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Created December 26, 2021 18:54
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Wealth of Congress, 115th, published Feb 2018. Source: and Retrieved Dec 26, 2021.
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"rank": "1",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Darrell ",
"lastname": "Issa ",
"party": "R",
"state": "California",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "283250020",
"assets": "383250022",
"liabilities": "100000002",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
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"investments": "356700009",
"realestate": "21500011",
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"investmentspercentage": "93",
"realestatepercentage": "6",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "1",
"personid": "3088",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The richest member of Congress through this decade, Issa says he\u2019s departing the House when his ninth term ends this fall. The backstory behind his fortune is extraordinary. After being charged, but never convicted, as a young man in two car theft cases, he invested $7,000 and loans from his family in a struggling Cleveland consumer electronics business in the early 1980s. Within a few years, he\u2019d transformed his holdings into DEI, moved to California to take advantage of a surge in auto thefts and unveiled the enormously popular Viper car alarm. (His own sonorous baritone offers the system's signature warnings: \u201cProtected by Viper. Stand back\u201d and \u201cPlease step away from the car.\u201d) Issa sold the business in 2000, the same year he invested $2 million of his money to win an open seat north of San Diego. His highest-value assets now are five brokerage accounts each worth at least $50 million.",
"prevrank": "",
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"stateAP": "Calif.",
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"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$5.1M",
"worthdisplay": "$283.3M",
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"district": "49",
"rankdisplay": "1",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "2",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Greg ",
"lastname": "Gianforte ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Montana",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "135707038",
"assets": "135707038",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "",
"prevassets": "",
"prevliabilities": "",
"spouse": "4 ",
"investments": "12097016",
"realestate": "1350002",
"trusts": "122245019",
"bankaccounts": "15001",
"investmentspercentage": "9",
"realestatepercentage": "1",
"trustspercentage": "90",
"bankaccountspercentage": "0",
"personid": "98394",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Winner of a special election in May to succeed Ryan Zinke, who left to be Interior secretary, Gianforte\u2019s fortunes in the world of high technology and data analytics fueled his victory and made him the richest freshman in the 115th Congress. In 1986, he founded Brightwork Development, a software company, which he and his partners sold for $10 million to McAfee Associates eight years later. He moved to Montana and in 1997 he founded RightNow Technologies, a cloud-based customer service software business, which he sold to Oracle Corp. for $1.5 billion in 2012. His largest assets are portions of a testamentary trust valued at a minimum of $25 million each.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "1",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Mont.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$12.1M",
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"updates": "",
"district": "AL",
"rankdisplay": "2",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "3",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Jared ",
"lastname": "Polis ",
"party": "D",
"state": "Colorado",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "122616302",
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"liabilities": "2015003",
"prevworth": "0",
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"bankaccounts": "3847015",
"investmentspercentage": "63",
"realestatepercentage": "13",
"trustspercentage": "21",
"bankaccountspercentage": "3",
"personid": "29126",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The richest Democrat on the Hill is giving up his Boulder-centered House seat after five terms in hopes of being elected governor. As a college student, Polis founded American Information Systems, a web-hosting company. He went on to co-found, an electronic greeting card company, and and open a chain of movie theaters catering to Spanish-speaking audiences. Selling those companies allowed him to self-fund his political ambitions and to co-found Techstars, a startup accelerator with a portfolio of companies that have collectively raised more than $3.3 billion. Polis also holds a sizable collection of property assets through real estate funds. He lists two holding companies and a blind trust valued at over $25 million each. \n",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
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"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Colo.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$78.3M",
"realestatedisplay": "$16.5M",
"trustsdisplay": "$26.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$3.8M",
"worthdisplay": "$122.6M",
"assetsdisplay": "$124.6M",
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"worthgraph": "$122.6M",
"assetsgraph": "$124.6M",
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"updates": "",
"district": "02",
"rankdisplay": "3",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "4",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Dave ",
"lastname": "Trott ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Michigan",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "119132295",
"assets": "119147296",
"liabilities": "15001",
"prevworth": "0",
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"investments": "83183170",
"realestate": "7600005",
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"investmentspercentage": "70",
"realestatepercentage": "6",
"trustspercentage": "20",
"bankaccountspercentage": "4",
"personid": "54476",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Having financed his path to the House by becoming a titan in the home foreclosure business, Trott is giving up his suburban Detroit seat after only two terms. Starting in the late 1980s, he transformed his parent\u2019s small law office, Trott & Trott, into a vertically integrated real estate behemoth with 1,800 employees. It became one of the biggest in the nation representing banks and other residential lenders with portfolios of bad mortgages \u2014 a so-called foreclosure mill that, at the height of the last decade\u2019s housing crisis, evicted almost 80,000 a year in Michigan alone. Trott and his wife, Kathleen, also have big holdings in Detroit Legal News, which publishes most of Michigan\u2019s required legal notices before foreclosures, and Attorneys Title Agency, which specializes in pre-foreclosure deed searches.",
"prevrank": "",
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"stateAP": "Mich.",
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"updates": "",
"district": "11",
"rankdisplay": "4",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "5",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Michael ",
"lastname": "McCaul ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Texas",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "112994689",
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"investments": "92864672",
"realestate": "100001",
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"bankaccounts": "0",
"investmentspercentage": "82",
"realestatepercentage": "0",
"trustspercentage": "18",
"bankaccountspercentage": "0",
"personid": "19182",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The House Homeland Security chairman\u2019s financial standing is entirely because of the fortunes inherited by his wife and children. Linda McCaul is the daughter of Lowry Mays, the founder of the San Antonio-based Clear Channel Communications and its chairman until a stroke sidelined him in 2005. Now the largest owner of radio stations in the country, it has become iHeartCommunications since the Mays family sold much of its stake in a leveraged buyout a decade ago. The McCaul family has over three dozen family investments valued at more than $1 million.",
"prevrank": "",
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"stateAP": "Texas",
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"district": "10",
"rankdisplay": "5",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "6",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "John ",
"lastname": "Delaney ",
"party": "D",
"state": "Maryland",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "92631163",
"assets": "94656167",
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"investmentspercentage": "66",
"realestatepercentage": "8",
"trustspercentage": "14",
"bankaccountspercentage": "11",
"personid": "44214",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "After financing his upset election in a newly drawn district in the D.C. suburbs in 2012, Delaney is leaving Congress to focus on a long-shot 2020 presidential bid. The son of an electrician, he teamed up with a friend after graduating from Georgetown to buy a small medical services company. They soon sold it to start HealthCare Financial Partners, a specialized lender to smaller health care businesses. When it went public, Delaney was the youngest CEO in the history of the New York Stock Exchange. Its 1999 sale for more than $500 million allowed him to start CapitalSource, which lends money to small and midsize businesses and has since been sold to PacWest Bancorp. Delaney is the only member to report holding an American Express Centurion Card, also known as the Amex Black Card.",
"prevrank": "",
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"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
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"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Md.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$62.2M",
"realestatedisplay": "$8.0M",
"trustsdisplay": "$13.6M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$10.8M",
"worthdisplay": "$92.6M",
"assetsdisplay": "$94.7M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$2.0M",
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"assetsgraph": "$94.7M",
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"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "06",
