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Created July 24, 2019 05:09
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i3 control window position
import i3ipc
i3 = i3ipc.Connection()
def center_window():
Float and center window, i3wm.
a = i3.get_tree().find_focused()
if a.floating == 'user_on':
a.command('floating disable')
workspace_name = a.workspace().name
rect = a.workspace().rect
a.command('floating enable')
new_window_width = rect.width / 2
window_position = new_window_width / 2
a.command(f'move position {window_position:.0f} {rect.y + 25}')
a.command(f'resize set {new_window_width:.0f} {rect.height - 50}')
a.command(f'move container to workspace {workspace_name}')
# a.command(f'[con_id="{}"] resize set 50 ppt 50 ppt')
a.command(f'[con_id="{}"] focus')
a.command(f'workspace {workspace_name}')
# os.system(f'xdotool mousemove --window {} 0 0')
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