Install tor via HomeBrew and start the tor serivce.
brew install tor && brew services start tor
And to use obsf4 proxy we need to install its library/ Use HomeBrew for installation of the library.
brew install obfs4proxy
Get the obsf4 bridges from or send email to [email protected] with body get transport obfs4
Edit the torrc file (/usr/local/etc/tor/torrc
) and add the following
# Using Bridges, obsf4
UseBridges 1
ClientTransportPlugin obfs4 exec /usr/local/bin/obfs4proxy managed
# send email to [email protected] with body `get transport obfs4` you can get new bridges.
# Or use
# Paste the obsf4 bridges here and put Bridge in front of each.
Bridge obfs4 B80190D0C0771298F04AE56L..... cert=61xl3nF07Ssg... iat-mode=0
Bridge obfs4 59F4CBDE79D51FEC12AC1F4304D006C97D4.. cert=p9L6... iat-mode=0
Bridge obfs4 59F4CBDE79D51FEC12AC1F4304D006C97D4.. cert=p9L6... iat-mode=2
Now restart the TOR service using
brew services restart tor
To change the circuit run
brew services reload tor