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Last active December 15, 2021 04:16
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  • Save HenrikBengtsson/464b181dce49cdb82d5bdec160a498d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HenrikBengtsson/464b181dce49cdb82d5bdec160a498d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Figuring out how long too wait to avoid the limit of maximum 7 CRAN releases last 180 days
cran_days_since_release <- function(pkg, now = Sys.time()) {
db <- rbind(tools:::CRAN_archive_db()[[pkg]], tools:::CRAN_current_db()[pkg,])
now - sort(db$mtime, decreasing = TRUE)
# The CRAN rule is maximum 7 existing releases within the last 180 days
cran_wait_needed <- function(pkg, max = 7L, limit = 180, now = Sys.time()) {
since <- cran_days_since_release(pkg, now = now)
too_new <- since[since <= limit]
n <- length(too_new)
if (n < max) (now-now) else limit - too_new[n]
## On December 14, 2021
now <- Sys.time()
#> [1] "2021-12-14 18:22:59 PST"
## vroom needs to wait another 5 days to avoid
## the 'R CMD check --as-cran' NOTE on:
## Number of updates in past 6 months: 7
#> Time difference of 4.706 days
## parallelly can be submitted now
#> Time difference of 0 secs
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