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Created October 4, 2014 22:19
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Specta/Expecta testing - basic
#import "Specta.h"
#import "Expecta.h"
#import "KIF.h"
#import "Swizzlean.h"
describe(@"GenericTestSpec", ^{
describe(@"Simple testing techniques", ^{
describe(@"how to use beKindOf", ^{
it(@"creates an NSString and tests that it is kind of class NSString",^{
NSString *theString = @"The String";
expect(theString).to.beKindOf([NSString class]);
it(@"creates an NSArray and tests that it is kind of class NSArray",^{
NSArray *theArray = @[];
expect(theArray).to.beKindOf([NSArray class]);
describe(@"how to use .to.equal matcher", ^{
it(@"tests that 4+4 is equal to 8",^{
it(@"creates an NSString variable called 'name', tests that it is equal to @\"Chris\"",^{
NSString *name = @"Chris";
it(@"creates an NSArray, uses a test to verify that the array is identical to @[@\"poptarts\", @\"hotpockets\"]",^{
NSArray *healthyFood = @[@"poptarts", @"hot pockets"];
expect(healthyFood).to.equal(@[@"poptarts", @"hot pockets"]);
describe(@"how to use the notTo.equal matcher", ^{
it(@"creates an NSString and tests that it is not equal to the NSString @\"Joe\"",^{
NSString *name = @"Chris";
it(@"test that 4+4 is not equal to 18",^{
it(@"creates an NSArray variable, sets it equal to an array with the NSStrings 'poptarts' and 'hot pockets', uses a test to verify that the array is not equal to @[@\"celery\", @\"spinach\"]",^{
NSArray *healthyFood = @[@"poptarts", @"hot pockets"];
expect(healthyFood).notTo.equal(@[@"celery", @"spinach"]);
it(@"creates an NSArray variable, sets it equal to an array with the NSStrings 'poptarts' and 'hot pockets', tests to verify that it is not equal to @[@\"hotpockets\", @\"poptarts\"]",^{
NSArray *healthyFood = @[@"poptarts", @"hot pockets"];
expect(healthyFood).notTo.equal(@[@"hotpockets", @"poptarts"]);
describe(@"using beTruthy matcher", ^{
it(@"tests that 4+4 == 8 to be true",^{
it(@"creates an NSString, tests that it is equal to @\"Chris\"",^{
NSString *name = @"Chris";
expect([name isEqualToString:@"Chris"]).to.beTruthy;
describe(@"using the beFalsy matcher", ^{
it(@"creates an NSString variable called 'name' with the value Chris. test that your variable is not equal to the NSString @\"Joe\"",^{
NSString *name = @"Chris";
expect([name isEqualToString:@"Joe"]).to.beFalsy;
it(@"tests that 4+4 is not equal to 18",^{
expect(4+4 == 18).to.beFalsy;
describe(@"how to use beginsWith and endsWith", ^{
it(@"re-create the 'healthyFood' array, tests that 'healthyFood' begins with @\"poptarts\"",^{
NSArray *healthyFood = @[@"poptarts", @"hot pockets"];
it(@"re-creates the 'healthyFood' array from earlier in the exercise. test that 'healthyFood' ends with with @\"hot pockets\"",^{
NSArray *healthyFood = @[@"poptarts", @"hot pockets"];
expect(healthyFood).to.endWith(@"hot pockets");
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