Cheat Sheet - Http Client SSL TLS Configuration for Java, Kotlin and Scala with example http requests
The examples below use the base ssl configuration found here: SSLConfig of the library: SSLContext Kickstart
- Apache HttpClient -> Client configuration | Example request
- Apache HttpAsyncClient -> Client configuration | Example request
- Apache 5 HttpClient -> Client configuration | Example request
- Apache 5 HttpAsyncClient -> Client configuration | Example request
- JDK HttpClient -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Old JDK HttpClient -> Client Configuration & Example request
- Netty Reactor -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Jetty Reactive HttpClient -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Spring RestTemplate -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Spring WebFlux WebClient Netty -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Spring WebFlux WebClient Jetty -> Client Configuration | Example request
- OkHttp -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Jersey Client -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Old Jersey Client -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Apache CXF JAX-RS -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Apache CXF using ConduitConfigurer -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Google HttpClient -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Unirest -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Retrofit -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Async Http Client -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Feign -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Methanol -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Vertx Webclient -> Client Configuration | Example request
- gRPC -> Client/Server Configuration & Example request
- ElasticSearch -> RestHighLevelClient Configuration & example request
- Jetty WebSocket -> Client configuration & example request
- Fuel -> Client Configuration & Example request
- Http4k with Apache 4 -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Http4k with Async Apache 4 -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Http4k with Apache 5 -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Http4k with Async Apache 5 -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Http4k with Java Net -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Http4k with Jetty -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Http4k with OkHttp -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Kohttp -> Client Configuration & Example request
- Ktor with Android engine -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Ktor with Apache engine -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Ktor with CIO (Coroutine-based I/O) engine -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Ktor with Java engine -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Ktor with Okhttp engine -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Twitter Finagle -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Twitter Finagle Featherbed -> Client Configuration & Example request
- Akka Http Client -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Dispatch Reboot -> Client Configuration & Example request
- ScalaJ / Simplified Http Client -> Client Configuration & Example request
- Sttp -> Client Configuration & Example request
- Requests-Scala -> Client Configuration & Example request
- Http4s Blaze Client -> Client Configuration | Example request
- Http4s Java Net Client -> Client Configuration | Example request
Thanks.. This is really nice!