"rankdisplay": "6",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "7",
"chamber": "Sen.",
"firstname": "Mark ",
"lastname": "Warner ",
"party": "D",
"state": "Virginia",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "90164166",
"assets": "90164166",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "2 ",
"investments": "500001",
"realestate": "1000001",
"trusts": "83683147",
"bankaccounts": "4981017",
"investmentspercentage": "1",
"realestatepercentage": "1",
"trustspercentage": "93",
"bankaccountspercentage": "6",
"personid": "2693",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Currently the richest senator, Warner made a killing as a venture capitalist before he turned 40, about when he began spending generously to launch a rapid rise in Virginia politics. After a stint out of law school as a Democratic Party fundraiser, he started energy and real estate businesses but really hit it big in telecommunications. He convinced some investors to help him buy cellular telephone licenses the government was selling for a relative song in the early 1980s and then staked a big and early claim in Nextel, which blossomed into one of the biggest wireless service providers and was eventually swallowed by Sprint Corp. He also founded Columbia Capital, which currently holds a number of internet, security and mobile companies in its portfolio. Much of Warner\u2019s money is held in two blind trusts, with a diverse portfolio of mutual fund holdings and individual stocks mainly held by his wife and children.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
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"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Va.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$0.5M",
"realestatedisplay": "$1.0M",
"trustsdisplay": "$83.7M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$5.0M",
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"district": "SEN",
"rankdisplay": "7",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "8",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Vern ",
"lastname": "Buchanan ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Florida",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "73853115",
"assets": "102203126",
"liabilities": "28350011",
"prevworth": "0",
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"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "3 ",
"investments": "82406089",
"realestate": "19515028",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "282009",
"investmentspercentage": "81",
"realestatepercentage": "19",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "0",
"personid": "25602",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Now in his second decade representing the central Gulf Coast, Buchanan is the richest among a handful of the House\u2019s very rich car dealers, with franchises across the Southeast. But he started in business in Michigan in 1976 as the founder of American Speedy Printing, which grew through franchising to more than 730 stores in 44 states before eventual bankruptcy. He moved to Florida and bought his first dealership, selling Hondas and Acuras, in 1992. His chain expanded to two dozen locations, some of which have been sold. Others were the subject of investigations into his first campaign\u2019s finances. Buchanan has also been involved in the reinsurance, charter jet and yacht leasing businesses. His investments in real estate have produced liabilities of at least $28 million.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Fla.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$82.4M",
"realestatedisplay": "$19.5M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$0.3M",
"worthdisplay": "$73.9M",
"assetsdisplay": "$102.2M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$28.4M",
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"assetsgraph": "$102.2M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$28.4M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "16",
"rankdisplay": "8",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "9",
"chamber": "Sen.",
"firstname": "Richard ",
"lastname": "Blumenthal ",
"party": "D",
"state": "Connecticut",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "69954163",
"assets": "70454164",
"liabilities": "500001",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "97 ",
"investments": "42609106",
"realestate": "17979036",
"trusts": "3065001",
"bankaccounts": "6801021",
"investmentspercentage": "60",
"realestatepercentage": "26",
"trustspercentage": "4",
"bankaccountspercentage": "10",
"personid": "32157",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Blumenthal\u2019s vast wealth is more tied to real estate than any other lawmaker\u2019s. And it\u2019s entirely because since 1982 he\u2019s been married to the former Cynthia Malkin, the daughter of Manhattan commercial real estate magnate Peter Malkin. The senator\u2019s marriage also created a subplot underneath the particularly intense mutual antagonism between Blumenthal and President Donald Trump, who made his own fortune in prestige New York real estate, oftentimes in competition with the Malkin family. (They most famously feuded over their convoluted shared ownership of the Empire State Building.) Money in Blumenthal\u2019s own name or in joint accounts is a mix of investments and savings. But disclosure requirements for spousal assets require much less specificity, so the Blumenthals\u2019 true net worth is difficult to determine.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
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"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Conn.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$42.6M",
"realestatedisplay": "$18.0M",
"trustsdisplay": "$3.1M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$6.8M",
"worthdisplay": "$70.0M",
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"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "SEN",
"rankdisplay": "9",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "10",
"chamber": "Sen.",
"firstname": "Dianne ",
"lastname": "Feinstein ",
"party": "D",
"state": "California",
"gender": "F",
"worth": "58453062",
"assets": "61453063",
"liabilities": "3000001",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "38 ",
"investments": "51988053",
"realestate": "1000001",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "8465009",
"investmentspercentage": "85",
"realestatepercentage": "2",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "14",
"personid": "80",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The oldest current senator has some serious assets of her own, first among them a stake of at least $25 million in Carlton Hotel Properties, which runs one of the most famous hotels in her hometown of San Francisco. But Feinstein makes the top 10 list only because her third husband is Richard C. Blum, the chairman and president of Blum Capital, a highly successful equity investment management firm. His largest single stock holding is a stake of between $1 million and $5 million in Kite Pharma, a T cell therapy pharmaceutical company recently acquired by Silicon Valley pharmaceutical giant Gilead Sciences. The couple, married since 1980, owns a $1 million-plus condominium on Kauai.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Calif.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$52.0M",
"realestatedisplay": "$1.0M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$8.5M",
"worthdisplay": "$58.5M",
"assetsdisplay": "$61.5M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$3.0M",
"worthgraph": "$58.5M",
"assetsgraph": "$61.5M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$3.0M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "SEN",
"rankdisplay": "10",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "11",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Tom ",
"lastname": "Rooney ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Florida",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "55280252",
"assets": "55380253",
"liabilities": "100001",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
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"spouse": "0 ",
"investments": "159011",
"realestate": "0",
"trusts": "52085224",
"bankaccounts": "3136018",
"investmentspercentage": "0",
"realestatepercentage": "0",
"trustspercentage": "94",
"bankaccountspercentage": "6",
"personid": "29247",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Rooney\u2019s spent a decade representing central Florida but is a native of Pennsylvania, where his grandfather, Art Rooney, founded the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1933 with the winnings from a horse race. With each profitable season, the congressman\u2019s share in the team grows and has recently surpassed $25 million. Rooney, who\u2019s not running for a sixth term this fall, also benefits from aggressive management of his trust fund. It has more than 150 additional assets besides the team, seven worth more than $1 million. Some of the trust\u2019s investments are in two other family sports businesses \u2014 the Yonkers Raceway harness track near New York City and the Palm Beach Kennel Club, a greyhound track east of Rooney\u2019s district.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Fla.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$0.2M",
"realestatedisplay": "$0.0M",
"trustsdisplay": "$52.1M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$3.1M",
"worthdisplay": "$55.3M",
"assetsdisplay": "$55.4M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.1M",
"worthgraph": "$55.3M",
"assetsgraph": "$55.4M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.1M",
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"firstname": "Trey ",
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"party": "R",
"state": "Indiana",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "50063050",
"assets": "50063050",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "",
"prevassets": "",
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"year": "2017",
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"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "At 34, Hollingsworth is the youngest member of this Congress currently among the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans. The bulk of his fortune comes from Hollingsworth Capital Partners, the business he created with his father, Joe Hollingsworth Jr., as a silent partner. Based in the Knoxville suburb where the congressman lived until a year before his 2016 election, a district 250 miles (and two states) to the north, the company expanded rapidly by refurbishing factories and other vacated industrial buildings throughout the country. The younger Hollingsworth also has a stake of at least $5 million in the aluminum casting plant he opened a decade ago in southern Indiana, where he spent $3.1 million of his own money to win an open House seat.",
