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Created May 17, 2018 02:23
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The Best Time to Party
// (Impure) Functional javascript kata inspired by
// Puzzle 2: The Best Time to Party
// MIT 6.S095 Programming for the Puzzled, IAP 2018
// Assuming that the list of celebrities can be very large
// and the number of hours are limited (small)
// This solution only traverses the list once
// Celebrities arrival and departure times
const celebrities = [
[6, 7],
[7, 9],
[10, 11],
[10, 12],
[8, 10],
[9, 11],
[6, 8]
// inc: increment array element using 0 for empty
const inc = mutableArray =>
index =>
(mutableArray[index] = (mutableArray[index] || 0) + 1)
// count: reducer to count celebrities present at any hour
const count = (accAry, [arrival, departure]) => {
// console.log(arrive, depart)
const incInAry = inc(accAry)
for (var t = arrival; t < departure; t++) {
// console.log(accAry)
return accAry
let time
const max = (acc, n, i) =>
(n || 0) > acc
? ((time = i), n)
: acc
'There will be ' +
.reduce(count, [])
.reduce(max, 0) +
' celebrities present')
console.log('if you arrive at ' + time)
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