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Last active May 23, 2024 10:40
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  • Save Harkishen-Singh/1825bcfede31b25074e46811841383ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Harkishen-Singh/1825bcfede31b25074e46811841383ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

This Gist implements the migration-eval Python script in PSQL, allowing the script to run without the need for Python.


  • Copy the script below to a evaluate.sql file.
  • To run: psql -t -q -d "<URI>" -f evaluate.sql > report.txt


  • The script should complete running within 5 minutes. If it takes longer (due to a lock that can occur when the production load is high), you can decrease the value of \set wait_duration 60 from 60 to 30. If decreasing the value does not help, you can share the output of report.txt as is.
\set wait_duration 60

\pset tuples_only

select version() version \gset
\echo 'PostgreSQL version:' :version

select pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(current_database())) db_size \gset
\echo 'Database size:' :db_size

select count(*) from information_schema.tables
    table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
    table_schema not in (
        -- Ignore tables from PG system.
        'information_schema', 'pg_catalog',

        -- Ignore tables from TSDB system.
        '_timescaledb_catalog', '_timescaledb_cache', 'timescaledb_information',
        '_timescaledb_config', '_timescaledb_debug', '_timescaledb_functions', 'timescaledb_experimental'
    -- Ignore tables from TSDB system under _timescaledb_internal schema.
    table_name not in (
        'bgw_job_stat', 'bgw_policy_chunk_stats', 'job_errors'
\echo 'Num tables:' :count

select count(*) from information_schema.tables
    table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and
    table_schema not in (
        '_timescaledb_internal', '_timescaledb_config', '_timescaledb_catalog', '_timescaledb_cache',
        'timescaledb_experimental', 'timescaledb_information', '_timescaledb_functions',
        'information_schema', 'pg_catalog') and
    not exists (
        select 1 from timescaledb_information.hypertables ht
            ht.hypertable_schema = table_schema
            ht.hypertable_name = table_name
\echo 'Num regular PostgreSQL tables excl. Hypertables:' :count

select count(*) from pg_partitioned_table \gset
\echo 'Num declarative partitions:' :count

select coalesce(array_agg(spcname), '{}'::text[]) from pg_tablespace where spcname not in ('pg_default', 'pg_global') \gset
\echo 'Non-standard tablespaces:' :coalesce

select current_database() \gset
\echo 'Current database:' :current_database

select coalesce(array_agg(datname), '{}'::text[]) from pg_database where datname not in (
    'template0', 'template1', 'rdsadmin', 'tsadmin', current_database()
) \gset
\echo 'Other databases:' :coalesce

select coalesce(array_agg(schema_name), '{}'::text[]) from information_schema.schemata
    schema_name not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema', '_timescaledb_functions',
    'timescaledb_experimental', '_timescaledb_cache', '_timescaledb_catalog',
    '_timescaledb_config', '_timescaledb_internal', 'timescaledb_information',
    'toolkit_experimental') \gset
\echo 'Schemas:' :coalesce

select extversion from pg_extension where extname = 'timescaledb' \gset
\echo 'TimescaleDB version:' :extversion

select count(*) from timescaledb_information.hypertables \gset
\echo 'Num TimescaleDB Hypertables:' :count

select count(*) from timescaledb_information.continuous_aggregates \gset
\echo 'Num TimescaleDB Continuous Aggregates:' :count

select count(*) from timescaledb_information.continuous_aggregates where not finalized \gset
\echo 'Num old partial-form Continuous Aggregates:' :count

select count(*) from timescaledb_information.dimensions where dimension_type = 'Space' \gset
\echo 'Num TimescaleDB space dimensions:' :count

select n.nspname from pg_extension e
    join pg_namespace n on e.extnamespace = n.oid
    where extname = 'timescaledb' \gset
\echo 'TimescaleDB extension schema:' :nspname

-- TimescaleDB features
select coalesce(array_agg(feature), '{}'::text[]) from (
        'hypertables' as feature,
        count(*) > 0 as uses_feature
    from timescaledb_information.hypertables
union all
        'continuous_aggregates' as feature,
        count(*) > 0 as uses_feature
    from timescaledb_information.continuous_aggregates
union all
        'retention' as feature,
        count(*) > 0 as uses_feature
    from where application_name like 'Retention Policy%'
union all
        'compression' as feature,
        count(*) > 0 as uses_feature
    from timescaledb_information.compression_settings
union all
        'background_jobs' as feature,
        count(*) > 0 as uses_feature
    from where job_id >= 1000
) a
    uses_feature \gset
\echo 'TimescaleDB features:' :coalesce

select coalesce(json_agg(json_build_object(extname, extversion)), '[]'::json) agg FROM pg_extension
where extname not in (
    'bloom', 'btree_gin', 'btree_gist', 'citext', 'cube', 'dict_int', 'dict_xsyn', 'fuzzystrmatch',
    'hstore', 'intarray', 'isn', 'lo', 'ltree', 'pg_stat_statements', 'pg_trgm', 'pgcrypto', 'pgpcre',
    'pgrouting', 'pgstattuple', 'pgvector', 'plpgsql', 'postgis', 'postgis_raster', 'postgis_sfcgal',
    'postgis_tiger_geocoder', 'postgis_topology', 'seg', 'tablefunc', 'tcn', 'timescaledb_toolkit',
    'timescaledb', 'tsm_system_rows', 'tsm_system_time', 'unaccent', 'uuid-ossp') \gset
\echo 'Unsupported extensions in Timescale Cloud:' :agg