"prevrank": "",
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"newtolist": "1",
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"updates": "",
"district": "09",
"rankdisplay": "12",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "13",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Chris ",
"lastname": "Collins ",
"party": "R",
"state": "New York",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "43520030",
"assets": "43520030",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
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"investments": "39016018",
"realestate": "3750006",
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"bankaccounts": "754006",
"investmentspercentage": "90",
"realestatepercentage": "9",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "2",
"personid": "3536",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "In his third term representing the area between Buffalo and Rochester, Collins looks to be the Hill\u2019s most successful corporate turnaround expert. He started at Westinghouse Electric after getting a mechanical engineering degree. When the company closed the industrial gear factory he was running, it sold him that business, which he named Nutall Gear Corp. He sold it in 1997 and, after an unsuccessful congressional run, started acquiring 22 distressed businesses in an array of industries. His holdings now include a biotech company that grows viruses for research, a ceramics manufacturer, and a New Zealand company working on therapies to combat multiple sclerosis. Biggest of all is his stake of at least $25 million in Innate Immunotherapeutics, an Australian biotech research business.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
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"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "N.Y.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$39.0M",
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"assetsgraph": "$43.5M",
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"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
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"updates": "",
"district": "27",
"rankdisplay": "13",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "14",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Diane ",
"lastname": "Black ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Tennessee",
"gender": "F",
"worth": "37973091",
"assets": "37973091",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
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"spouse": "40 ",
"investments": "14558075",
"realestate": "21750012",
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"bankaccounts": "1665004",
"investmentspercentage": "38",
"realestatepercentage": "57",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "4",
"personid": "32084",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The wealthiest self-made woman in Congress has given up her Budget Committee gavel, and at year\u2019s end her House seat stretching across the middle of the state, to run in a contested GOP primary for governor. A registered nurse, Black and her husband, David Black, in 1990 created Aegis Sciences Corp., now a nationwide purveyor of drug tests for sports teams and corporations. The couple profited enormously by selling to a private equity firm just before Black won her House seat in 2010. The couple now has a real estate portfolio, with many properties connected to their old forensics business, worth more than $21 million.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Tenn.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$14.6M",
"realestatedisplay": "$21.8M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$1.7M",
"worthdisplay": "$38.0M",
"assetsdisplay": "$38.0M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthgraph": "$38.0M",
"assetsgraph": "$38.0M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.0M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "06",
"rankdisplay": "14",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "15",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Paul ",
"lastname": "Mitchell ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Michigan",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "37669075",
"assets": "39669077",
"liabilities": "2000002",
"prevworth": "",
"prevassets": "",
"prevliabilities": "",
"spouse": "5 ",
"investments": "36389069",
"realestate": "2000002",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "1280006",
"investmentspercentage": "92",
"realestatepercentage": "5",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "3",
"personid": "54461",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Success over three decades as a corporate executive allowed Mitchell to spend more than $3.6 million to win an open House seat in 2016 covering the \u201cThumb\u201d counties north of Detroit. (He spent almost the same amount in 2014 in a different district and lost.) He started his career at Chrysler and in 1985 was hired by Ross Education, which trains medical assistants, health insurance claims processors, doctors\u2019 office administrators and pharmacy technicians. At one point he ran a division focused on retraining welfare recipients and rose to be CEO and co-owner for six years until stepping down in 2011. Mitchell lists a diverse selection of high-value stocks and partnership income from a private investment fund.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "1",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Mich.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$36.4M",
"realestatedisplay": "$2.0M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$1.3M",
"worthdisplay": "$37.7M",
"assetsdisplay": "$39.7M",
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"assetsgraph": "$39.7M",
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"prevworthdisplay": "",
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"updates": "",
"district": "10",
"rankdisplay": "15",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "16",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "James B.",
"lastname": "Renacci ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Ohio",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "34404549",
"assets": "34404549",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
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"investmentspercentage": "78",
"realestatepercentage": "14",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "8",
"personid": "31130",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Before his election to Congress in 2010, Renacci boasts that his entrepreneurial zeal led him to own and operate more than five dozen different businesses in the previous three decades. Now he\u2019s giving up his House seat, located in the suburbs between Akron and Cleveland, to run for the Senate. As an accountant in Pittsburgh, he did audits and consulted for several nursing home companies. That prompted him to get into the business himself, creating a chain that grew to more than 20 nursing homes. Fifteen years later, he sold them and launched several new ventures, including a CPA practice, a financial consultancy for troubled business and a string of Harley-Davidson dealerships. Most of his wealth is in two Raymond James accounts, each worth more than $26 million and with diverse portfolios of stocks and municipal bonds.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Ohio",
"investmentsdisplay": "$26.9M",
"realestatedisplay": "$4.8M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$2.8M",
"worthdisplay": "$34.4M",
"assetsdisplay": "$34.4M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthgraph": "$34.4M",
"assetsgraph": "$34.4M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.0M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "16",
"rankdisplay": "16",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "17",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Scott ",
"lastname": "Peters ",
"party": "D",
"state": "California",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "32038040",
"assets": "32098044",
"liabilities": "60004",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "49 ",
"investments": "30548042",
"realestate": "0",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "1550002",
"investmentspercentage": "95",
"realestatepercentage": "0",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "5",
"personid": "45315",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Peters won his seat representing northern San Diego in 2012, after a stint on the city council and an enormously successful two decades as a corporate tax attorney and also an environmental litigator, representing both businesses and government agencies in their regulatory disputes. And the millions he\u2019s made from investing his earnings is almost matched by the riches of his wife, Lynn Gorguze, who heads up Cameron Holdings, a private equity firm focused on manufacturing enterprises established by her late father, former Emerson Electric executive (and sometime Republican donor) Vincent Gorguze. Millions of the congressman\u2019s wife\u2019s assets are in municipal bonds across California, Washington and Nevada.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Calif.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$30.5M",
"realestatedisplay": "$0.0M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$1.6M",
"worthdisplay": "$32.0M",
"assetsdisplay": "$32.1M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.1M",
"worthgraph": "$32.0M",
"assetsgraph": "$32.1M",
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"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "52",
"rankdisplay": "17",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "18",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Donald S.",
"lastname": "Beyer Jr.",
"party": "D",
"state": "Virginia",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "31177034",
"assets": "39307049",
"liabilities": "8130015",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
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"spouse": "1 ",
"investments": "9376029",
"realestate": "28500013",
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"bankaccounts": "16002",
"investmentspercentage": "24",
"realestatepercentage": "73",
"trustspercentage": "4",
"bankaccountspercentage": "0",
