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Created March 17, 2024 12:49
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package hod.btlg.flowchart
import java.awt.{Color, Dimension, Graphics, GridLayout}
import javax.swing.*
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
import scala.util.Random
object DemoGraph {
val random = new Random(123445)
var counter = 0
def biasedRandomInt(max: Int): Int = {
val floatRandom = random.nextFloat()
val biasedRandom = Math.sqrt(floatRandom)
(biasedRandom * max).toInt + 1
def buildRandomTree(depth: Int): Node = {
if (depth == 0) {
val node = Node(counter)
counter += 1
} else {
val numChildren = biasedRandomInt(2)
val childDepth = Random.nextInt(depth / 2 + 1) + depth / 2
val children = List.fill(numChildren)(buildRandomTree(childDepth))
val node = Node(counter, children)
counter += 1
val root = buildRandomTree(12)
case class Connection(startNode: Node, endNode: Node)
case class GraphModel(allNodes: List[Node], connections: List[Connection])
case class Node(nodeId: Int, children: List[Node] = Nil, var x: Double = 0, var y: Double = 0, var visible: Boolean = false) {
lazy val leafCount: Int = if (children.isEmpty) 1 else
object GraphModel {
def init(root: Node): GraphModel = {
val allNodes = new ListBuffer[Node]()
val connections = new ListBuffer[Connection]()
val queue = mutable.Queue[(Node, Double, Double, Double)]() // (node, xMin, xMax, y)
val verticalSpacing = 250
val horizontalSpacing = root.leafCount * 30
queue.enqueue((root, 0, horizontalSpacing, 0)) // root at level 0, y=0, x in range [0, horizontalSpacing]
while (queue.nonEmpty) {
val (node, xMin, xMax, y) = queue.dequeue()
node.x = (xMax + xMin) / 2.0
node.y = y
allNodes += node
val sliceWidth = (xMax - xMin) / node.leafCount
var childXMin = xMin
for (child <- node.children) {
val childXMax = childXMin + sliceWidth * child.leafCount
queue.enqueue((child, childXMin, childXMax, y + verticalSpacing))
connections += Connection(node, child)
childXMin = childXMax
println(s"graph size ${allNodes.size}")
GraphModel(allNodes.toList, connections.toList)
class GraphBuilder(root: Node) extends Iterator[GraphModel] {
private val nodes = mutable.ArrayBuffer(root)
private var currentState: Option[GraphModel] = Some(GraphModel.init(createVisibleVersion(root)))
root.visible = true // root node is visible initially
private def createVisibleVersion(node: Node): Node = {
val visibleChildren = node.children.filter(_.visible)
node.copy(children =, visible = node.visible)
override def hasNext: Boolean = nodes.nonEmpty
override def next(): GraphModel = currentState match {
case None => throw new NoSuchElementException("No more nodes to add.")
case Some(state) =>
if (nodes.isEmpty) {
currentState = None
} else {
// Randomly select a parent node and remove it from the buffer
val randomIndex = scala.util.Random.nextInt(nodes.length)
val parentNode = nodes.remove(randomIndex)
// Separate child nodes into visible and invisible lists
val (visibleChildren, invisibleChildren) = parentNode.children.partition(_.visible)
// If there are invisible children, make them visible and add them to the queue
if (invisibleChildren.nonEmpty) {
for (child <- invisibleChildren) {
// The chosen node starts at the location of its parent.
child.x = parentNode.x
child.y = parentNode.y
child.visible = true // make this child visible
nodes += child
// Generate a new graph state
currentState = Some(GraphModel.init(createVisibleVersion(root)))
case class IntermediateGraphModel(before: GraphModel, after: GraphModel) {
def toGraphModel(percentage: Double): GraphModel = {
val beforeNodeMap = => node.nodeId -> node).toMap
val afterNodeMap = => node.nodeId -> node).toMap
def findBeforeNode(nodeId: Int): Node = {
beforeNodeMap.getOrElse(nodeId, findParent(afterNodeMap(nodeId)).getOrElse(afterNodeMap(nodeId)))
def createIntermediateNode(afterNode: Node): Node = {
val beforeNode = findBeforeNode(afterNode.nodeId)
// Calculate the intermediate coordinates based on the progress percentage
val x = beforeNode.x + (afterNode.x - beforeNode.x) * percentage
val y = beforeNode.y + (afterNode.y - beforeNode.y) * percentage
val children =
Node(afterNode.nodeId, children, x, y, afterNode.visible)
val intermediateNodes =
val intermediateConnections: List[Connection] = for {
afterConn <- after.connections
startNode <- intermediateNodes.find(_.nodeId == afterConn.startNode.nodeId)
endNode <- intermediateNodes.find(_.nodeId == afterConn.endNode.nodeId)
} yield Connection(startNode, endNode)
GraphModel(intermediateNodes, intermediateConnections)
private def findParent(node: Node): Option[Node] = {
(for {
connection <- after.connections
if connection.endNode.nodeId == node.nodeId
parent <- before.allNodes.find(_.nodeId == connection.startNode.nodeId)
} yield parent).headOption
class FlowChartPanel(root: Node) extends JPanel {
private val graphBuilder = new GraphBuilder(root)
private var graphModel: GraphModel =
private var intermediateGraphModel: Option[IntermediateGraphModel] = None
private var intermediateStep: Int = 0
private val totalIntermediateSteps: Int = 100
override def getPreferredSize: Dimension = Dimension(500, 500)
override def paintComponent(g: Graphics): Unit = {
val modelToDraw = / totalIntermediateSteps)).getOrElse(graphModel)
//val modelToDraw = graphModel
g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth, getHeight)
val minX = modelToDraw.allNodes.minBy(_.x).x
val maxX = modelToDraw.allNodes.maxBy(_.x).x
val minY = modelToDraw.allNodes.minBy(_.y).y
val maxY = modelToDraw.allNodes.maxBy(_.y).y
val graphWidth = maxX - minX
val graphHeight = maxY - minY
val panelWidth = getWidth.toDouble
val panelHeight = getHeight.toDouble
val scaleX = panelWidth / graphWidth
val scaleY = panelHeight / graphHeight
val scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY)
// Drawing connections
for (connection <- modelToDraw.connections) {
((connection.startNode.x - minX) * scale).toInt,
((connection.startNode.y - minY) * scale).toInt,
((connection.endNode.x - minX) * scale).toInt,
((connection.endNode.y - minY) * scale).toInt)
// Drawing nodes
for (node <- modelToDraw.allNodes) {
val r = (15 * scale).toInt
val x = ((node.x - minX) * scale).toInt
val y = ((node.y - minY) * scale).toInt
g.fillOval(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r)
g.drawString(node.nodeId.toString, x - (r / 2), y + (r / 2))
def toNextStep(): Unit = {
if (intermediateGraphModel.isDefined && intermediateStep < totalIntermediateSteps) {
intermediateStep += 1
} else if (graphBuilder.hasNext) {
intermediateStep = 0
val nextModel =
intermediateGraphModel = Some(IntermediateGraphModel(graphModel, nextModel))
graphModel = nextModel
@main def showDemo(): Unit = {
val panel = new FlowChartPanel(DemoGraph.root)
val frame = new JFrame("FlowChart")
frame.getContentPane.setLayout(GridLayout(1, 1))
// Create a timer that triggers the toNextStep method every 100 milliseconds (10 frames per second)
val timer = new Timer(1, e => {
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