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Created November 4, 2021 09:58
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Hoods to Hex SQL
create index idx_liberties_geom_2157 on dublin_hoods.liberties using gist (st_transform(geom, 2157));
create table dublin_hoods.liberties_extent as
select, g.geom, count(nh.*) as count, ((count(nh.*)/(select count(*)::float from dublin_hoods.liberties)) * 100)::int as pct
from dublin_hoods.hex_grid g
left join dublin_hoods.liberties nh on st_intersects(g.geom, st_transform(nh.geom, 2157)) --My grid is in EPSG:2157 but the geoms are 4326 so need to reproject.
group by, g.geom
having count(nh.*) > 0;
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