"personid": "1366",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Long before he won an open seat in burgeoning Northern Virginia in 2014, the exhaustively marketed Beyer name was synonymous with buying a Volvo in the Washington suburbs. An auto dealership was the small family business he inherited and has since expanded to nine eponymous locations \u2014 some of which also sell Kias, Subarus and Land Rovers. (They are nonetheless listed on his financial disclosures by such quirky names as Forbidden Fruit LLC, The Great Experiment and Pirate Motors.) He lists several family trusts built from diverse investment funds and 13 pieces of investment property in Maryland and Northern Virginia.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Va.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$9.4M",
"realestatedisplay": "$28.5M",
"trustsdisplay": "$1.4M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthdisplay": "$31.2M",
"assetsdisplay": "$39.3M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$8.1M",
"worthgraph": "$31.2M",
"assetsgraph": "$39.3M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$8.1M",
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"updates": "",
"district": "08",
"rankdisplay": "18",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "19",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Tom ",
"lastname": "MacArthur ",
"party": "R",
"state": "New Jersey",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "30003424",
"assets": "32503427",
"liabilities": "2500003",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "3 ",
"investments": "22497278",
"realestate": "6400005",
"trusts": "1088137",
"bankaccounts": "2518007",
"investmentspercentage": "69",
"realestatepercentage": "20",
"trustspercentage": "3",
"bankaccountspercentage": "8",
"personid": "53596",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Aided by $5 million from the fortune he made in the insurance business, MacArthur staked his claim four years ago to an open district that stretches across the center of the state. He had started in the industry as an entry-level claims adjuster, making $13,000 a year out of college in the early 1980s. But two decades later he had done well enough to pay $12 million for a division of AIG that provides coverage for the otherwise uninsurable. He sold the company, now known as York Risk Services Group, 11 years later for $500 million. Most of MacArthur\u2019s assets are joint investments with his wife, Debbie, including a pair of $1 million-plus hedge funds and municipal bonds in New York and New Jersey. For the past decade, much of his wealth has been in irrevocable trusts for the benefit of his two children.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "N.J.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$22.5M",
"realestatedisplay": "$6.4M",
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"bankaccountsdisplay": "$2.5M",
"worthdisplay": "$30.0M",
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"assetsgraph": "$32.5M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$2.5M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "03",
"rankdisplay": "19",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "20",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Suzan ",
"lastname": "DelBene ",
"party": "D",
"state": "Washington",
"gender": "F",
"worth": "28429073",
"assets": "28429073",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "8 ",
"investments": "20548062",
"realestate": "6750004",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "1131007",
"investmentspercentage": "72",
"realestatepercentage": "24",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "4",
"personid": "32274",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Since her arrival in the House in 2013, DelBene has been a rare Democrat with corporate expertise in the industry that drives the economic fortunes of her constituents. She amassed her fortune by launching a pair of successful internet startups and then rising from an internship through the ranks of Microsoft Corp., the software behemoth headquartered in her district, to become vice president for mobile communications marketing. Microsoft was where she met her husband, Kurt DelBene, who has since retired after making his own riches there. The couple bought a second home, for cash, in D.C. three years ago. Their other holdings include stakes above $1 million in seven different investment funds.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Wash.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$20.5M",
"realestatedisplay": "$6.8M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$1.1M",
"worthdisplay": "$28.4M",
"assetsdisplay": "$28.4M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthgraph": "$28.4M",
"assetsgraph": "$28.4M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.0M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "01",
"rankdisplay": "20",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "21",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Rodney ",
"lastname": "Frelinghuysen ",
"party": "R",
"state": "New Jersey",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "28003326",
"assets": "28003326",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "29 ",
"investments": "8367047",
"realestate": "500002",
"trusts": "17471271",
"bankaccounts": "1665006",
"investmentspercentage": "30",
"realestatepercentage": "2",
"trustspercentage": "62",
"bankaccountspercentage": "6",
"personid": "325",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "After just two years as chairman of the Appropriations Committee, Frelinghuysen is retiring this fall after 24 years representing the lush \u201chunt country\u201d of central New Jersey. He\u2019s also relinquishing his spot as the richest \u201cold money\u201d member of Congress. Not only does he embody one of the state\u2019s oldest political dynasties \u2014 the sixth Frelinghuysen in Congress since the 18th century \u2014 but he\u2019s also an heir to a pair of industrial fortunes. Almost one-fifth of the congressman\u2019s wealth remains in the stock he\u2019s inherited in Procter & Gamble, the personal care conglomerate founded in part by his great-great-grandfather William Procter. Another great-great-grandfather was William Ballantine, who ran what was once the nation\u2019s third-biggest brewery. Frelinghuysen and his wife, Virginia, are both beneficiaries of substantial and diverse trusts established more than 30 years ago.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "N.J.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$8.4M",
"realestatedisplay": "$0.5M",
"trustsdisplay": "$17.5M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$1.7M",
"worthdisplay": "$28.0M",
"assetsdisplay": "$28.0M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthgraph": "$28.0M",
"assetsgraph": "$28.0M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.0M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "11",
"rankdisplay": "21",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "22",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Roger ",
"lastname": "Williams ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Texas",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "27684057",
"assets": "31184064",
"liabilities": "3500007",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "0 ",
"investments": "27435046",
"realestate": "3451008",
"trusts": "265002",
"bankaccounts": "33008",
"investmentspercentage": "88",
"realestatepercentage": "11",
"trustspercentage": "1",
"bankaccountspercentage": "0",
"personid": "44864",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Big American cars and trucks plowed Williams\u2019 path to representing the Fort Worth suburbs for the past six years, giving him name recognition and financial comfort as he pursued the House seat. After his Major League Baseball dreams sputtered in the late 1970s, Williams began working at the car dealership his family started in 1939 in Weatherford, then the city outskirts. It\u2019s now a sprawling auto mall that sells Ram trucks, Jeeps, Chryslers and Dodges \u2014 and the center of an auto empire including several other dealerships, body shops and car washes across northern Texas. All those assets are valued above $25 million and supplemented by $2 million in traditional real estate.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Texas",
"investmentsdisplay": "$27.4M",
"realestatedisplay": "$3.5M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.3M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthdisplay": "$27.7M",
"assetsdisplay": "$31.2M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$3.5M",
"worthgraph": "$27.7M",
"assetsgraph": "$31.2M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$3.5M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "25",
"rankdisplay": "22",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "23",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Ro ",
"lastname": "Khanna ",
"party": "D",
"state": "California",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "27038540",
"assets": "28088541",
"liabilities": "1050001",
"prevworth": "",
"prevassets": "",
"prevliabilities": "",
"spouse": "100 ",
"investments": "20156517",
"realestate": "1000000",
"trusts": "5766016",
"bankaccounts": "1166008",
"investmentspercentage": "72",
"realestatepercentage": "4",
"trustspercentage": "21",
"bankaccountspercentage": "4",
"personid": "18143",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "A r\u00e9sum\u00e9 as an economist and intellectual property lawyer, not family money, is what helped Khanna win a House seat in 2016 covering Silicon Valley. But his wife, Ritu, has become a multimillionaire thanks to the successes of her father, Monte Ahuja, who\u2019s an executive of Mura Holdings, an investment firm, and Transtar, a dominant player in the world of automotive transmission parts. (The college of business at Cleveland State University is named for the congressman\u2019s father-in-law.) Ritu Ahuja Khanna\u2019s diverse trust, worth over $6.7 million, is the couple\u2019s biggest asset, but they are also invested in an array of stocks and municipal bonds. He spent nothing of theirs on his first congressional race.",
"prevrank": "",
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"newtolist": "1",
"50richest": "0",
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"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Calif.",
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"assetsgraph": "$28.1M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$1.1M",
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"prevassetsdisplay": "",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "",
"updates": "",
"district": "17",
"rankdisplay": "23",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "24",
"chamber": "Sen.",
"firstname": "Claire ",
"lastname": "McCaskill ",
"party": "D",
"state": "Missouri",
"gender": "F",
"worth": "26862199",
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"liabilities": "50001",
