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Forked from eseidel/main.dart
Created May 8, 2022 17:16
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Boid (bird-like flocking) simulation, inspired by
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dart:math';
const double kBoidVelocity = 5.0;
const double kBoidScale = 2.0;
const int kBoidCount = 100;
const double kBoidMaxAvoidSteerSpeed = .1;
// Angles above maxAlignAngle are treeted the same (caps the turn speed).
const double kBoidMaxAlignAngle = pi / 10.0;
const double kBoidMaxAlignSteerSpeed = pi / 100.0;
// Governs how much the boids spread out at the start.
const double kInitialWorldSize = 1000;
const double kBoidSenseRadius = 100;
const double kBoidSenseAngle = .75 * pi;
const bool kEnableSeparation = true;
const bool kEnableAlignment = true;
const bool kEnableCohesion = true;
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Boids Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
home: MyHomePage(),
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
MyHomePage({Key key}) : super(key: key);
_MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage>
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
World world;
void resetWorld() {
var random = Random();
world.mobs = List.generate(kBoidCount, (int _) {
return Boid()
..velocity = kBoidVelocity
..position = Offset(world.lastKnownSize.width * random.nextDouble(),
world.lastKnownSize.height * random.nextDouble())
..radians = random.nextDouble() * 2.0 * pi
..color =
Color.lerp(Colors.lightBlue,, random.nextDouble());
Boid focus = world.focusedMob;
focus.color =;
focus.showSight = true;
void initState() {
world = World();
createTicker((Duration elapsed) {
setState(() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GestureDetector(
onTap: () => resetWorld(),
child: CustomPaint(
painter: WorldPainter(world),
child: SizedBox.expand(),
Offset constrainToSize(Offset offset, Size size) =>
Offset(offset.dx % size.width, offset.dy % size.height);
class World {
List<Mob> mobs;
Size lastKnownSize = Size(kInitialWorldSize, kInitialWorldSize);
Mob get focusedMob => mobs.first;
void tick(Duration elapsed) {
// Move all mobs, if they're outside the bounds, wrap them.
(mob) {
if (!lastKnownSize.contains(mob.position))
mob.position = constrainToSize(mob.position, lastKnownSize);
// Plan the next move for all mobs, including debug details.
mobs.forEach((mob) {
if (kEnableAlignment) {
mobs.forEach((Mob mob) {
Boid boid = mob;
boid.showAngleVector =
focusedMob.inSensingArea(mob) || mob == focusedMob;
// Paint comes after tick.
abstract class Mob {
Offset position =;
double radians;
double velocity;
Offset get velocityVector => Offset.fromDirection(radians, velocity);
bool inSensingArea(Mob mob) => false;
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size);
void tick(World world);
void plan(World world);
class Boid extends Mob {
Color color;
Path _path = Path()
..moveTo(10, 0)
..lineTo(-5, -5)
..lineTo(-5, 5)
bool showSight = false;
bool showAngleVector = false;
double nextSteeringChange = 0.0;
List<Offset> relativeVectorsForNearbyMobs;
Offset neighborsCentroid;
void tick(World world) {
radians += nextSteeringChange;
position += velocityVector;
double normalizeWithinPiToNegativePi(double radians) =>
((radians + pi) % (2 * pi) - pi);
// TODO: This is current linear, quadratic might look better.
double avoidSteerIntensity(Offset colisionVector) {
// Steer harder the closer the object is
// and the more directly in-front it is.
double angle =
return (1 - colisionVector.distance / kBoidSenseRadius) *
(1 - angle / kBoidSenseAngle);
bool inSensingArea(Mob other) {
if (other == this) return false;
Offset offsetToOther = other.position - position;
if (offsetToOther.distance > kBoidSenseRadius) return false;
double relativeAngleToOther =
offsetToOther.direction - velocityVector.direction;
relativeAngleToOther = normalizeWithinPiToNegativePi(relativeAngleToOther);
// Ignore mobs outside our sense angle.
return (relativeAngleToOther.abs() <= kBoidSenseAngle);
List<Offset> collectRelativeVectorsForNearbyMobs(World world) {
List<Offset> nearbyVectors = <Offset>[];
for (Mob other in world.mobs) {
if (other == this) continue;
Offset offsetToOther = other.position - position;
if (offsetToOther.distance > kBoidSenseRadius) continue;
double relativeAngleToOther =
offsetToOther.direction - velocityVector.direction;
relativeAngleToOther =
// Ignore mobs outside our sense angle.
if (relativeAngleToOther.abs() > kBoidSenseAngle) continue;
Offset relativeVector =
Offset.fromDirection(relativeAngleToOther, offsetToOther.distance);
return nearbyVectors;
double steerToSeparate() {
double totalAdjustment = 0.0;
// Instead of looping and summing, we could just steer away from the closest?
for (Offset relativeVector in relativeVectorsForNearbyMobs) {
// Steer away from the angle of the relative vector.
