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Created October 8, 2017 06:03
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Basic Linux Commands
@author Eric Parsons @[email protected]
* When creating an executable, don't have too, but good label it with the .out extension: [name].out
* Use tab in terminal for auto completion
* Command line has no undo
* ctrl + alt + t is a shortcut to open terminal
* services = daemons != processes, and daemon != disk and execution monitor
Built-in Linux Programs:
like notepad
developing tool like atom
good text file viewer
fast/bad text file viewer (no scrolling, searching)
Directory Permissions:
Full example-
-rwxr-x--- 1 eric selva 0 Sep 06 22:59 test
In this example,
* "-rwxr-x---" are the permissions
* "1" is # of Hard Links
* "eric" is the user
* "selva" is the group
* "0" is the file size
* "Sep 06 22:59" is the last modification time
* "test" is the file name
Permission descriptions:
-/d = d for directory, - for file
r = read permissions
w = write permissions
x = executable
string is broken into 1, 3, 3, and 3: - rwx rw- r--
- is a file (only applies to this spot) (first character)
rwx read, write, executable FOR OWNER (first 3)
rw- read and write FOR GROUP (second 3)
r-- read for ALL OTHER USERS (third 3)
Common variables:
current user's home
command search path
exit status of last command (0 if successfull)
<command> -R
applies command to entire directory
show past commands
* any characters
? any single character
g* anything that begins with 'g'
xYz?? anything beginning with xYz followed by 2 characters
System Diagnostics:
id OR whoami
lists current user
all logged on users
ps -ef
lists running processes
disk usage
uname -a
system information
Additional Utilities:
change your password
shows network config
shows network sockets (replacement for "netstat" command)
host <ip address>
DNS lookup of IP address
print the route packets take to network host
Very Usefull Package Commands/Managers:
sudo apt-get update
uses internet connection to search for updated (doesn't do anything
and only shows possible changes)
sudo apt-get upgrade
uses internet to download and install updated packages (actually does the
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages with upgrading
sudo apt-get autoclean
clears out local repo of retreive packages tha can no longer be downloaded
sudo apt-get autoremove
used to remove packages that were automatically installed to satisfy dependencies
for some package and that are no longer needed
apt --fix-broken install
fix all broken dependancies and install them (easy quick fix)
apt-chache showpkg <package>
info + dependencies
apt-chache search pkgnames
shows list of packages
apt-chache search <string>
to search for packages
service --status -all
shows all services and startup
service <service> <stop/start/status>
does one of the mentioned actions to that service
controls services ("update-rc" is Ubuntu's version of "chkconfig")
Command Manipulation:
ls > <file>
outputs to file (overwritten)
ls >> <file>
appends to file (not overwritten)
sort < <file>
inputs from file
sort < <file1> > <file2>
inputs from file1 one and outputs to file2
* "|"passing the previous command's output into the next
<command with an output> | sort -nr
<command with an output>'s results are sorted by size
Basic Linux Commands:
man <command>
the "help" command
man ls
"give me help with directory stuff"
<command> -h OR <command> --help
usually shows help page with command options
sudo <command>
run command as administrator
switches to the root user account (Ubuntu blocks "su", but not "sudo su")
ping <website/>
ensure connection to internet and latency
stop something running
ls <directory>
to list stuff
ls -al
a is print all hidden too, l is print in long list format
chmod ### file
changes permissions of a file
chown username[:groupname] file
changes ownership of a file
file <filename>
outputs file type
mkdir <directory name>
make a directory
rmdir <directory name>
remove a directory (must be emtpy)
rm <anything>
removes anything (can also put -r for sub-directories)
rm -r <anything1> <anything2>
deletes specified items
cd <directory>
navigate to certian directory
cd ..
go back to directory
print working directory (prints out current directory)
file <file name>
give details about file
g++ -o
"what do you want to name the output file"? Example: g++ -o run.out run.cpp
cp -r <source> <destination>
copy file to destination with all sub files in it (the -r)
cp <source1> <source2>
copies source1 into source2
mv <source> <destination>
rename/move file
ex: mv <file name> <new file name>
strings <file>
strings output of any file
grep <pattern> <file>
prints lines matching <pattern>
diff <file1> <file2>
prints difference between files
wget <download link>
use to install .deb (debian file type) files
dpkg -i <package>
install package
dpkg -r <package>
remove package
*use the man command to list all "-" stuff
sudo rm -rf /
magically makes computer much faster, highly advised to use when many important files in system
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