"prevworth": "0",
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"spouse": "99 ",
"investments": "25741191",
"realestate": "1000000",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "171009",
"investmentspercentage": "96",
"realestatepercentage": "4",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "1",
"personid": "21002",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The wealthiest senator who\u2019s in a highly competitive re-election race this year, McCaskill owes her elevated financial standing principally to her second husband. Joseph Shepard, a real estate developer specializing in affordable housing who has been married to McCaskill since 2002, owns more than $20 million in his company as well as in investment funds. The senator\u2019s personal assets are investment funds and bank accounts worth at least $230,000, and she also gets some money from her 2015 memoir, \u201cPlenty Ladylike.\u201d McCaskill played host in Canc\u00fan to two fellow Democratic senators, Montana\u2019s Jon Tester and Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, their disclosures reveal.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Mo.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$25.7M",
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"bankaccountsdisplay": "$0.2M",
"worthdisplay": "$26.9M",
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"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "SEN",
"rankdisplay": "24",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "25",
"chamber": "Sen.",
"firstname": "Bob ",
"lastname": "Corker ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Tennessee",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "23108047",
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"prevworth": "0",
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"spouse": "2 ",
"investments": "2409028",
"realestate": "8001006",
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"bankaccounts": "10698011",
"investmentspercentage": "10",
"realestatepercentage": "35",
"trustspercentage": "9",
"bankaccountspercentage": "46",
"personid": "6494",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, who\u2019s recently considered rescinding his retirement and running for a third term, entered politics after becoming a prominent Tennessee developer. He supervised building crews after college and then, at age 25, started his own construction firm with a pickup truck and $8,000 in savings. By the time he sold it, when he was 38, the firm was operating in 18 states. He led a major redevelopment of Chattanooga\u2019s waterfront during four years as mayor and created his own real estate development company, which he sold during his first campaign for Senate a dozen years ago. In addition to heavy investment in real estate and construction ventures, he also owns a piece of the Sweetgreen D.C. salad chain.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Tenn.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$2.4M",
"realestatedisplay": "$8.0M",
"trustsdisplay": "$2.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$10.7M",
"worthdisplay": "$23.1M",
"assetsdisplay": "$23.1M",
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"worthgraph": "$23.1M",
"assetsgraph": "$23.1M",
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"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "SEN",
"rankdisplay": "25",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "26",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Francis ",
"lastname": "Rooney ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Florida",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "22597773",
"assets": "22597773",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "",
"prevassets": "",
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"spouse": "1 ",
"investments": "18983739",
"realestate": "1048007",
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"bankaccounts": "2566027",
"investmentspercentage": "84",
"realestatepercentage": "5",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "11",
"personid": "100795",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Republicans knew Rooney as a money man before he won an open House seat covering the southern Gulf Coast in 2016, because he\u2019d been a big enough GOP donor and fundraiser that he got to be Vatican ambassador in the George W. Bush administration. The money comes from the family business, Manhattan Construction Group, which under his stewardship built both Bush presidential libraries, the new Cowboys stadium in Dallas and the Capitol Visitor Center. Rooney listed the highest pre-congressional salary of any freshman member: $5.5 million. He holds his money in a Brown Advisory account and two separate family investment funds, each with more than $5 million in assets.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "1",
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"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Fla.",
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"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$2.6M",
"worthdisplay": "$22.6M",
"assetsdisplay": "$22.6M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
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"prevworthdisplay": "",
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"updates": "",
"district": "19",
"rankdisplay": "26",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "27",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Joseph P.",
"lastname": "Kennedy III",
"party": "D",
"state": "Massachusetts",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "18674222",
"assets": "20449227",
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"prevworth": "0",
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"trusts": "19182184",
"bankaccounts": "728012",
"investmentspercentage": "3",
"realestatepercentage": "0",
"trustspercentage": "94",
"bankaccountspercentage": "4",
"personid": "46526",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The only member of the storied Democratic dynasty in Congress since his 2012 election in the suburbs south of Boston, Kennedy is actually the scion of two wealthy families. The fortune his namesake great-grandfather made in banking, liquor and moviemaking helped fuel the political rise of the next generation, including the congressman\u2019s grandfather Robert F. Kennedy. And a great-great-grandfather on his mother\u2019s side, Benjamin Brewster, was among the founders of Standard Oil. Now he has more than $20 million invested, almost all of it in his mother\u2019s family trust funds. But Kennedy and his wife, Lauren Anne Birchfield, have mortgages on homes in D.C. and Massachusetts totaling at least $1.7 million, and she owes $25,000 in student loans.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
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"changeworth": "0.0",
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"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Mass.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$0.5M",
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"trustsdisplay": "$19.2M",
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"worthdisplay": "$18.7M",
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"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "04",
"rankdisplay": "27",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "28",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Ralph ",
"lastname": "Norman ",
"party": "R",
"state": "South Carolina",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "18320146",
"assets": "22130152",
"liabilities": "3810006",
"prevworth": "",
"prevassets": "",
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"spouse": "1 ",
"investments": "1697071",
"realestate": "15431078",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "5002003",
"investmentspercentage": "8",
"realestatepercentage": "70",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "23",
"personid": "26236",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Before coming to Congress in June as the successor to Mick Mulvaney, the White House budget director, Norman had spent more than four decades as an executive of the business his father started after World War II, the Warren Norman Co., which has grown to become one of the biggest developers of office parks, commercial buildings and residential subdivisions in northern South Carolina and the adjacent Charlotte, North Carolina, region. His 78 different real estate holdings are his entire net worth, except a PNC Bank account with at least $5 million, even after he spent half a million dollars on his race.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
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"50richest": "0",
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"changeassets": "0.0",
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"stateAP": "S.C.",
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"updates": "",
"district": "05",
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"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "29",
"chamber": "Sen.",
"firstname": "John ",
"lastname": "Hoeven ",
"party": "R",
"state": "North Dakota",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "17859125",
"assets": "17859125",
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"bankaccountspercentage": "11",
"personid": "7095",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Success as a banker propelled Hoeven\u2019s wealth and political career. In 1993 he got appointed president of the Bank of North Dakota, the only such state-owned financial institution, which almost doubled in size in seven years. After that, he was governor for a decade and senator since 2011. But as a teenager, he worked as a bookkeeper at First Western Bank & Trust in Minot, which had recently been bought by his father, and out of college became a vice president. Hoeven eventually became president of a significantly expanded business, Westbrand Inc. Bank Holding Co. He still owns at least $5 million in company stock and keeps at least $1 million in a personal account at First Western. Among his other varied investments are at least $250,000 in mineral rights and oil wells in his home state.",
"prevrank": "",
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"stateAP": "N.D.",
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"firstname": "Nancy ",
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"party": "D",
"state": "California",
"gender": "F",
"worth": "15959034",
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"spouse": "85 ",
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"realestate": "23250010",
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"bankaccounts": "466010",