// At speed relative to how close the mob is
// and how much in front of us it is.
double angleAdjust = -relativeVector.direction.sign *
kBoidMaxAvoidSteerSpeed *
totalAdjustment += angleAdjust;
return totalAdjustment;
double alignSteerIntensityForAngle(double angleDiff) =>
(angleDiff / (0.1 * pi));
double steerToAlign(World world) {
double averageAngle = 0.0;
int neighborCount = 0;
for (Mob mob in world.mobs) {
if (!inSensingArea(mob)) continue;
neighborCount += 1;
averageAngle += normalizeWithinPiToNegativePi(mob.radians);
if (neighborCount == 0) return 0.0;
averageAngle /= neighborCount;
double angleDiff = averageAngle - normalizeWithinPiToNegativePi(radians);
angleDiff = angleDiff.sign * min(angleDiff.abs(), kBoidMaxAlignAngle);
// Apply a curved steering adjustment based on diff from average.
return alignSteerIntensityForAngle(angleDiff) * kBoidMaxAvoidSteerSpeed;
Offset computeNeighborsCentroid(World world) {
double xSum = 0;
double ySum = 0;
int neighborCount = 0;
for (Mob mob in world.mobs) {
if (!inSensingArea(mob)) continue;
neighborCount += 1;
xSum += mob.position.dx;
ySum += mob.position.dy;
if (neighborCount == 0) return null;
return Offset(xSum / neighborCount, ySum / neighborCount);
double steerTowardsMiddle() {
// TODO: This should use the updated planned velocity vector?
return (velocityVector.direction - neighborsCentroid.direction) / 100;
void plan(World world) {
nextSteeringChange = 0;
relativeVectorsForNearbyMobs = collectRelativeVectorsForNearbyMobs(world);
// Separation
if (kEnableSeparation) nextSteeringChange += steerToSeparate();
// Alignment
if (kEnableAlignment) nextSteeringChange += steerToAlign(world);
// Cohesion
if (kEnableCohesion) {
neighborsCentroid = computeNeighborsCentroid(world);
if (neighborsCentroid != null) nextSteeringChange += steerTowardsMiddle();
void paintSightArc(Canvas canvas) {
Paint circlePaint = Paint()
..color = Colors.grey.withOpacity(.1)
..strokeWidth = 3.0 = PaintingStyle.fill;
var arcRect = Rect.fromCenter(
width: 2 * kBoidSenseRadius,
height: 2 * kBoidSenseRadius);
arcRect, -kBoidSenseAngle, 2 * kBoidSenseAngle, true, circlePaint);
void paintDistanceLines(Canvas canvas) {
for (Offset relativeVector in relativeVectorsForNearbyMobs) {
Paint obstaclePaint = Paint()
..color = Color.lerp(Colors.brown.withOpacity(.3),,
..strokeWidth = 3.0 = PaintingStyle.stroke;
canvas.drawLine(, relativeVector, obstaclePaint);
void paintAngle(Canvas canvas) {
Paint selfPaint = Paint()
..color = (showSight ? : Colors.lightBlue)
..strokeWidth = 2.0 = PaintingStyle.stroke;
canvas.drawLine(, Offset(velocity * 20, 0), selfPaint);
void paintNeighborsCentroid(Canvas canvas) {
if (neighborsCentroid == null) return;
Paint middlePaint = Paint()
..color = Colors.white
..strokeWidth = 2.0 = PaintingStyle.fill;
canvas.drawCircle(neighborsCentroid, 10.0, middlePaint);
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {;
if (showSight && kEnableCohesion) paintNeighborsCentroid(canvas);
canvas.translate(position.dx, position.dy);
if (showSight) {
if (kEnableSeparation) paintDistanceLines(canvas);
if (showAngleVector) paintAngle(canvas);
Paint trianglePaint = Paint()
..color = color
..strokeWidth = 3.0 = PaintingStyle.fill;
canvas.drawPath(_path, trianglePaint);
class WorldPainter extends CustomPainter {
final World world;
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
// TODO: Remove the lastKnownSize hack.
world.lastKnownSize = size;
world.mobs.forEach((mob) {
mob.paint(canvas, size);
bool shouldRepaint(WorldPainter oldDelegate) => true;
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