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Created August 27, 2024 10:10
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Covid Robot problem
interface Command {
fun execute(robot: Robot)
class TurnLeft : Command {
override fun execute(robot: Robot) {
class TurnRight : Command {
override fun execute(robot: Robot) {
class MoveForward : Command {
override fun execute(robot: Robot) {
class Robot(
private var x: Int,
private var y: Int,
private var direction: Char,
private val maxX: Int,
private val maxY: Int
) {
private val directions = listOf('N', 'E', 'S', 'W')
fun rotateLeft() {
val currentIdx = directions.indexOf(direction)
direction = directions[(currentIdx - 1 + directions.size) % directions.size]
fun rotateRight() {
val currentIdx = directions.indexOf(direction)
direction = directions[(currentIdx + 1) % directions.size]
fun move() {
when (direction) {
'N' -> if (y < maxY) y++
'E' -> if (x < maxX) x++
'S' -> if (y > 0) y--
'W' -> if (x > 0) x--
fun executeInstructions(commands: List<Command>) {
for (command in commands) {
fun getPosition(): String {
return "$x $y $direction"
class CommandInterpreter {
fun interpret(input: String): List<Command> {
return {
when (it) {
'L' -> TurnLeft()
'R' -> TurnRight()
'M' -> MoveForward()
else -> throw InvalidCommandException("Invalid command: $it, only supported commands are \"L,R,M\"")
class InvalidCommandException(message: String) : Exception(message)
fun main() {
println("Please enter covid ward upper right coordinate separated by space : Example \"5 5\"")
val gridSize: List<Int> = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
val maxX = gridSize[0]
val maxY = gridSize[1]
println("Please enter robot's initial position: Example \"1 2 N\"")
val initialPosition: List<String> = readLine()!!.split(" ")
val x = initialPosition[0].toInt()
val y = initialPosition[1].toInt()
val direction = initialPosition[2].first()
println("Please enter command: Example \"LMLMLMLMM\" ")
val instructions: String = readLine()!!
val robot = Robot(x, y, direction, maxX, maxY)
val commandInterpreter = CommandInterpreter()
val commands = commandInterpreter.interpret(instructions)
println("Here is the final position of the robot")
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