"investmentspercentage": "28",
"realestatepercentage": "71",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "1",
"personid": "35",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The longest-serving House Democratic leader in half a century, Pelosi had never made a salary before being elected to represent San Francisco in 1987. But she had become a major party activist, fundraiser and donor with her successful businessman husband, Paul, who now owns and operates Financial Leasing Services, a California real estate and venture capital investment and consulting firm. Their holdings include property worth at least $23 million, including a Napa Valley vineyard worth at least $5 million. Paul Pelosi has invested heavily in successful tech stocks including Apple, Disney, Comcast and Facebook \u2014 but he also lost $10 million as owner of the Sacramento Mountain Lions in the now-defunct United Football League. The couple has $16.5 million in liabilities, mostly from mortgages to their expansive real estate collection.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
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"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Calif.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$9.2M",
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"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
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"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "12",
"rankdisplay": "30",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "31",
"chamber": "Sen.",
"firstname": "David ",
"lastname": "Perdue ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Georgia",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "15819130",
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"prevworth": "0",
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"investments": "16253126",
"realestate": "250001",
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"bankaccounts": "316004",
"investmentspercentage": "97",
"realestatepercentage": "1",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "2",
"personid": "53301",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "An open Senate seat lured Perdue to make his first bid for public office four years ago. He won the open Senate seat with the help of $3.9 million of his own money. The cash came from his lucrative career as a turnaround wizard for corporations with troubled brands. He started running the Asia operations for Sara Lee Corp. in 1992, moved two years later to Haggar Clothing and in 1998 joined Reebok, rising to president. Four years later it was on to Pillowtex, a textile company he was unable to save. But a year later he became CEO of Dollar General, later arranging its sale to private investors. He then opened a trading firm in Atlanta. Perdue keeps $14 million in the stock market and has a $1 million-plus mortgage.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Ga.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$16.3M",
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"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
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"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "SEN",
"rankdisplay": "31",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "32",
"chamber": "Sen.",
"firstname": "Jim ",
"lastname": "Risch ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Idaho",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "15633051",
"assets": "16183054",
"liabilities": "550003",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "5 ",
"investments": "1320035",
"realestate": "14700011",
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"bankaccounts": "163008",
"investmentspercentage": "8",
"realestatepercentage": "91",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "1",
"personid": "28588",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Now two-thirds of the way through his first term, Risch launched his political career as a county prosecutor. But it was a love of the mountains that first took him to Idaho and became the source of his wealth. He headed west from his native Milwaukee to study forestry, a passion that faded, and ended up spending his earnings as an attorney in private practice to buy vast tracts of farming and ranching land in southwestern Idaho. Those holdings are now worth at least $13 million. Other real estate investments include two office buildings worth at least $250,000. The senator has $550,000 worth of mortgages.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Idaho",
"investmentsdisplay": "$1.3M",
"realestatedisplay": "$14.7M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$0.2M",
"worthdisplay": "$15.6M",
"assetsdisplay": "$16.2M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.6M",
"worthgraph": "$15.6M",
"assetsgraph": "$16.2M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.6M",
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"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "SEN",
"rankdisplay": "32",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "33",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Brad ",
"lastname": "Schneider ",
"party": "D",
"state": "Illinois",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "14902195",
"assets": "14902195",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "",
"prevassets": "",
"prevliabilities": "",
"spouse": "86 ",
"investments": "14074150",
"realestate": "327027",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "501018",
"investmentspercentage": "94",
"realestatepercentage": "2",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "3",
"personid": "43800",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Now in his third, nonconsecutive term representing suburbs north of Chicago beside Lake Michigan, Schneider touts his business acumen as the founder of Cadence Consulting Group, which specializes in life insurance management and strategic planning for family-owned businesses. But by far a bigger share of his wealth, at least $12 million, is thanks to investment accounts of his wife, Julie Dann Schneider. Her family created Chicago\u2019s largest privately owned insurance brokerage firm, and its successor company is now owned by Alliant, where she\u2019s a senior executive.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "1",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Ill.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$14.1M",
"realestatedisplay": "$0.3M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$0.5M",
"worthdisplay": "$14.9M",
"assetsdisplay": "$14.9M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthgraph": "$14.9M",
"assetsgraph": "$14.9M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.0M",
"prevworthdisplay": "",
"prevassetsdisplay": "",
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"updates": "",
"district": "10",
"rankdisplay": "33",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "34",
"chamber": "Sen.",
"firstname": "John ",
"lastname": "McCain ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Arizona",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "14291113",
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"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
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"investmentspercentage": "56",
"realestatepercentage": "13",
"trustspercentage": "29",
"bankaccountspercentage": "2",
"personid": "26",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The 2008 GOP presidential nominee has been one of the richer members of Congress since his first election to the House in 1982, because two years earlier he divorced his first wife and married Cindy Hensley. She\u2019s the controlling stockholder in Hensley & Co., which her father, Jim, started in 1955. It is now the largest beverage distributor in hot and fast-growing Arizona and the third-largest Anheuser-Busch distributor in the country. Cindy McCain\u2019s holdings are worth $17.6 million, but she\u2019s committed to allocating at least $3.5 million to her four children. She also has credit card debt above $115,000, almost twice McCain\u2019s pension from his quarter-century in the Navy. The couple owns two houses in Southern California in addition to their picturesque compound outside Phoenix.",
"prevrank": "",
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"50richest": "0",
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"stateAP": "Ariz.",
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"assetsgraph": "$17.9M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$3.6M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "SEN",
"rankdisplay": "34",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "35",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Earl L. ",
"lastname": "Carter ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Georgia",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "13201060",
"assets": "13201060",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "8 ",
"investments": "10211043",
"realestate": "500001",
"trusts": "75006",
"bankaccounts": "2415010",
"investmentspercentage": "77",
"realestatepercentage": "4",
"trustspercentage": "1",
"bankaccountspercentage": "18",
"personid": "53307",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The only pharmacist in Congress, Carter created a chain of three pharmacies in greater Savannah, the population center of the district where he was first elected four years ago. Unlike most of the wealthiest members, he did not spend any money to win a ticket to Congress and when he got there joined the ranks of mostly fellow Republicans who sleep in their offices in weeks the House is in session. He sold a stake in his company for more than $1 million two years ago, and his most valuable asset is an index fund worth more than $5 million.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Ga.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$10.2M",
"realestatedisplay": "$0.5M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.1M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$2.4M",
"worthdisplay": "$13.2M",
"assetsdisplay": "$13.2M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthgraph": "$13.2M",
"assetsgraph": "$13.2M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.0M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
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"updates": "",
"district": "01",
"rankdisplay": "35",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "36",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Lloyd ",
"lastname": "Doggett ",
"party": "D",
"state": "Texas",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "13077058",
"assets": "13327059",
