "Terminus" "Tinos" "UbuntuMono" "Ubuntu" "VictorMono") | |
PS3="Enter a number: " | |
select font_name in "${fons_list[@]}" "Quit"; |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Function to prompt for password | |
prompt_for_password() { | |
read -s -p "Enter root password for the image: " ROOT_PASSWORD | |
echo | |
} | |
# Check for existing image | |
if [ -f "noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img" ] || [ -f "$HOME/noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img" ]; then |