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Created September 25, 2024 14:53
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Tool to calculate the EV of an intentional draw for a player in a Swiss-pairings tournament (such as Magic: The Gathering)

NOTE: WIP -- it is not complete, and this is just a basic structure for keeping track of the tournament structure, as well as the calculations for a players' own points, as well as the various tiers of tiebreakers.

The intention is to build this basic framework into a tool that can do Monte Carlo style simulations (either exhaustive or sampled) to calculate the EV of intentional draws.

Currently a bit stuck on whether or not I should track results at the Game level, or simply at the Match level. Either way, I'm a little stuck on knowing how to determine if a Match is complete via intentional draw, and it's something that I might just have to special-case. Regardless, it's a tricky situation because I'm also trying to write this to support multiplayer, as well as mixed draw+loss resulst being in a single 4-player game (I.E., two players lose, and the final two players take an intentional draw). I might need to cut out full multiplayer support for the first version in the name of efficiency, but we'll see.

# Top-cut Eval: A tool to evaluate the EV of intentionally drawing in any particular round of a Swiss-paired tournament (such as Magic: The Gathering).
from enum import Enum
from collections import Counter
from typing import List, Dict
from __future__ import annotations
import random
class Result(Enum):
WIN = 1
LOSS = 2
DRAW = 3
class Tiebreaker(Enum):
class Tournament:
def __init__(self, players: list[Player], cut_size:int = 8, players_per_match:int = 2, point_structure:dict[Result, int] = {Result.WIN: 3, Result.DRAW: 1, Result.LOSS: 0}, wins_per_match:int = 2):
self.players = players
self.rounds = []
# Ensure that every Result has a corresponding point value (default to 0 if not specified)
for result in Result:
if result not in point_structure:
point_structure[result] = 0
self.point_structure = point_structure # What is the point value of each possible match result?
self.wins_per_match = wins_per_match # How many games are required to win a match?
def sort_players(playera:Player, playerb:Player):
# Sort players by points, then by tiebreaker
playera_points = playera.get_current_points()
playerb_points = playerb.get_current_points()
if playera_points == playerb_points:
breakera = playera.get_tiebreaker(breaker)
breakerb = playerb.get_tiebreaker(breaker)
if breakera != breakerb:
return breakera > breakerb
return playera_points > playerb_points
class Round:
def __init__(self, tournament:Tournament):
self.tournament = tournament
# Pair the round
unpaired_players = tournament.players.copy()
# Sort players using the sort_players function
unpaired_players.sort(key=lambda player: sort_players(player))
# Starting at the top, pair each player with the next highest-ranked player that they haven't yet played against
self.matches = []
while len(unpaired_players) > 0:
player = unpaired_players.pop(0)
opponents = [player]
for potential_opponent in unpaired_players:
if potential_opponent not in player.get_previous_opponents():
if len(opponents) >= tournament.players_per_match:
# Remove all opponents from unpaired_players
for opponent in opponents:
if opponent in unpaired_players:
# Whether or not we found an opponent, create a match.
# If we were unable to find valid opponents, then this player gets a bye for the round (is in a match by themselves)
self.matches.append(Match(opponents, self, tournament))
class Match:
def __init__(self, players:list[Player], round:Round, tournament:Tournament):
self.players = players
self.round = round
self.tournament = tournament = []
def get_winner(self):
# If a player has won the required number of games, they win the match
# Otherwise, return None
# Check for the required number of wins
for player in self.players:
results = self.get_results(player)
if results[Result.WIN] >= self.tournament.wins_per_match:
return player
# TODO: Otherwise, if the match is complete, return the player with the most wins
# Whether the match is complete or not, return None
return None
# TODO: Need a mechanism to properly evaluate whether or not a match is intentionally drawn.
def get_results(self, player):
# Build a dictionary of the counts of each result for this player
game_results = Counter()
for game in
game_results[game.results[player]] += 1
return game_results
def get_results(self):
game_results = {}
for player in self.players:
game_results[player] = self.get_results(player)
return game_results
class Game:
def __init__(self, match):
self.match = match
self.results = {}
for player in self.match.players:
self.results[player] = Result.UNKNOWN
def get_unreported_players(self):
return [player for player in self.players if self.results[player] == Result.UNKNOWN]
def set_result(self, player, result):
self.results[player] = result
# If the reported result is a draw, then every other unreported player is also a draw
if result == Result.DRAW:
for player in self.get_unreported_players():
self.results[player] = Result.DRAW
# If the reported result is a win, then every other unreported player is a loss
if result == Result.WIN:
for player in self.get_unreported_players():
self.results[player] = Result.LOSS
# If the reported result is a loss, then if there is only one unreported player, then that player has won
if result == Result.LOSS:
if len(self.get_unreported_players()) == 1:
self.results[self.get_unreported_players()[0]] = Result.WIN
def is_complete(self):
return len(self.get_unreported_players()) == 0
class Player:
def __init__(self, name, tournament): = name
self.tournament = tournament
def get_matches(self):
# Return all matches in the tournament that contains this player
return [match for match in self.tournament.matches if self in match.players]
def get_current_match(self):
return self.get_matches()[-1]
def get_previous_opponents(self):
# Return all players that this player has played against in the tournament
return [match.players[0] if match.players[1] == self else match.players[1] for match in self.get_matches()]
def get_current_points(self):
# Return the total number of points this player has earned in the tournament
return sum([self.tournament.point_structure[result] for result in self.get_results()])
def get_total_points_min(self):
# If the player loses the current match, how many points will they have?
current_points = self.get_current_points()
if self.get_current_match().results[self] == Result.UNKNOWN:
current_points += self.tournament.point_structure[Result.LOSS]
return current_points
def get_total_points_max(self):
# If the player wins the current match, how many points will they have?
current_points = self.get_current_points()
if self.get_current_match().results[self] == Result.UNKNOWN:
current_points += self.tournament.point_structure[Result.WIN]
return current_points
def get_tiebreaker(self, tiebreaker):
if tiebreaker == Tiebreaker.GAME_WIN_PERCENTAGE:
# Calculate the percentage of games won by this player
total_games = 0
games_won = 0
for match in self.get_matches():
for game in
if game.results[self] == Result.WIN:
games_won += 1
total_games += 1
return games_won / total_games
elif tiebreaker == Tiebreaker.OPPONENT_GAME_WIN_PERCENTAGE:
# Calculate the average percentage of games won by this player's opponents
total_games = 0
games_won = 0
for opponent in self.get_previous_opponents():
for game in opponent.get_current_match().games:
if game.results[opponent] == Result.WIN:
games_won += 1
total_games += 1
return games_won / total_games
elif tiebreaker == Tiebreaker.OPPONENT_MATCH_WIN_PERCENTAGE:
# Calculate the average percentage of matches won by this player's opponents
total_matches = 0
matches_won = 0
for opponent in self.get_previous_opponents():
if opponent.get_current_match().get_winner() == opponent:
matches_won += 1
total_matches += 1
return matches_won / total_matches
elif tiebreaker == Tiebreaker.RANDOM:
# Return a random value
return random.random()
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