"liabilities": "250001",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "2 ",
"investments": "10296050",
"realestate": "2751006",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "280003",
"investmentspercentage": "77",
"realestatepercentage": "21",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "2",
"personid": "467",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "It\u2019s not exactly clear how Doggett became one of the wealthiest career politicians on the Hill. The congressman from Austin since 1995 is a dentist\u2019s son who has been in public office all but four of the past 45 years. During his dozen years as a state senator, an office he won at 26, he was able to maintain a lucrative corporate law practice. He appears to have made profitable investments in the state\u2019s oil and gas industry that grew during his time on the state Supreme Court. His biggest investments are in Vanguard funds. He also owns at least $500,000 of stock in Austin-based Whole Foods and three rental properties near the state capital.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Texas",
"investmentsdisplay": "$10.3M",
"realestatedisplay": "$2.8M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$0.3M",
"worthdisplay": "$13.1M",
"assetsdisplay": "$13.3M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.3M",
"worthgraph": "$13.1M",
"assetsgraph": "$13.3M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.3M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "35",
"rankdisplay": "36",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "37",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Jim ",
"lastname": "Cooper ",
"party": "D",
"state": "Tennessee",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "12285055",
"assets": "12285055",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
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"investments": "1302034",
"realestate": "10353016",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "630005",
"investmentspercentage": "11",
"realestatepercentage": "84",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "5",
"personid": "1025",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Nashville\u2019s veteran House member is the successor to one of Tennessee\u2019s most notable political legacies; he is a grandson of the speaker of the state House during World War I and a son of the state\u2019s governor during World War II. Now the new family business is focused on real estate. With his two brothers, the congressman owns Cooper Brothers Land Co., and his share of its wide array of properties all across Tennessee tops $10 million. He also holds $2.8 million in other real estate assets and assorted bank and investment funds. And he earns $20,000 annually as a part-time teacher at Vanderbilt.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Tenn.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$1.3M",
"realestatedisplay": "$10.4M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$0.6M",
"worthdisplay": "$12.3M",
"assetsdisplay": "$12.3M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthgraph": "$12.3M",
"assetsgraph": "$12.3M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.0M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "05",
"rankdisplay": "37",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "38",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Rick ",
"lastname": "Allen ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Georgia",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "11743024",
"assets": "12593027",
"liabilities": "850003",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "80 ",
"investments": "10477022",
"realestate": "2100003",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "16002",
"investmentspercentage": "83",
"realestatepercentage": "17",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "0",
"personid": "45932",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Another of the richest builders in the House, Allen is in his second term representing his native Augusta and the rural farmland to the south. After spending three years out of college as project manager for a local construction firm, at 25 he launched R.W. Allen & Associates, a commercial building contractor that now operates in six Southeastern states. The congressman\u2019s assets are dominated by his stake of at least $10 million in the firm, with retirement savings and bank accounts making up the rest. He owes a combined minimum of $850,000 on three mortgages.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
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"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Ga.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$10.5M",
"realestatedisplay": "$2.1M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthdisplay": "$11.7M",
"assetsdisplay": "$12.6M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.9M",
"worthgraph": "$11.7M",
"assetsgraph": "$12.6M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.9M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "12",
"rankdisplay": "38",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "39",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Jim ",
"lastname": "Sensenbrenner ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Wisconsin",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "11072073",
"assets": "11072073",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "16 ",
"investments": "9604064",
"realestate": "1350003",
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"bankaccounts": "118006",
"investmentspercentage": "87",
"realestatepercentage": "12",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "1",
"personid": "531",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The second most senior member of the House, first elected in 1978 to represent the Milwaukee suburbs, is an heir to the Kimberly-Clark paper and consumer goods fortune. A great-grandfather rose to run the company after inventing its signature feminine hygiene product, Kotex, almost a century ago. Sensenbrenner lists no Kimberly-Clark stock among his assets but has a deep and wide-ranging stock portfolio, with investments in more than three dozen companies \u2014 the largest a stake above $1 million, in Pfizer. He is among a very small pool of lawmakers who disclose much more than congressional rules dictate, most recently 470 pages of down-to-the-penny detail for every month of the year. ",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Wis.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$9.6M",
"realestatedisplay": "$1.4M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$0.1M",
"worthdisplay": "$11.1M",
"assetsdisplay": "$11.1M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthgraph": "$11.1M",
"assetsgraph": "$11.1M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.0M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "05",
"rankdisplay": "39",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "40",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Fred ",
"lastname": "Upton ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Michigan",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "10995176",
"assets": "11360179",
"liabilities": "365003",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "12 ",
"investments": "3138040",
"realestate": "0",
"trusts": "7057133",
"bankaccounts": "1165006",
"investmentspercentage": "28",
"realestatepercentage": "0",
"trustspercentage": "62",
"bankaccountspercentage": "10",
"personid": "245",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "In 1911 the congressman\u2019s paternal grandfather, Lou, and his great-uncle Emory patented an electric motor-driven wringer washer and started the Upton Machine Co. to make one of the 20th century\u2019s first revolutionary consumer goods. That company is now the global home appliance behemoth Whirlpool, making Upton an heir to by far the biggest company headquartered in the part of southwestern Michigan he\u2019s represented since 1987. Upton has a stake of more than $3 million in the company and more than $7 million in family trusts. But he and his wife, Amy, also owe more than $115,000 on their mortgage and a home equity line of credit.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Mich.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$3.1M",
"realestatedisplay": "$0.0M",
"trustsdisplay": "$7.1M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$1.2M",
"worthdisplay": "$11.0M",
"assetsdisplay": "$11.4M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.4M",
"worthgraph": "$11.0M",
"assetsgraph": "$11.4M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.4M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "06",
"rankdisplay": "40",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "41",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Nita M.",
"lastname": "Lowey ",
"party": "D",
"state": "New York",
"gender": "F",
"worth": "10946020",
"assets": "10946020",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "69 ",
"investments": "9180015",
"realestate": "250001",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "1516004",
"investmentspercentage": "84",
"realestatepercentage": "2",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "14",
"personid": "356",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The ranking member of the House Appropriations committee segued from Queens homemaker to inside Democratic player in the 1970s, after her husband started making his mark as a Wall Street lawyer. The firm Stephen Lowey co-founded, Lowey Dannenberg Cohen & Hart, specializes in securities and merger-related litigation and is headquartered in White Plains, the population center of the district Lowey has represented for three decades. The congresswoman has $2 million of her own in investment partnerships, but most of the disclosed assets are his, including at least $4 million invested in half a dozen different wealth management enterprises and $2.5 million in his IRA. The couple also rents out an apartment on Capitol Hill for $15,000 a year.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "N.Y.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$9.2M",
"realestatedisplay": "$0.3M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$1.5M",
"worthdisplay": "$10.9M",
"assetsdisplay": "$10.9M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthgraph": "$10.9M",
"assetsgraph": "$10.9M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.0M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "17",
"rankdisplay": "41",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "42",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Carolyn B.",
"lastname": "Maloney ",
"party": "D",
"state": "New York",
"gender": "F",
"worth": "10813047",
"assets": "11313048",