select exists(select 1 from information_schema.columns where is_generated = 'ALWAYS') \gset
\echo 'Do tables have generated columns:' :exists

select exists (
    select 1 from pg_stats where
        schemaname not in (
            '_timescaledb_internal', '_timescaledb_config', '_timescaledb_catalog', '_timescaledb_cache',
            'timescaledb_experimental', 'timescaledb_information', '_timescaledb_functions',
            'information_schema', 'pg_catalog')
            exists (
                select 1 from unnest(most_common_vals::text::text[]) as v
                    v IN ('NaN', 'Infinity', '-Infinity')
            exists (
                select 1 from unnest(histogram_bounds::text::text[]) as h
                    h IN ('NaN', 'Infinity', '-Infinity')
) \gset
\echo 'Do tables attributes have NaN, Infinity or -Infinity:' :exists

-- Rate of inserts, updates, deletes and transactions (per sec)
create temp table _mig_eval_t (
    n int, n_tup_ins numeric, n_tup_upd numeric, n_tup_del numeric, xact_commit numeric

insert into _mig_eval_t
    select 1, sum(n_tup_ins) n_tup_ins, sum(n_tup_upd) n_tup_upd, sum(n_tup_del) n_tup_del, d.xact_commit
    from pg_stat_user_tables u join pg_stat_database d on true
        u.relname not in ('_mig_eval_t') AND
        u.schemaname not in (
            '_timescaledb_config', '_timescaledb_catalog', '_timescaledb_cache',
            'timescaledb_experimental', 'timescaledb_information', '_timescaledb_functions',
            'information_schema', 'pg_catalog') AND
        d.datname = current_database()
    group by d.xact_commit;

select pg_sleep(:wait_duration) \gset

insert into _mig_eval_t
    select 2, sum(n_tup_ins) n_tup_ins, sum(n_tup_upd) n_tup_upd, sum(n_tup_del) n_tup_del, d.xact_commit
    from pg_stat_user_tables u join pg_stat_database d on true
        u.relname not in ('_mig_eval_t') AND
        u.schemaname not in (
            '_timescaledb_config', '_timescaledb_catalog', '_timescaledb_cache',
            'timescaledb_experimental', 'timescaledb_information', '_timescaledb_functions',
            'information_schema', 'pg_catalog') AND
        d.datname = current_database()
    group by d.xact_commit;

with before as (
    select * from _mig_eval_t where n = 1
), after as (
    select * from _mig_eval_t where n = 2
    round((after.n_tup_ins - before.n_tup_ins) / :wait_duration, 3) || ' inserts_per_sec, ' ||
    round((after.n_tup_upd - before.n_tup_upd) / :wait_duration, 3) || ' updates_per_sec, ' ||
    round((after.n_tup_del - before.n_tup_del) / :wait_duration, 3) || ' deletes_per_sec, ' ||
    round((after.xact_commit - before.xact_commit) / :wait_duration, 3) || ' txns_per_sec'
        as per_sec
from after, before \gset
\echo 'Rate of DML:' :per_sec

-- WAL activity
create temp table _mig_eval_w (n int, wal_records numeric, wal_bytes numeric);

insert into _mig_eval_w
    select 1, wal_records, wal_bytes from pg_stat_wal;

select pg_sleep(:wait_duration) \gset

insert into _mig_eval_w
    select 2, wal_records, wal_bytes from pg_stat_wal;

with before as (
    select * from _mig_eval_w where n = 1
), after as (
    select * from _mig_eval_w where n = 2
    round((after.wal_records - before.wal_records) / :wait_duration, 3)::text || ' wal_records_per_sec, ' ||
    round((after.wal_bytes - before.wal_bytes) / (:wait_duration * 1024 * 1024), 3)::text || ' wal_megabytes_per_sec'
        as per_sec
from after, before \gset
\echo 'WAL activity:' :per_sec

Sample output

PostgreSQL version: PostgreSQL 15.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 13.2.1 20231011 (Red Hat 13.2.1-4), 64-bit
Database size: 1018 MB
Num tables: 10
Num regular PostgreSQL tables excl. Hypertables: 2
Num declarative partitions: 0
Non-standard tablespaces: {}
Current database: tsbs_lm
Other databases: {_timescaledb,defaultdb,no_tsdb}
Schemas: {public}
TimescaleDB version: 2.14.2
Num TimescaleDB Hypertables: 1
Num TimescaleDB Continuous Aggregates: 0
Num old partial-form Continuous Aggregates: 0
Num TimescaleDB space dimensions: 0
TimescaleDB extension schema: public
TimescaleDB features: {hypertables}
Unsupported extensions in Timescale Cloud: [{"aiven_extras" : "1.1.12"}]
Do tables have generated columns: f
Do tables attributes have NaN, Infinity or -Infinity: f
Rate of DML: 11025.350 inserts_per_sec, 0.000 updates_per_sec, 0.000 deletes_per_sec, 44.300 txns_per_sec
WAL activity: 22354.350 wal_records_per_sec, 2.827 wal_megabytes_per_sec
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