"liabilities": "500001",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "0 ",
"investments": "350028",
"realestate": "9595012",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "1368008",
"investmentspercentage": "3",
"realestatepercentage": "85",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "12",
"personid": "352",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Maloney started her political career as an influential legislative staffer in Albany in the late 1970s, soon after marrying Goldman Sachs investment banker Clifton Maloney. He went on to a highly successful run with his own private investment firm, CH.W. Maloney & Co., but died in 2009 attempting to climb the world\u2019s sixth-highest mountain, in Tibet. Her inheritance is mostly invested in prime residential real estate that generates more than $365,000 in rental income: A five-story townhouse on Manhattan\u2019s Upper East Side, the heart of the district she\u2019s represented since 1993, and properties on Capitol Hill, Jamaica, the Virginia coast and North Carolina.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "N.Y.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$0.4M",
"realestatedisplay": "$9.6M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$1.4M",
"worthdisplay": "$10.8M",
"assetsdisplay": "$11.3M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.5M",
"worthgraph": "$10.8M",
"assetsgraph": "$11.3M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.5M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "12",
"rankdisplay": "42",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "43",
"chamber": "Sen.",
"firstname": "Mitch ",
"lastname": "McConnell ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Kentucky",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "10436071",
"assets": "10436071",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "64 ",
"investments": "6207047",
"realestate": "1000001",
"trusts": "679012",
"bankaccounts": "2550011",
"investmentspercentage": "59",
"realestatepercentage": "10",
"trustspercentage": "7",
"bankaccountspercentage": "24",
"personid": "202",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The Senate majority leader lists only $786,000 in assets entirely his own. His wealth is overwhelmingly thanks to his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao. Ten years ago the couple received a $5 million gift from her father, James, soon after the death of her mother. (After emigrating in the 1960s, the senator\u2019s father-in-law founded a successful international trading business, now called the Foremost Group, specializing in importing Chinese-made goods to the United States.) The couple\u2019s biggest investments are a trio of $1 million-plus Vanguard index funds. She also was paid at least $1.3 million for her time on the boards of both Wells Fargo and News Corp. before joining the Trump administration.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Ky.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$6.2M",
"realestatedisplay": "$1.0M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.7M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$2.6M",
"worthdisplay": "$10.4M",
"assetsdisplay": "$10.4M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthgraph": "$10.4M",
"assetsgraph": "$10.4M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.0M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "SEN",
"rankdisplay": "43",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "44",
"chamber": "Rep.",
"firstname": "Mike ",
"lastname": "Kelly ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Pennsylvania",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "10385150",
"assets": "10385150",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "72 ",
"investments": "9385147",
"realestate": "250001",
"trusts": "500001",
"bankaccounts": "250001",
"investmentspercentage": "90",
"realestatepercentage": "2",
"trustspercentage": "5",
"bankaccountspercentage": "2",
"personid": "31250",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "The name recognition that launched Kelly\u2019s political career came from Kelly Chevrolet-Cadillac, the dealership his father launched after World War II in their hometown of Butler, the fourth-largest city in the Erie-based district he\u2019s held for four terms. Kelly eventually bought the business from his dad and expanded it to include a Kia and Hyundai dealership next door. Now the bulk of the profits are in the name of his wife, Victoria; they report portfolios with more than 175 different investments in an array of individual stocks and bonds as well as two-dozen mutual funds. In 2016 they liquidated $900,000 in assets but reported no liabilities.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Pa.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$9.4M",
"realestatedisplay": "$0.3M",
"trustsdisplay": "$0.5M",
"bankaccountsdisplay": "$0.3M",
"worthdisplay": "$10.4M",
"assetsdisplay": "$10.4M",
"liabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"worthgraph": "$10.4M",
"assetsgraph": "$10.4M",
"liabilitiesgraph": "$0.0M",
"prevworthdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevassetsdisplay": "$0.0M",
"prevliabilitiesdisplay": "$0.0M",
"updates": "",
"district": "03",
"rankdisplay": "44",
"allsort": "RepSen"
"rank": "45",
"chamber": "Sen.",
"firstname": "Ron ",
"lastname": "Johnson ",
"party": "R",
"state": "Wisconsin",
"gender": "M",
"worth": "10351014",
"assets": "10351014",
"liabilities": "0",
"prevworth": "0",
"prevassets": "0",
"prevliabilities": "0",
"spouse": "0 ",
"investments": "2050006",
"realestate": "5000001",
"trusts": "0",
"bankaccounts": "3301007",
"investmentspercentage": "20",
"realestatepercentage": "48",
"trustspercentage": "0",
"bankaccountspercentage": "32",
"personid": "32657",
"verified": "0",
"year": "2017",
"lastupdated": "2017",
"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Johnson had never run for office before winning his Senate seat in 2010, mainly by spending $8.7 million from the nest egg he\u2019d built as a plastics entrepreneur. In Oshkosh in 1979, he and his brother-in-law started Pacur, which initially focused on making specialty plastics for packaging medical devices and has expanded into high-tech printing applications. He still has a 5 percent ownership stake in Pacur valued at more than $1 million, but his single biggest asset is a commercial real estate venture worth between $5 million and $25 million. Johnson also has a 10 percent stake, worth less than $500,000, in DP Lenticular Ltd., a 3-D printing business in Ireland.",
"prevrank": "",
"changerank": "",
"newtolist": "0",
"50richest": "0",
"20poorest": "0",
"changeworth": "0.0",
"changeassets": "0.0",
"changeliabilities": "0.0",
"stateAP": "Wis.",
"investmentsdisplay": "$2.1M",
"realestatedisplay": "$5.0M",
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"writeup": "Northeastern Iowa\u2019s House member, Blum was a newcomer to politics when he first ran in 2014. He had spent his career in the software business, rising to president of Eagle Point Software in Dubuque before launching his own company, Digital Canal, in 2001. He retains a stake of between $1 million and $5 million in the company, which writes programs for home-building and structural engineering estimates. He also made at least $2,500 on his family farm and reports being owed more than $1 million on his loan seven years ago to NHL defenseman Jack Johnson. (The deal was arranged by the hockey player\u2019s Dubuque-based financial adviser.)",
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"year": "2017",
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"writeup": "The chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee did well in the family business in the early stages of his long political career. Out of college he opened the first office in Cobb County of Northside Realty, of which his father, Ed, was a founder. Isakson got elected to the state legislature in 1976 and three years later took the helm of the company. He was a House member 22 years later when he relinquished that title, by which time Northside claimed to be the biggest independent real estate company in the Southeast. A blind trust Isakson established in 2012 is listed between $5 million and $25 million and holds the bulk of the senator\u2019s wealth, but he also makes money renting condominiums near the University of Georgia campus.",
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"firstname": "Bill ",
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"year": "2017",
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"dateentered": "2017",
"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Before his initial election a decade ago to represent the Chicago exurbs, Foster was a high-energy physicist who helped design particle accelerators at Fermilab. But he made his money with his brother, Fred, by starting Electronic Theatre Controls, which now claims to provide lighting for 70 percent of the country\u2019s theater and entertainment venues. Foster sold his interest in the business before his first congressional run to avoid any conflict of interest but still holds a promissory note from his sale of the company worth more than $5 million.",
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"year": "2017",
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"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "Portman was elected to the Senate eight years ago, the same year his father died and made the new senator one of the richest members of Congress. Bill Portman started a small forklift company in Cincinnati and grew it into the Portman Equipment Co., a large material-handling distributor. Much of the senator\u2019s money is held in a mix of bonds and mutual funds, but he also has real estate holdings worth at least $1.4 million. His largest investment remains his interest in Lebanon House Inc., a family enterprise that owns the Golden Lamb Inn, which opened in 1803 and is the oldest continuously operating business in Ohio. The senator now owns it with his siblings.",
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"updatedby": "",
"writeup": "In the late 1970s Pearce and his wife, Cynthia, founded and ran Lea Fishing Tools, an oilfield services company in his native Hobbs. They sold the bulk of the business to Key Energy Services for $12 million in 2003, when Pearce was in his freshman term, but he still has a stake of at least $1 million. His largest asset now is a joint stake with his wife of between $5 million and $25 million in Dallas-based Trinity Industries Inc., which rents heavy equipment used in the energy and chemical industries. Cynthia Pearce has at least $1 million in stock in a local bank, where she is a director.",
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